Zhang Rui's Frustration

"Oh, don't be like that, Mu Yang, don't act like a fool! Be gentler!" Zhang Rui's shout echoed throughout the room, he was on the verge of tears.

Seeing him like that, Mu Yang felt both frustrated and helpless. What does it mean to act like a fool? He sighed and said without emotion, "I've tried to be gentler with someone as big as you, even though it's not really my style."

Zhang Rui snorted in frustration before retorting, "But... but it still hurts."

Bo Hueming on the other side couldn't stand seeing Zhang Rui like that either. "Just relax and stop being tense, or it will hurt even more later."

"How can I relax when all of you are acting so rough?"

Jiang Zhi's face turned red as he listened to their faint conversation, prompting him to approach them in the recovery room. He entered the room without knocking, just walking right in.

Jiang Zhi exclaimed, "Why are you all freaking out like this?"

The three of them stared at the suddenly opened door, looking at Jiang Zhi in confusion. Mu Yang spoke first. "Oh, it's not a big deal. We're just trying to help Shen Yize hold you down."

Since Zhang Rui couldn't stay still when Shen Yize tried to attach his prosthetic hand, Bo Hueming and Mu Yang had to restrain him before Zhang Rui drove Shen Yize crazy with his restless behavior!

Jiang Zhi glanced at Zhang Rui, who was lying on the bed with his arm and leg held by two men. Seeing Zhang Rui bother and inconvenience Shen Yize, Jiang Zhi also had no sympathy.

"Dude, you're grown up, but you panic as soon as they try to attach the myoelectric prosthetic hand for you. Don't bother Shen Yize!"

Zhang Rui snorted. "I'm not bothering your Shen Yize!"

Jiang Zhi stared at him with disgust. "If you don't want to use the advanced myoelectric prosthetic controlled by muscles, you can opt for a simpler functional hand prosthesis."

Functional hand prosthetics are easier to put on and won't be as painful, but they can't do much with that hand besides hiding the fact that one hand is missing.

Zhang Rui, frustrated and feeling like giving up, said, "Jiang Zhi, don't be such a negative influence! I really want to use the myoelectric prosthetic hand, even though I'm a bit scared."

Shen Yize entered the recovery room and shook his head in disgust after hearing Zhang Rui's last words.

This guy had bravely taken down disgusting zombies! What else could scare him? Just putting on a prosthetic hand!

Of course, Zhang Rui realized Shen Yize's inner thoughts and weakly said, "I'm just an ordinary human, still weak and helpless in some aspects."

Not only Shen Yize, but everyone who heard Zhang Rui's words looked at him with expressions that seemed to say, "Seriously, bro, just shut up!"

Shen Yize waved his hand lazily and said, "Less talking. Don't worry, you don't need surgery, okay? It won't be as bad as seeing an advanced orthopedic doctor."

Shen Yize would use his healing power to connect Zhang Rui's muscle to the prosthetic. It might feel a little prickly at first, but it wouldn't be as painful as without using supernatural abilities.

Zhang Rui was still worried and about to speak, but Bo Hueming beat him to it.

"Should I make him pass out?"

Hearing that, Shen Yize understood how much frustration Bo Hueming was holding back. He chuckled lightly before answering, "Just hold him, and if he talks too much, shut his mouth."

After some preparations, Shen Yize began his work. He used his healing power, as he had said, to connect Zhang Rui's hand to the prosthetic. The entire healing process took about 3 hours.

Exhausted, Shen Yize got up from his seat and made eye contact with Jiang Zhi, who was waiting for him. Seeing Shen Yize's pale face, Jiang Zhi felt a bit uneasy in his heart.

Sweat dampened Shen Yize's forehead, his red lips turned pale, and his tired eyes showed exhaustion. Worried that Shen Yize might vomit like last time, Jiang Zhi asked him to sit down.

"I'll make some soup for you. Just sit here calmly."

Shen Yize shook his head. "No need, I'm fine. Just need a short rest."

"But seriously, you look like you're about to faint." Jiang Zhi insisted he rest. "I'll cook something delicious to restore your energy."

Jiang Zhi was about to leave the recovery room, but he suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Let's go to the dining area and wait for me to finish cooking there."

Jiang Zhi easily led Shen Yize out of the recovery room, leaving Zhang Rui with a tingling sensation in his hand. He asked Shen Yize to sit back and wait a bit while he was busy cooking vegetable dishes from space. Seeing Shen Yize obediently comply, Jiang Zhi felt that Shen Yize had been using his powers for about 4 hours, so he must be very hungry and tired!

As they waited calmly, Shen Yize asked a question, "Has your spacecraft's level gone up?"

"It's gone up a lot, I can't even get in right now." Jiang Zhi occasionally glanced at Shen Yize, who was propping up his chin.

After struggling with ingredients in the kitchen for a while, Jiang Zhi brought a few dishes for Shen Yize 20 minutes later. He served the food and helped Shen Yize get a plate.

"Yo, eat while it's still hot."

"Thank you." Shen Yize moved his spoon effortlessly, then asked, "Have you eaten? Not yet, right? Let's eat together then."

Jiang Zhi wasn't surprised and got another plate for himself, joining Shen Yize in the meal. Shen Yize made some light-hearted comments but didn't complain to Jiang Zhi. They ate and chatted.

"Did you see Zhao An today? I haven't seen him around."

Jiang Zhi shook his head, knowing that Zhao An had been tinkering with car engines all day. So he explained that Zhao An wanted to make a more fuel-efficient vehicle before considering other fuel options besides gasoline.

Shen Yize nodded in understanding. That would be very beneficial for them. Then he raised another point, "So, are you planning to build a large base?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Jiang Zhi understood, but also didn't. His mind was a bit jumbled.

Shen Yize finished his meal, pushed his dirty plate aside, and looked at Jiang Zhi with a serious expression.

Explaining, "It's like a military base, but not too big. We can use it to accommodate more people, build houses around here, and set up living conditions."

Shen Yize knew Jiang Zhi wanted to save a lot of people. However, on the other hand, not everyone would want to be saved. So all they could do was set up a base and make it comfortable. People would only follow them voluntarily.

"Oh, now I understand. But I haven't planned it that far ahead."

"Just take your time to think about it." Shen Yize felt that Jiang Zhi had leadership abilities, and there was also Paper Roll in space that could be relied on to seek information if needed and provide advice.

Jiang Zhi lifted his gaze and met Shen Yize's eyes, he smiled and said seriously, "Yeah, I've got you."

Shen Yize slightly avoided Jiang Zhi's gaze, making a jest. "Are you that thankful to have me?"

Even in the dim light, Jiang Zhi could see Shen Yize's ears turning red. He chuckled and went along with the guy's teasing. "Of course! We've been through a lot together, even from way back. You're the only one I can rely on, no matter what happens."

Hearing Jiang Zhi's words more, Shen Yize grew even more embarrassed, hiding his emotions with a soft smile.

"I said don't trust anyone but yourself."

Jiang Zhi had heard those words many times, and he replied, "Relax, just for you."

"Alright, do whatever you want." Shen Yize let out a breath before getting up from his seat and cleaning the table.