Chapter 8 Under Water

Sunday morning started with the drudgery Atti learned to loathe in this past week. He got off the bed. Gave detailed directions to his wife. Heard an abhorrent "yes, husband" in response and went to wake up his daughter.

Atti shook Arlene's shoulder, helped her put on her clothes and washed her face.

Ever since Airic came back, he was the one putting Arlene to bed and waking her up. His daughter stared at the woman, like she didn't recognize her. She shied away from mother's touch. It didn't help that she also had nightmares and was crying herself to sleep, if dad wasn't there. Atti had to make sure to come back home in time to tell her a bedtime story.

When they exited the room, Airic was standing there, staring at the door, rubbing the palm of her right hand. As usual. Arlene sobbed on Atti's shoulder.

"Did you finish everything I asked of you?"

"Yes, husband."

"Go clean Arlene's bedroom."

Airic marched past him into the room. Atti shook his head and went to the kitchen to feed his daughter. This was getting too bothersome. Not at all what Enoch and Pastor Dion described.

When all morning chores were done, Atti walked Arlene to school and his wife to the stables. Airic fit well with the rest of the women now. None of them talking, standing like statues, waiting for their husbands to come back from the Sunday prayer.

"Like an obedient flock they were born to be," Pastor's voice commented in Atti's mind.

He headed into the forest to the sacred circle. Other men were already there, patiently waiting for Pastor Dion to start. They all sat around the grey pastor's figure, eyes filled with a fanatic glare.

Are they all really so… devoted?

Atti shrugged his shoulders, confused by the thoughts in his head. His mind felt fuzzy, like a thick layer of clouds had settled in his head. He tried steadying his gaze on the pastor. But everything seemed blurry and out of focus, like he was looking through a frosted glass window. Atti rubbed his forehead, honing in on the pastor's speech.

"Let me start by reading our morning prayer. Please all stand up, raise your swords to the Sun and repeat after me. Radiant Sun, giver of light and life, we offer our thanks for the warmth and energy you bring to our world. As we begin this new day, guide us in your brilliance and bless us with your wisdom and strength. May your light shine within us and bring the darkness to our enemies."

The quire of low voices filled his ears with a familiar hum. Atti's shoulders relaxed. His voice grew louder. Things fell into place. The sense of unity with the surrounding men helped to calm down his mind.


"Lumen," they all said in response.

His body grew lighter. The pressure on his forehead released. And he was able to appreciate the livening caress of the morning Sun. Atti extended his hand, catching the last sparkles of the pleasant feeling. The light energy filled his body to the rims.

"Now, let me explain about changes that some of our newer members might experience soon. Zeon and Atti, you are now a full part of our circle. With your swords, you will gain immense power. Power given you to serve the Sun. While touching the sword, you will be stronger, will see and hear better, heal faster, will be able to predict your enemy's movement and maybe even manipulate the surrounding energy to shield yourself from attack or injure your enemies. But! You should remember that with the power come responsibilities."

He looked around, downing the weight of his gaze on each and every person in front of him.

"I know that you might feel burdened with changes you see in your wives. But you have to remember: this power they had is a dark and dangerous force. It has to be controlled. They charmed you to love them, to obey them. You look at them and see perfection.

"But the power makes them foul; it dictates them to charm you. To enchant you! All it wants is to procreate. Spread its wicked spawns. Like a termite nest, it strives to grow, contaminate every single tree around. But if you take the power away, if you control it, you restore the natural order of things under the Sun. Thus, this change is better for you and for them.

"Don't let your feelings distract you. Their charms weaken your beliefs! It is a burden that we all must bear for the better of the world."

Attic caught himself nodding in agreement. Galahad patted him on the shoulder.

"You might be questioning as to why you were chosen to carry this mission. And I will answer: You were worthy of this grace! You deserved this remarkable chance to protect the loved ones, our community, our values. The enemy is on our doorsteps. Just a couple of weeks ago, the Congregation patrol caught Fenri's spy at Assen. Your family, your brothers and sisters, your people and your country need your protection. Remember this and perfect yourself to be worthy. Lumen!"


