The atmosphere of a new day, is as important as the breath of a pregnant woman counting the number of days in pain, of the coming of the new unborn baby In her womb.
The hour of a new born baby, starts the metaphysical meaning of his or her future according to moral believes of Africans .
On a cool bright, clouded morning, the people of ohum, in Amoli, Enugu state, Nigeria, Africa.
Irene the wife of Anthony, shouted with tears and lost of strengths, inside her small hot, beside her was her husband,Anthony a peasant farmer.
Anthony sustaining the union with little farm produce, was clouded in vision-less ideals of what to do to reduce the tears of his pregnant wife. Running up and down the small hot without ideals.
later resolved to rush out and cry for help,
men and women gathered some speaking to each other side by side and individually, Anthony wondering why he cant view or see the unending cry of his wife finally cried his souls out to the best of his knowledge, at when he was about breaking into the house heard the cry of multiple unidentifiable cry of babies.
Jennifer the midwife, rushed out and rushed in finally Anthony is the father of two boys twins.
The cerebrations of the newborn babies in ohum,
brought many family friends from far and near farmlands, to dine with Anthony and his family.
Anthony give to the people ,white powder for everyone, palm wine and some cola for the youths and elderly men and women,
suddenly do he realized that he has not sleep well and the wife has not eaten the new hot Pape yam, always prepared for the new mothers that just delivered.
The next 18hrs Anthony quickly rushed to Irene's maternal home to announce the news, he went with two gallons of palm wine, some cola nuts and white powders.
The truth is that the news of a pregnant woman in West African culture remains very dynamic.
and has a great procedural approach of announcing it to the both families.
at the first sight of the Anthony's mother inlaw, how are you my son, ? you are welcome the smile on his face could only allow her figure out that no one died In Anthony's family.
she quickly beckoned on her husband.
my inlaw am happy you gave me your daughter, said Anthony,
my wife put to bed yesterday two twins and they are (ndi agha) military men., two boys.
The joy another dancing and exclamations of happiness coming from the mother-in-law's , which drove people from far and near their farmlands, to join In the dance of a new born babies, as they spread the white powder, some people used it on their faces some on their neck, some used it to bath some spread it as the joy goes on.
Anthony's mother inlaw started getting ready,
in her kitchen preparing some local ingredients, used in preparing foods for the new breast feeding mother's . some women quickly joined her in the kitchen , trying to get things ready, Anthony and his father in-law other men were still flabbergasted at the blessings of the family.
as she gets ready, mother inlaw forgot she have not prepared a welcome meal for the son in-law quickly rush to plead with him for him to pardon her, she narrated how pregnant women needs hot porridge Pape yam to enable them feel better , feel a taste of good things and to be able to forget some pain.
nne m,! nwa m,! Ada m,! mummy m,! mama ejima,!
as she called her daughter she quickly heard the children cried , she was filled with joy, Irene mother was so blind to understand how intense her mood have changed, as she shouts in her loudest voice and dance with her in-laws in happiness and joy.
she was happy that some women from Anthony's household gave her daughter some first aids , before her coming.
Jennifer the nurse zoom in and out as Anthony arranges some tubbers of yam in appreciations of her consistency and assistant since 48hours of his wife's labour till her delivery.
quickly as midwife Jennifer left, with her gifts, some people left the scene of the joy arena,
Irene mother took charge of the bathing , cooking and washing of pieces of cloths used for her daughter, after birth.
work became so much for her that she hardly get some rest as an old woman. the joy of the miracles, made Irene mother slumped and died on the third day.
The happy mood turns to ugly modes, the coming of the new born babies became a sad moment, gave bad impression about Anthony's household it sounds so irritating that a mother died in her daughter's husband house is not an abomination some elder murmured encouraging Anthony to take heart.
Irene could not sustain the internal injuries of the both scenero in her life as she began to lay courses on her children as the reasons for her mothers deaths she gave them names ,Irene lost focus as she can't see her mothers corps the pain that she cant pay last respect to the about to be burried dead body of her mother.
Anthony I am going mad, Anthony you your household is evil, Anthony you are a bad luck, all said by Irene to her husband.
in all this Anthony was left moody, anger, sadness hurt but as a man took it upon himself, to return the remains of his mother inlaw.
with some elders, Anthony at the front how will I explain to my father in-law that his wife is gone , how they lived a happy oldlife of marriage how they always eat together as kids, siblings companions and lot more are the things going on in Anthony's mind.
