Chapter 1 : Breaking news !

Third person point of view

" I do ". Haruto answered to the vows. " I now pronounce you both as husbands. You may kiss now ". Both of them gulped in nervousness. They moved closer to each other. Junkyu let out a breath and looked up at Haruto. Haruto also did the same and their eyes met. He took another small step towards Junkyu.

Junkyu was blinking hard. The hands on his sides were clenching tighter. Haruto finally got to action and held Junkyu's face. Junkyu's eyes were shaking as he watched Haruto. " Relax ". Haruto said in a small whisper and Junkyu was trying but his heart wouldn't listen to him.

Haruto moved forward and tilted Junkyu's head to kiss. Junkyu let Haruto lead him. Haruto closed the distance and Junkyu closed his eyes immediately.

A few days ago

Junkyu was asked to come home by his parents. He didn't know what they were up to for the past 2 weeks. His mom who would always call him, every single day, to make sure he was doing fine; didn't do it for the past few days. Since it was like that, he himself called her during the weekend. But she said she was outside and hung up on him.

Now that they themselves called after all that and asked him to come home, he was naturally a bit suspicious. He wondered about what the reason could be. He rang the bell and stood back. His mom opened the door looking all smiley and moved away giving way for him. Junkyu walked in and closed the door.

He removed his shoes and socks. He put on the slippers and walked in. His mom who was standing there, opened her arms. Junkyu smiled and hugged her. She hugged him back and rubbed his back. " How are you doing, my dear son ? " They pulled away. " I am good. How about you ? " " I am good too ". Junkyu smiled.

Junkyu's father walked up to them and smiled when he saw Junkyu. He also gave Junkyu a hug. " Aigoo~~ " Junkyu chuckled. They pulled away and then sat him down on the couch. " You guys sit down too ". Junkyu said looking up at the couple standing in front of him. But they didn't and his mom spoke up.

" We actually have something to tell you ". Junkyu raised an eyebrow. " What is it ? " They both looked at each other and then back at Junkyu. " We set up a blind date for you ". His mother announced looking proud and very much happy. Junkyu's jaw dropped. " It is tomorrow ". His dad said and Junkyu couldn't be more shocked.

" Huh ? " He asked staring at them. His parents cleared their throats and stopped smiling. His mother spoke again. " We get that you don't really have much interest in love and all that right now. But how long will you stay like this ? Shouldn't you try all the things when you are of age ? At least we think you should. So go for it tomorrow. I will forward the location to you ".

Junkyu tried processing all of the information. " After you meet we are going to look for a good day for your marriage ". His dad said. " WHAT ?! " Junkyu yelled. He felt like he got electrocuted. His mom hit Mr. Kim on his arm. His eyes went wide like he said something he shouldn't have. " What is dad saying ? " Junkyu asked still not able get over the shock.

" Nothing ". His mom said but he was not convinced. Junkyu looked at the both of them. " It didn't look like it was nothing from your reaction. So you better tell me what your plan is ". His mom sighed and glared at Mr. Kim. He just looked away into the air.

Mrs. Kim turned to Junkyu. " We have been asking you about it for almost an year now, but you just keep pushing it away. What do you want us to do then ? Just watch you be single like that for the rest of your life ? " Junkyu scoffed at her question. " I didn't say I wasn't going to do. I said I want- " His mom raised her hand and stopped him.

" I get that you want to take your time or whatever that is. You always say the same things when I bring this topic up. But there is definitely one thing you youngsters don't get. You shouldn't get used to being an adult and single for too long. Getting used to it is too dangerous. Because of how comfortable you guys think of it as. You aren't even a fresh out of college kid or anything. Even your grandma was asking about it. She said she wants to see you get married before something happens to her. Also some things should be done when they should be ".

She concluded and folded her hands. Junkyu was at a loss for words. He didn't know how to refute it. " It is not like- " He started speaking but his mom cut him off again. " ' It is not like I will marry a girl and have children with her '. That is what you were going to say right ? " Junkyu wondered if his mom suddenly turned psychic. He was baffled.

" Did you visit some kind of shaman or something ? Why are you like this today ?! " He asked making his mom roll her eyes. " Nothing like that. Coming back to the topic... I know very well about what you were about to say. That is why I looked for a guy for your blind date. Plus I didn't ask for grandchildren. I only want you to have someone to rely on; someone to be happy with, someone to share your worries with and someone to live your life with. And children... it is up to you. You can adopt one later on if you want one or surrogacy or you can choose to not have too. We won't ask about that. It is not us who should look after them or bring them up, so it is not up to us to decide ".

Junkyu really had nothing to say. He let out a breath. " Did you write down and practice all your lines ? How are you so strong today ? " Junkyu complained and sighed. He came out to his parents in his last year of high school. They didn't say anything bad to him and understood him. They have always been supportive.

He wasn't really that interested in relationships even after that. He once dated a senior in college and it didn't end well. He did feel bad about it but he got over him after a while. He was never in a relationship after that. He went back to focusing on himself. He worked hard through out and got an internship in the place he wanted to do.

He also became a full time employee in that place just like he wished. He then studied for Masters while working and finished that too. He went up in his position within a year and a half of working there. He was quite happy with his life and like his mom said his life was pretty comfortable.

He lived on his own. He goes out with his colleagues and other friends from time to time. Everything is fine and life was a smooth sail for him. But he still had no intention of looking for someone. Somehow he never really felt it. So his mom basically hit the nail on the head. There was not a single thing he could use against his mom's words.