Chapter 32 : The ceremony.

Third person point of view

The next morning, Junkyu felt like he wound faint out of dizziness. He couldn't take all the pressure the day was throwing on him. But his mom was there with him to assure him and keep him calm and he definitely felt better. They all left the house together in different cars simultaneously.

Both the families went to the wedding venue. They had their own rooms on either side. Junkyu and Haruto were both nervous. Everyone was running around looking after things. Junkyu didn't find any of his friends. He saw Jihoon when they came in and that was it. He couldn't even catch a sight of even the others shadows. He concluded they were busy with something.

Haruto did see Jeongwoo. Jeongwoo went and helped Haruto's family settle down in their room. He then greeted Haruto and hurriedly left. Haruto shook his head. But it was expected. Everyone else would be busy except the ones getting married. He didn't see even Jeongwoo again. He knew they were running around somewhere.

The preparation was all complete. Junkyu was also done with everything. Ha Jun stayed with him and helped with everything. His assistant was there with Haruto to look after things on that side. Ha Jun went to look at Haruto once in between and then went back to Junkyu again.

Seung Hoon and both of his assistants went around clicking pictures since the start. Seung Hoon finally went to Junkyu when they told him he was done. He took photos of Junkyu, spoke to him a little and then left once again. He went to Haruto's side and took photos of him too. He gave Haruto his greetings too.

One of their relatives informed that they should be starting the ceremony to both the families. Junkyu's legs couldn't stop shaking. Ha Jun chuckled when he saw Junkyu's expression. " Everything is going to go well. Don't be nervous ". Junkyu nodded. " Be confident and smile and enjoy it. It only happens once in a lifetime after all ". Junkyu chuckled and nodded.

Junkyu went to the hallway and noticed Haruto coming from the opposite direction. He smiled. Haruto looked super handsome. Haruto also noticed Junkyu and smiled. He thought Junkyu looked like an angel. Both of their suits were of light blue shades and white and they looked like royals in it with all the decorations that were on it.

They stood in front of the door. " You look really good hyung ". Haruto complimented as looked at Junkyu, almost getting lost in his twinkling eyes. Junkyu smiled. " You also look very handsome. People might not even look at me ". Haruto chuckled and shook his head. " Hyung is the one who is really beautiful ". Junkyu chuckled.

They could hear the voices of the people from inside the hall. " So did you guess it right ? " Junkyu asked. Haruto raised an eyebrow. " The suit ". Haruto realized what Junkyu was asking about. " Maybe... ? " Haruto said and Junkyu laughed. " It's a no then ". " What about hyung ? " Junkyu also shook his head making Haruto laugh.

The voices slowly lowered. The both of them noticed it. Haruto extended his arm and Junkyu held onto it. Haruto noticed Junkyu's expression which changed. Both of them calmed down after their chat but then again they were nervous when the moment came. He looked down and put his hand on Junkyu's. He gave a light squeeze.

Junkyu looked at their hands. He looked up at Haruto who gave him a soft smile. Junkyu also smiled back and put his other hand on Haruto's. He let out a deep breath. He lowered his hand and both of them stood properly as they heard the doors opening and looked forward. The doors opened completely.

The both of them started walking in. They saw the gang standing on either side of the runway with small baskets which had flower petals. Both of them chuckled. They threw the flowers as the two walked while looking around and greeting everyone. " Looking awesome ". Jihoon whispered when they walked past him.

Junkyu grinned at him mouthing a 'thank you'. They finally reached the end. Then music started playing. They turned to look at their friends and they even prepared a performance. Junkyu and Haruto cheered along with the crowd. Jeongwoo went and dragged Haruto to dance with them. Haruto was good at it. Junkyu was surprised when he saw that.

Jihoon then took Junkyu's wrist and pulled him to dance. Junkyu wasn't that good but he did his best. Haruto laughed finding it cute. They were finally done. They sweated a little. Ha Jun went and helped them a little. They once again stood properly. They bowed to the crowd, to each other and then to the host.

Their gang gathered on either side. Jihoon and Jeongwoo were holding the rings on either side. The host spoke up. " Do you, Watanabe Haruto, wish to take, Kim Junkyu, as your lawfully wedded husband in the name of god and promise to be with them in all their happiness and hardships and trials in life and promise to support them through everything ? "

" I do ". Haruto answered. " Do you, Kim Junkyu, wish to take, Watanabe haruto, as your lawfully wedded husband in the name of god and promise to be with them in all their happiness and hardships and trials in life and promise to support them through everything ? " " I do ". Junkyu answered.

" Now please exchange the rings ". Jeongwoo and Jihoon came forward giving them the rings. Haruto put it on Junkyu and then Junkyu on Haruto. " I now pronounce you both as husbands. You may kiss now ". The host moved away from there. Both of them looked extremely nervous. Even their best men went to watch it from below.

Junkyu knew he couldn't escape it. He made up his mind to just kiss. Haruto was also nervous except it didn't really show on his face. He didn't want to do something against Junkyu's wish. He himself felt that it was not that right. The both of them turned to each other and moved closer. Haruto took an extra step.

Haruto raised his hands and held Junkyu's face. Junkyu looked up at him. Haruto met eyes with Junkyu and then looked down at Junkyu's lips. Junkyu also looked down automatically. Haruto moved forward, tilting his head. Haruto tilted Junkyu's head the other side and Junkyu closed his eyes. Haruto closed the distance between them.

Junkyu was ready for it. He felt his heart speeding up. Right when their lips were about to touch, Haruto moved his thumb pressing it across Junkyu's lips and then kissed over it. There was no one on their other side so noticing Haruto's hand would be difficult. Junkyu's heart which almost burst out started to calm down.

He didn't expect Haruto to do something like that. His tense body relaxed completely. They slowly pulled away. Haruto pulled his hands away and both of them smiled. Junkyu was very thankful to Haruto. Haruto also smiled. They turned to the crowd. Both of the families and friends looked super happy with moist eyes. Everyone was cheering and clapping.