"Now I will let Enoch explain the details. Remember, I am always here, always with you, ready to serve you, as Sun orders. If you have any questions, come to me day or night."

On the way back, Atti's light bouncy steps creaked in the snow. Cheerful sound made him perk up. He couldn't remember why in the morning life seemed so dark.

Airic was where he left her, standing behind the barn in a crowd of women. He had trouble picking her from the mass. All women wore the same grey head wraps, grey dresses and were motionless in the morning sun.

Atti grabbed Airic by the hand. It was ice cold. He'll have to tell her to wear the gloves next time. Atti pulled her hands between his to warm it up a little.

"Let's go home, Airic."

On Monday, Atti escorted his wife to the plaza, after dropping his daughter at the school.

With all the training and studying the pastor asks them to do, Atti didn't have much time to work in the smithery. They were getting low on food and money. And Evi said Airic was strong enough to start on daily assignments again.

When they were almost near pastor Dion, he noticed that Airic wasn't following. Atti looked around. She was stuck, staring at the burned stone in the middle of the plaza, scratching her palm.

In a flash, Atti's chest filled with dull nagging pain.

"Hey, Atti. How are things going for you?"

Atti rubbed his ribcage and turned to the pastor.

"Pastor Dion. We are blessed with the Sun's grace. As you said in the prayer, I carry my responsibility."

"Is your wife giving you trouble, enlightened child?"

"She has been acting weird... You and Enoch told me that this could happen after the ritual. But it has been more than a week. She is a weak woman. I think she might be still grieving over our sacrifice."

"Atti, you know that it was absolutely necessary. If there was any other way to secure our borders, I would have done it. "

"Of course, Pastor Dion!"

"We all are incredibly grateful for your tribute. We are at war, and hard decisions are a part of it. With your valuable contribution, our boundaries are stronger than ever! Besides, you have a healthy wife that can bear many more children. And be sure the grace of the sun will repay you hundredfold for your hardships. Patience is a virtue."

"I have no doubts, Pastor. I am grateful for this chance to serve the community."

"Wonderful, be a pride warden of the Sun, Atti. Now, Enoch will take care of your wife. We have plenty of work to do around the village."


Pastor walked with him to the field for a morning practice. They continued talking and somehow Atti's worries faded like shadows under the Sun. This busy man always generously contributed his time to guide them.

Time slipped through his hands like grains of sand. As the days turned to weeks, and the weeks into months, the training with the sword became a core of his daily routine.

He would wake early morning, take care of his daughter and leave to the forest. There he spent hours with Bruno and his people, practicing techniques and perfecting his form. When he wasn't training, he was at the smithery. And he had to make sure to come home in time to feed and put his daughter to bed. She was still wary of her mom's presence.

Sunday prayers and training in the forest became a blessed time. There he could escape the dread that settled in their house.

Today, when he approached the meadow, he was looking forward to a sense of revival that every prayer gave his body and soul. But something was different. Air was buzzing with exciting whispers.

"I've heard Galahad is leaving with…"

"Don't you wish you were chosen, too…"

"Wardens of the Sun! Today is a big day for all of us. The High Priest is ready to meet the chosen ones in the Breka Castle. You and your wives will travel with Bruno's caravan to fulfill your duty to the congregation."

A rush of whispers ran through the crowd. Pastor waited for the silence to settle before he started speaking again.

"Now let me go on with the list: family of Abraham the Baker, family of Atti the Smith, family of Galahad, the shepherd, family of …"

Atti looked around, noticing faces lit up as Dion called out their names. He did not expect to leave this village so soon. In fact, he counted on settling here for the next couple of years.

But after catching the envious gazes of those who were not selected, he couldn't help but straighten his back and spread out his shoulders. What an honor!

He remembered his wife's face at that dinner, where she tried to convince him to leave. Troubled, she was a troubled woman. But she would have been satisfied that they are leaving now, too.

The congratulatory claps lingered on his back. He felt like he was walking on air. The light filtering through the leaves overhead patted his face with warmth. He was ready for the journey looming ahead.