Chapter 35 : First kiss (?)

Third person point of view

Junkyu went back home in the evening after work and noticed there were no other shoes and the house was silent; which meant Haruto didn't come home yet. He changed and sat in the living room. He was chatting with Jihoon who has been teasing him nonstop. He heard the door open and Junkyu turned in that direction.

" Welcome home ". Junkyu said and Haruto smiled. He went and sat beside Junkyu. " Do you come around this time ? " Haruto nodded. " You come back earlier than I thought ". Haruto said and Junkyu nodded. They chatted about their day. Their mothers sent them some dishes. So they decided to heat them up for dinner.

They sat in the living room on the floor eating dinner while watching the television. They watched for a while more after dinner and Junkyu cleaned the dishes. They were done and fell asleep just like the other day. Their week went by in the same pattern. They took turns cleaning the house and dishes.

They also washed clothes and hung them together. The both of them got used to it little by little. It was new and all but then again, it was something that changed over night. So both of them were filled with a lots of different emotions. But in the week everything was smooth. The both of them made sure to survive well.

It was Friday night and both of them decided to have some drinks after dinner. They watched the television as they drank. Haruto got drunk faster as he drank more than Junkyu. Junkyu was also at the verge of getting drunk. Haruto turned to Junkyu. " Hyung~ " Junkyu turned to Haruto. " Hm ? "

Haruto gave a big grin. " You know you are very cute. You are even cuter when you try to do your best and making effort ". He moved closer pinching Junkyu's cheeks. " How can someone be this cute ? it should be illegal ". Haruto said holding Junkyu's face. His eyes traveled along his face and landed on Junkyu's lips.

" Hyung... " Junkyu noticed Haruto's gaze. His mind was also clouded. He wasn't even thinking anything. Haruto moved closer slowly. Junkyu still didn't stop Haruto nor say anything. Haruto also wasn't in a state to actually think about what he was doing. He let out a breath. He decided to do it as Junkyu showed no objection. He was an inch away from Junkyu's lips.

" I won't block it with my thumb this time ". Haruto warned and pressed his lips against Junkyu's. Junkyu also closed his eyes and kissed back. Haruto kissed harder. Junkyu also kissed back with equal vigor. Junkyu could feel himself getting light headed. He didn't know if it was the alcohol or the kiss.

Haruto tilted his head to kiss deeper. His hands were still holding Junkyu's face, caressing his cheeks with his thumbs. Haruto could feel himself getting breathless. They pulled away to breathe some air. Haruto closed his eyes and fell on Junkyu who fell back onto the floor. He hugged Haruto and closed his eyes. And they fell asleep just like that.

The next morning, Junkyu woke up first. He opened his eyes and saw Haruto's face right in front of his. His eyes went wide in shock. He moved away quickly. He sat up and held his head. He looked around and they were sleeping on the floor in the living room in the spot they drank the previous night.

He turned to look at Haruto and remembered what happened the previous night. Haruto was still sleeping. He quickly got up and rushed to the bathroom. He looked at his refletion in the mirror. He groaned holding his head and bending forward. " Ugh... " His head was starting to ring due to the headache and hangover.

He took an aspirin for the hangover. He walked out and saw his phone on the bed. He picked up his phone and it was still early. It was a little past 8. He didn't know what to do. He was still processing the situation when he saw Haruto walk in. Haruto stopped when he saw Junkyu. The both looked away from each other.

Junkyu just stood there and Haruto went to the bathroom. Junkyu rubbed his neck. He walked out and went to the living room. He held his head in frustration. He was thinking of what to do or what to say but his phone started ringing bringing him out of his thoughts. It was Jihoon. " Hello". Junkyu greeted.

" Yah. Shall we go on a trip ? " Junkyu was confused. " What trip ? Why now ? " Junkyu rubbed his temples. " Is Haruto there ? " Jihoon asked. Haruto walked out of the bedroom when Junkyu turned towards it. " Jihoon is asking for you ". Junkyu told Haruto. Haruto sat beside Junkyu. Junkyu put the phone on speaker.

" What is it hyung ? " Haruto asked and Jihoon spoke up. " The thing is we thought it would be nice if all of us could go on a trip together to have some fun. We didn't get to have a bachelor party, at least this should be done. Let's say it is a congratulatory party or something like that. And we will start today as soon as possible and go to Busan ".

The both of them looked at each other. " But- " Jihoon cut Junkyu off. " Don't keep discussing this. We decided and we are going. Pack enough for two days. You need to move fast and get things done. We will come to your house by 10 and let's all go from there. Got it ? " They hesitated for a second. " Got it ". Haruto answered. " Good ". Jihoon hung up.

The both of them grew silent. " Let's go pack ". Junkyu said and got up. He went to the wardrobe and Haruto followed him. Junkyu took out a suit case. " This should be enough right? " Junkyu asked and Haruto nodded. They both put the things they need in the suit case and got it done. They then got ready one after the other and checked the time.

It was 10:09. Junkyu got a call from Jihoon. He picked it up. " We are here ". Jihoon said. " Okay ". Junkyu hung up. " They are here ". The both of them got up and walked out. Haruto pulled the suit case. They entered the elevator. " Hyung can get down at the ground floor. I will take this with me and bring the car outside ".

Junkyu nodded. He walked out in the ground floor and out of there. He saw Jihoon, Hyunsuk and Yoshi waiting for them. Haruto put the suit case in the trunk and closed it. He brought the car out and parked along with the other. He got out of the car. They waited for the other three to arrive.

They did after 10 minutes and all of them hit the roads. Junkyu and Haruto were silent as Haruto drove. Jihoon received a call from Jeongwoo. " Hyung ". " Why ? " Jihoon asked. " Do you think something happened between them ? " The phone was on speaker in both the cars. Jeongwoo's question was heard by all of them.

They all looked at each other knowing they weren't the only ones who noticed it. " I kind of felt it too. But I thought it was because of our sudden invite ". Jihoon said and they all went silent. " Maybe ". Jeongwoo replied. " Let's see. Things will go according to our plan, so if there is something they will most likely settle it". Jihoon said. " Alright hyung ". Jeongwoo hung up.

They drove for a while. Jihoon called Junkyu. The ringtone broke the silence in their car. Junkyu picked up and put the phone on speaker. " Hello ". " There is a rest stop nearby. Let's get some food there and then go again ". Jihoon informed and Haruto nodded. Junkyu replied. " Alright ". Jihoon hung up.