Chapter 10 Me Too!_1

This is not a string of rigid text, but a life that has passed away.

Wang Ran's mood was quite heavy.

"The next day, the camp commander learned of your predicament and took time out of his busy schedule to meet with you,"

"You explained your intentions to the camp commander,"

"You told the camp commander that the army would be completely annihilated in an upcoming rescue operation because they would attack a strange flower,"

"The camp commander was greatly shocked,"

"You displayed strength and agility that went beyond ordinary people,"

"The camp commander believed you,"

"'We are soldiers of the people, how can we neglect the people just because there is danger ahead?'"

"The camp commander expressed his gratitude to you but refused to call off the rescue operation,"

"'Thank you for the intelligence!'"

"'But the rescue operation will not be canceled, the people's soldiers vow to stand with the people!'"

Wang Ran could feel the camp commander's resolute spirit through the text.

He was moved by the camp commander's words,

but if the rescue operation wasn't called off, could he still achieve the second milestone?

"You were deeply moved,"

"You decided to do your utmost to help the army carry out the rescue operation,"

"You laid all the information you knew on the table,"

"The camp commander expressed strong gratitude to you and also revealed some information to you,"

"You learned that satellite communication was still unimpeded,"

"You learned that the apocalypse had only occurred in the Asian region, and Hua Nation was the hardest hit, with other countries suffering far less than Hua Nation,"

Was this apocalypse only for Hua Nation?

No, that's not right...

Wang Ran quickly realized that the apocalypse was surely for all of humanity; it was just that Hua Nation was the starting point of the apocalypse.

This was too unlucky!

"You also learned,"

"In the vast lands of Hua Nation, the city you were in was the first to undergo abnormalities, suffering the heaviest losses,"

Wang Ran was stunned.

All over the world Asia was hit hardest, within Asia Hua Nation was hit hardest, and within Hua Nation, his location was hit hardest...

Was this a coincidence?

"The camp commander asked where your divine strength came from,"

"You answered 'qigong',"

"The camp commander sought to learn qigong from you,"

"You fobbed him off with the excuse that you couldn't remember,"

Wang Ran's face showed an expression that was both crying and laughing.

What defines a Cultivation Master?

An expert in deceiving and swindling, yet completely ignorant about qigong; that is a Cultivation Master!

"The camp commander bid you farewell,"

"You tried to deceive yourself, wanting to believe that others couldn't see you,"

"You succeeded,"

"You followed the camp commander into his office, and due to the effect of 'Cover-Ears Steal Bell', no one noticed you along the way,"

"You spied on the camp commander organizing work,"

"You spied on the camp commander writing his will,"

"You spied on the camp commander dealing with emergencies,"

"You spied on the camp commander picking his nose,"




Wang Ran was speechless.

Was he that bored, spying on the camp commander all day long? Didn't he have anything else to do?

"You eavesdropped on the camp commander's satellite phone,"

"You learned that the apocalypse might be related to a mysterious organization called the Doomsday Apostles,"

Wang Ran was momentarily stunned.

The apocalypse was related to a mysterious organization?

What did that mean?

Was the apocalypse man-made?

"The Doomsday Apostles were described as a group of lunatics who long for the destruction of the world,"

"It is not yet known how they induced this disaster,"

Wang Ran's eyes lit up,

if he could find the Doomsday Apostles before the apocalypse descended, could he prevent the apocalypse?

"The camp commander accepted the order to search for the Doomsday Apostles,"

"The camp commander reported about you,"

"You were suspected of being a Doomsday Apostle,"

"The camp commander issued an order to detain you,"

What the heck!

Wang Ran settled in Bengbu, how did he become a Doomsday Apostle?

Don't be so hasty!

[The soldiers' search was fruitless]

[This has deepened the camp leader's suspicion of you]

[You felt utterly exhausted in body and mind]

[Believing the most dangerous place is the safest, you chose to sleep in the camp leader's office]

[On the third day, you woke up in solitary confinement]

The corners of Wang Ran's mouth twitched a few times.

What's this about the most dangerous place being the safest,

Isn't this just asking for trouble?

[One thing was clear]

[If you can't wake someone who is pretending to sleep, you can't deceive someone who is actually sleeping]

[After falling asleep last night, "Cultivation Master" and "Cover-Ears Steal Bell" ceased to work, eventually leading to your apprehension by the returning camp leader with pleasure]

[The camp leader questioned your identity, and you answered truthfully]

[You demonstrated your sincerity to the camp leader]

[You bent the bars of the solitary cell with your bare hands]

[You hoped the camp leader would understand that if you wanted to escape, this solitary cell could never hold you]

[The camp leader was greatly shocked]

[He immediately called for a heavy machine gun]

[You were forced to put your hands on your head and squat down]

Wang Ran: ...

[The camp leader asked you to teach him Qigong]

[You fobbed him off, claiming to be under too much stress]

[The camp leader asked you about the Doomsday Apostles]

[You said that you were also looking for them]

[The camp leader left]

[But he left behind a squad fully armed and on alert]

"You've really shot yourself in the foot!"

Wang Ran felt extremely helpless; he thought this simulation might be over for him, but at least he had obtained a lot of valuable information.

If he could find the Doomsday Apostles,

perhaps manage to draw the attention of the nation,

he might be able to nip the endless destruction in the bud.

[Nothing happened on the fourth day]

[On the fifth day, the camp leader seemed to have forgotten about you]

[The cramped space of the solitary cell made you exceptionally irritable, and you tried to communicate with the soldiers guarding you, asking them about their mission]

[You learned their mission was to guard you]

[You said, "Me Too!"]

[The soldiers were very surprised, and immediately released you from solitary confinement, handed you a gun, and had you join them in guarding yourself]

Wang Ran found it unbelievable: "Is that even a thing?"

I guard myself?

This was the first time Wang Ran had seen "Me Too" used on himself in the simulator,

and the effect was... unexpectedly good!

[The soldiers eagerly reminded you]

[You were in danger]

[If you showed any unusual signs, you must decisively shoot yourself, but not at your vital parts]

Wang Ran fell silent.

The effect of "Me Too" was even better than he had imagined; the soldiers completely accepted him as one of their own, albeit feeling a bit awkward...

[While the soldiers weren't paying attention, you used "Cultivation Master" and "Cover-Ears Steal Bell" to leave the place]

[You wandered around the military camp]

[You found soldiers programming drones]

[You heard that a rescue operation would be launched tomorrow]

Tomorrow is the fifth day,

His provided information had taken effect,

The rescue operation was moved ahead of schedule.

If no bloom occurs by the fifth day, the military might be able to complete the rescue operation smoothly.

If just a hundred more people could be kept alive,

he would reach his second milestone.

[The camp leader discovered your escape]

[He went into a rage]

[Privately, you heard he was upset about missing out on the Qigong]

Wang Ran's mouth twitched: "You're too obsessed..."

[The rescue operation started on the sixth day]

[You saw thousands of soldiers leave the camp and walk toward the city]

[You quietly joined them]