Chapter 17 : Hearing your voice.

Third person point of view

Junkyu came home from work and sat down on the couch. He rotated his neck and groaned. He just stayed still for a few minutes and then picked up his phone. He opened his chat with Haruto. They didn't speak much. Haruto only texted him once two days ago informing him that both the mothers have finished shopping and got a lot of things. That was all it was.

Junkyu bit his lip wondering if he should call him. He thought if Haruto would be busy. At the end, he decided to do it after concluding that, if he doesn't pick up, he wouldn't try again. He called and Haruto picked up after 3 rings. " Hello ". Junkyu was a bit perplexed. " Hi ". He replied awkwardly. " Did you get off work hyung ? " Haruto asked.

" Yeah. Did. You ? " Junkyu was speaking in short sentences. " Me too. So ? What is it ? " Haruto asked making Junkyu's eyes go wide. He actually didn't think of it. He didn't know what to say. " Ah... that.. Um... " He quickly made up something. " So... tomorrow we will set the kitchen and the day after the other things ? " " Yeah ". Haruto answered.

" ... right ". Junkyu said closing his eyes. He bit his lip not knowing what to say. He should've thought about something before calling. He mentally slapped himself. " What will you have for dinner ? " Haruto asked. Junkyu came out of his thoughts. " I didn't think of anything yet. I will go with Jihoon and Hyunsukie hyung mostly ". " That's nice ".

" Yeah... " There was silence again. " I will hang up then. You also must be tired from work ". Junkyu said quickly. " Hyung ". Haruto called out stopping Junkyu from hanging up. Junkyu put the phone back to his ear. " Hm ? What is it ? " " Did you call just because you wanted to ? Did you want to hear my voice ? " Haruto asked.

Junkyu's eyes went wide at Haruto's words. He scoffed. " W-what are you saying ? I just wanted to ask about it ". His voice was definitely of someone trying to escape. " You need not be shy hyung ". Haruto said and Junkyu couldn't help but huff. " I said that is not the case ! " Haruto laughed lightly and decided to let it be.

" Fine. If hyung says so ". Junkyu wanted to retort but had nothing to say. Haruto chuckled. " Bye hyung. Eat well ". " Bye ". Junkyu replied and hung up. He scoffed once again looking at phone screen. " Who said I wanted to hear his voice ? " He said like he was scolding the phone and sneered. He put the phone aside. He picked up the pillow holding it.

He looked around not able to forget those words. He knew he was acting like he wasn't affected when he actually was. He buried his face in the pillow and screamed. He pulled away with a blank face and got up. He was losing it. He decided to get distracted quickly to not become insane. He changed his dress, freshened up and went to Jihoon.

He entered the house and saw only Jihoon sitting on the couch. " You're here ". Jihoon was playing some game. Junkyu went and sat beside him. Jihoon finished the round. " Where is hyung ? " Junkyu asked looking around. " He is sleeping. He went yesterday morning and came home today evening ". Junkyu nodded. He picked up another console.

" Let's play a round ? " Junkyu asked and Jihoon nodded. " Bring it on ". They started the game. They played 2 rounds and each of them won a round. Junkyu looked around the house. Jihoon and Hyunsuk have been living together for a few years already. He wondered how it would be, since he was also going to soon. " Can I ask you something ? "

Junkyu asked and Jihoon nodded. " What is it like to live with someone ? " Jihoon laughed at Junkyu's question. " Don't laugh ". Junkyu said but he also gave a small smile. He never lived with anyone in his life till then, besides his parents. He has been with his parents till he got a job and after that, he lived by himself. So he never had the experience.

Jihoon rubbed his chin. " It is not bad. I can say that much. But the thing is, communication is important. You both should speak about what you like and what you don't like and how you want things to be. And as long as you try to compromise a little and find a middle ground. Things will go smoothly ". Junkyu nodded.

" I don't think it is something you can learn or understand just by hearing from someone. You will understand as you live and adapt then ". Jihoon said and patted Junkyu on the back. " Everything will be fine ". " Thanks ". Junkyu smiled. " Now start the game to get your ass kicked once again ". Jihoon provoked with a smirk.

Junkyu rolled his eyes. " Let's see who is going to kick whose ass ". They started playing again. Hyunsuk woke up and saw the two of them immersed in the game. He went and sat beside Jihoon, watching the game. " Nooo ! " Jihoon shouted. " YES ! " Junkyu smiled proudly. It was a fierce battle and Junkyu won by a narrow margin.

" Ugh ". Jihoon groaned making Junkyu giggle. Hyunsuk smiled looking at them. He turned to look at the time. It was almost dinner time. He turned back to them. " What should we do about dinner ? " Hyunsuk asked running a hand through his hair. Jihoon looked at Hyunsuk and then at Junkyu. He raised an eyebrow.

" Whar shall we do ? " " Let's go to the food stall. We haven't been there recently " Junkyu said. " Sure ". And so the three of them went there. They ordered what they want and sat down at a table. They were chatting when they heard someone call them. " Hyung ". They turned to look at the voice and it was Doyoung.

They were surprised to see him there. " Yah. What are you doing here ? Come here quickly ". Jihoon said. Doyoung went and sat along with them. " Do you also live around here ? " Hyunsuk asked. " Yeah hyung ". All of them nodded. " Did you guys order ? " Doyoung asked and Junkyu nodded. " Let me also do. Just a minute ". He got up and went to order.

He went and sat down and chatted about how they never met even though Doyoung lived nearby. " Or maybe we never recognized because we didn't know each other ". Hyunsuk said and the others agreed as it was totally possible. They had the food chatting away. They also exchanged contact information.

" I will give them to the others too. We should meet up once again ". Doyoung said and they all agreed. " Let's do it when all of us are free ". Jihoon said. " Yes. Then... I will get going. Bye ". Doyoung said getting up. " Bye. Get home safe ".

They parted ways and the other three also walked back home. Junkyu went to his house and sat down on the couch. He felt like watching a movie so he started browsing and finally found one. He watched it completely and then went to sleep.