The next few days were filled with sex, given we wanted to stick together and not be suspicious. Not to mention, we knew the cultists would be making their move soon, something that caused intense worry within me. Given the entire ordeal was quite dazzling, I didn’t mind.
One thing I did note, though, was the looks Remus and Misty gave me. I had a feeling they were preparing to pounce, but when, I had no idea.
At the moment, morning had arrived, and I was munching on some cereal in the dining room. A book was open in front of me, nothing to do with research since I didn’t want anyone looking over my shoulder and finding out what I was doing. That’s when a hand fell on my shoulder, and a whisper sounded in my ear.
Misty said, “Hey there, doll. You’re looking gorgeous today, and smell very delicious. How about you join me and Remus for a little bit of fun?”