The crowd keep rushing down to Irene's compound, his father saw men and women from a far distance ,saw a look of casket proceeding his house he quickly rushed out to make sure his not mistaking his if is not Anthony my son inlaw that leads the group of people with casket, that just left yesterday for his house,finally my wife is dead.
as he claims Anthony killed my wife only to enjoy my daughter without motherly interference, Anthony is a course to my family Anthony this Anthony that.
Anthony feels depressed as he could not reconcile the reasons for his four days restless days ever since his wife was in labour.
the burial was over.
chapter Two
poverty and poor nutrition, has made Timothy and Benjamin the true pictures of beggers people with low class values , without shoes or cloths as they move around the villages at their 12years begging for food , after they lost their father in the battle between uhuokpara villagers and ohum people, Anthony died in the process of the war.
before Anthony's death he prepared charms, to sustain his life that he can be emortal in the battle field and later the charm failed and he was killed while the test of his charm was carried out by Gilbert the chief priest of the ohum "arusi ntuta," deity.
he used Cutlass to bring the head of Anthony to the the grave .Anthony sustained injuries he can't explain to his wife of how it came about and he died in silent and was buried as a hero .
the defeat uhuokpara be people defeated ohum people , uhuokpara has four ancestral traces of their kingship where as ohum people can only trace their kingship to only "Umu Agu and umu nevo" lineage .
the military might of the ohum people is as small as 1000 men while that if uhuokpara people out numbered ohum men by 8% of the ohum populations.
Benjamin loves been inside the bush while Timothy likes interference with small domestic animals he kills lizards with a stone one.
Bejamin always set traps in the bush in search of wild animals for their family consumptions.
Benjamin was loved by the mother and people around know him to be very industrious in human capital gains, he get wild animals he sales and still bring home for family use.
families always report the character of timothy To Irene the poor 14year old widow of the late husband, as she train the children alone as a woman to handle boys alone was very an uneasy experience to Irene , as she always regrets seeing the two twins she claims that they are the cause of her mothers death.
if possible I can kill the both of them and get away with it I feel much better Anthony their father died before the war what a course family I am in, Irene always wonder in silence.
Benjamin on the 3third market day of the week died inside the bush his trap cought a poisonous snake that used its venom on Benjamin and he gave up as ghost that his skin became too unidentifiable and decaying moisture of human nature of Benjamin's condems his death to be an abormination.
Benjamin was not buried at home his corpse was thrown inside the evil forest.
Timothy could not see the remains of his brother only few elders were permitted to take corpses to the evil forest and is assumed that no one is expected to go to the evil forest for anything the stories behind evil forest always make it scary to believe that human being still went in there to throw away Benjamin remains , will I ever see my brother? Timothy asked, no he is dead but might comeback when he is done with market ,
the pain of the disappearance of family supporter gave Irene lost hopes in Anthony's family.
Timothy always fall sick as the prayers of Irene wishing him death as she always prepare native medicine to see if Timothy gets better.
deep inside her was that Timothy should also die to enable her avenge the death of her aged mother who died in Anthony's house where she is married.
Anthony later became a grown man with the zeal of changing his environment from poverty and grace filled family with abundant wealth as he still expect the returns of his twins , so as he wait the day of blessings of the gods that he will still be better if In the nearest future.
Timothy later went to anambra state in Nigeria Africa.
where he started farming for people to gain monetary values or to eat for the day life turned out to be bad for Timothy while his mother dine and wine together with Ambrose the younger brother of late Anthony the father of the two twins.
while Timothy wander in pain and empty stomach without relative at his current environment, gave up to life to be very hard and rough that he might not continue anymore.
Ambrose married Irene again and they both gave birth to ifeanyi only one son they hard, the elders agreed since the return of timothy is uncertain they believed he must have died and he was buried based on assumptions,
things began to be very more hard for Timothy at anambra there was no room for communications among Ambrose the kingsmen of Timothy with Timothy so as to know his state of judgement and Timothy committed suicide and he died at anambra all indications to identify him and his family proves abortive an she was buried in anambra state.
Irene enjoyed the life of Ambrose and they moved on with life .
Ambrose provided for Irene cared for Irene and always support her emotionally and other wise, at the point of Irene father's death he made a pronouncement that the offspring of Irene will bring sorrows to her.
on one night at uhuokpara did Irene and her aged father met as Irene greets his father kneeling down for forgiveness that after the death of her mother he has turned a single men without love one and Irene is now enjoying happy home with Ambrose forgetting that she and Anthony brought about my single daddy without an assistant.
ifeanyi became the eyes of the "ntuta deity " after the death of gilbirth, decade before ifeanyi was the mouth piece of the, ntuta deity, he was seen as the chief priest of the ohum people .
he was know for his herbal traditional medical treatments of illness, snake bites, poisons and always a sueiusayer , ifeanyi through deviations see the future and predict the possible outcome of someone's life , this made his name powerful and famous among other tribes in African, ifeanyi was seen as the next solution to human enquiry I to the unseen forces of nature.
ifeanyi was feared among neighboring communities because his super magical powers to command the forces of nature to obey his command he make rain, he through the help of his charms get to know the real person that involved in a criminal cases and in all cases he is perfect,
ifeanyi was so powerful that their rivals uhuokpara people become very scared of the ohum people due to the Almighty gods speaker among them .
before the death king "igwe chimuka emeaba 1 of Amoli kingdom" ifeanyi has once said he no will die and stated how he will die, and told the king to write his will on who to succeed him because he saw uhuokpara and ohum people fighting over the throne that heads rolled out, and pull of blood that innocent ones were killed including the Lolo,the king's wife at his back.
the king paid def ear to his claims and finally gave up a ghost .
the tursle on who to succeed "igwe emeaba "
became a spiritual affairs as the people of uhuokpara due to their numbers refused that the small ohum people will not rules them and it turned out a spiritual affairs, that people died mistereously without anyone knowing where the death is coming from .
ifeanyi and white witch the mouth piece of ngwu of uhuokpara deity , were fighting spiritual wars as their evil spirits keep killing the innocent ones because White witch has almost the same power like ifeanyi.
of about four years Amoli could not provide igwe for themselves and finally gave it a physical blows that , witch went to a very long distance to get another deity to help him fight ifeanyi of
ntuta deity but since you must come across the ohum village before you get to any other villages of Amoli, ifeanyi kept a charm called "Arobinagu"
which dissolve all manner of charms that comes in before him , to any other villages the way he set it was that if you come into the villages of Amoli with harmful charms it will certainly get distroyed by ntututa deity.
white witch latter found out what was going on because all his efforts to distroy ifeanyi looks abortive he created anothe short cut which will bycott Amoli and ohum so that if he brings in bad charms so it that it will work.
he brought in Awele charm, ibobo charm, udu ako miri, and other form of bad cultural values to play with ntuta deity moral values,
young men and women political figure and many business men started going to white witch for money making charm business protection charm,
and this charms needed blood for its affectiveness and continuos work , the more white witch was known for this charms so do he started making money building houses and hotels oppressing ifeanyi the moral values deity mouth piece who saw the rate at which the bad charms is moving and misleading the youths of Nigeria into killing themselves for money ritual ,internet frauds and many more made ifeanyi to start teaching about the moral values and the difference between charm and sacrifice,
ifeanyi stated that the original culture of the African man is done through sacrifice of animals than human blood, he stated that most time the chief priest don't know the actual requirements or precautions for the charms and which sometimes the death of a family member is as a result of the bad charms used by same member of the family.
he narrated why is always hard for some rich men to attend burial of loved ones in Amoli.
This sermon of ifeanyi gave birth to the crisis among African West African contemporary culture today,
white witch was known for making charms that give money in an illegal way,he prepare charms for internet fraudster business men and women and political leaders he prepare charms for religious leaders all this charms commands power and nature to act according to man's desire.
as time rings up and down day on day off massive people Began to die in their numbers the truth of the Mistry is yet unknown it went viral of how powerful the charm can make one rich without people not been directly involved in killing innocent ones, to make money,
majority of the more exposed people in this were children of 2years below .
Emeka the son of late gilbert who travelled from Nigeria to Norway , he returned back after five years his father died he came back with different,goodies Emeaka bought two cars he was about renovating his father's house when he hard an accident and died instantly at the spot, he was rushed to the hospital but was taking to the mortuary.
after six months of his corpse been inside the mortuary his burial was organized by the kingsmen of his town ohum.
on the day of his burial the ohum people assembled and was pointing accusation that ifeanyi killed the Emeka, he was brought out to take an oath of prove of innocent.
when he rose on his feets standing with the offor, the father of Emeka kept that he is handling ifeanyi voked the spirit of the ntutu deity , the Marin of the highest river of Amoli, ogba na evu uga, he invoked the spirit of his late linages the spirit of his late brothers Benjamin and Timothy the spirit of his grandparents before he invoked the spirit of his Emeka father asking them to come and prevail and sit over the matter he knelt down and dropped a cola but on the chest of Emeka and used his mouth without touching it
and chew it ,
when he was chewing the cola something quickly told him to his mind.
Remember all the bad charms are prepared with the kidney or lungs of the accident victims check mine eze dibia !!!!! check mine eze dibia the mouth of the Gods check mine eze dibia check mine before they burry me please eze dibia.
ifeanyi summon the courage despite the accusations levied against him and started his preaching again about the evil charms people prepare to make money that make use of human parts without the knowledge of the actor , an she is convinced that something is wrong somewhere ,
he told them that Emeka is right beside he but pleased he should do something for him that they should check his parts off cloth his remains to check if he is complete or not , as many subscribe to it many refused some strong elders like path uzorchuku, Thompson okechukwu, Moses Agu, all agreed he check the parts of the remains of their brother as soon as youths off clothes Emekas dead body it was discovered that emeka back was opened and looks as deep and has no weight again , chai Aru aru aru aru abomination abomination abomination, as the crowds ran and disappears gradually, the Corpse is as empty as drum without water or anything inside .
they quickly summoned courage went to police state at owelli community and reported the case immediately as they council the burial people ran home they took the corpse in company with the police officers just an hour drive from owelli police station,
they arrived the mortuary met the murticians explained their reasons for coming there picked all the murticians to the station and started investigating the matter , after a hard torture and forceful way of getting answers by the Nigerian police the morticians claimed innocent,
the hospital recruited more murticians at this time asked them to check on all the accident corpses and see if such case is evident and it was discovered that three accident victims had same issues like the remains of Emeka which now gave the owner of the private hospital the zeal to get to the root of the matter, as they continue investing the owner of the hospital mounted cameras with decoders both on the floor and everywhere , as the other murticians are still under investigations .
contract came to white witch again to prepare charms that will be used to compel a white woman to pay Odinaka the 17 year old child of Mr Agundu from Ebenebe awka, the total of $500000, in less than 42hours so they needed accident victims parts to prepare charm for Odinaka , when the right hand man of white witch go to the murtary it did not occured to his mind that the faces has changed and he started lamenting in happy modes of how he needed the human parts , as he was under record the c.s.o of the hospital was alarted and white money right hand man was arrested,
Emeka was later buried in a calmed way, his burial was very silient before the matters rings so high after weeks, people Began to notice some changes in ifeanyi's body, he was very sick that he could not attend to people or preach the moral culture any more,
people did not pay him a visit they all thought is who he killed that is after him, ifeanyi sort for help but all to no avail his wife ran away because of the accusations and she could not believe her husband could do a thing like that she immediately left with the kids when eze di bia falled sick thinking that in a week interval he will confess his sins , as the people await the confession of eze dibia so do he became more courageous enough to win his health challenges he quickly went inside the forest with his last strength got some leaves and prepared local drugs for himself.
eze dibia check back at his shrine and discovered how dirty it was and how unkept it has become , he remembered how death separated him and his wife how death caused the suspicious nature of man of values, he quickly stated if after one year nothing happened to me I will never accept my wife back as he said to himself, after three months ezedibia got himself and finally resumed work at his office.
words are not enough to qualify the police report to the town unions president of Amoli kingdom since the igwe is nolonger alive and the two villages to produce the next king are fighting each other over the throne. who will give order to arrest the white money for been involved in human parts instruments for preparing of charms,
finally the president agreed that who so ever the mob killed was not killed by anyone the youths started organizing meetings on how to arrest white money and bring him to the village square, but after all thier efforts , white money has boys all over the place in Amoli majority of them where those who have tried life and failed.
most times after their meeting because of the little money they get from white money they expose their secrets on the day of attact .
one day as the police still wait patiently for the proper extradition of white witch by the people or constituted authorities of the Amoli kingdom the report of his actions involvement in human parts trafficking has been served at the directorates of state security services Abuja waiting for his extradition, one faithful morning white witch taught many of his students how to prepare charms and get him out if he finally surrender to the people.
he also thought his students from various states in Nigeria how to prepare all the bad form of charms his ideology has spread across Benin kogi and Abia and Anambra states of Nigeria Africa.
the town unions president called on the youths that he is having a feast and wish all the masquerades in the town all the other chiefpriests should also come planned a power test among them all and wish they all have time to assemble in Time as this occasion has been planned for a long term the news he want to celebrate the youths with masquerade dance made the town to be very hot,and citizen from far distances assemble home for the occasion at the beginning of the occasion he served everyone a toxic drinks that will ginger their morals as he began to enumerate to them that anybody who spy them again will die, anyone who expose thier plans will die, in their culture any oath agreed by multitude of persons has greatest and faster effects on anyone who wish to defile them.
immediately he leads the way to white witch house called the police and police involved the DSS and finally they brought white witch out,as a rich herbalist he was not assembled to the village square because there is no one to sit on his judgement the king is dead.
he was arrayed for his departure when he called on his other students to explain his secrete agenda , the police officers summon the courage and arrested everyone at his disposal excluding Amandi who quickly ran away.
white witch was involved In human trafficking but not sure if his men bought that of Emeka, from their neighboring villages ohum.
as he is been brought to the court of law he was found guilty of human trafficking and must be persecuted be by act of hanging .
one year after Ifeanyi was not dead,
the entire village came to his house to clean him of all the dead spirits invoked on him, they celebrate an upright man , looking at his wife standing tall at the corner of the house crying deeply feeling so sorry that she cant voice it out , eze dibia quickly be rush to his wife and felt the love they never had before forgives her and gave her the second chance she deserves to prove she still love him,.
ezedibia don't leave any opportunity to preach good cultural values untouched .
at this point he told them.
bad charm is bad, is been prepared with human parts or the blood of child, people should resist from that form of making money is blood work and has many negative effects .
he also said that most times the mouth piece don't know the way back of this charms they don't know who next the charm will kill for it effectiveness, the charm can pick anybody from the Immediate family of any person who involved himself in this practices,and atimes when a rich has money and people keep dying every year around his family such act is not deniable,but atimes the actor don't know he is the cause of the deads in his family .
atimes if such rich man go for such burial he is indirectly telling the charm that it did not do well. by killing such a person and is the reasons rich men don't go for burials among and within, their family lines.
as he speaks he hard tears at his father's compound,he quickly rushed in and met his father very sick and breathing very high he only prayed for him and gave his father his offor,
and asked the mother irene to leave the room for good at once. he later went inside and found his father healthy again and they began to speak in a small tone he told his father that white witch has been killed by the Nigerian state over his eveil plots his father told him to always remember him in his prayers, narrated to him the stories of his late twin brothers how Benjamin and Timothy brought about the death of Irene's mother, how word of mouth and inner prayers of their mother manifested on them ,and pleaded with him to always say good things about people that their culture accept what ever we say with out mouth , as he said our gods hears our inner most prayers and word of mouth made manifest according to our wishes please my son always pray for my spirit am not getting young am dying I wish I could have withness the next king crown but let those who are alive withness the new Dawn of the new Amoli, I pray this land will be made holy again , he assured him that the crisis between uhuokpara and ohum people is because of one piece of land and the land belongs to us, but if you think we will win them let us leave the land for them the power is now in your hands , you can still give them the land allow us be the king and later u can attract government to build school there in which ohum and uhuokpara will benefit and there will be peace I wish my strength can still do it I will certainly speak to the next king before I die.
please my son keep to ur words and don't deviate from your good works words and good mindsets. the Gods will go after you my brother Anthony died without any child to inherit his will I married his wife to maintain peace between me and my brother Anthony so that Irene haven suffered much for my brother won't go home suffering again after our family made her lost her mother .
please take good care of her and your own children your wife and our farm lands don't allow anyone to take them away from you.
you will give birth to more sons and daughters your generations will out number the imaginary number of human population in the world .
good bye my son, give me water as he went to get the water returned back his father was very cold he has died.