Finally, I learned her name: Mitsui Tsuki.

A moment ago, I thought my dream of a peaceful school life was over. But it wasn't, thanks to Kiyosumi Yozora.

While everyone else was teasing me, he stood up for me. I've never met him before. Who is he? Why is he helping me? It was the first time in my life that someone stood up for me.

"Hey, I'm Kiyosumi Yozora, I'm 16 years old," he introduced himself. "My height- 5'5 , My weight - 45 kg, I'm an introvert and I'm shy" He added

Ahm ok, but I do not care about those details.

"Ah is that all?" I asked

"Oh, you want more?" he asked. "Here you go then, I'm an introvert and shy, a virgin, I don't have a girlfriend, I watch porn, well not every genre. I like solo and by the way, I'm straight."

"STOP! I don't want to hear that. What's wrong with you?" I asked, taken aback by his honesty.

Here I sat thinking he was a badass, but he is just some stupid ass guy.

"You said you are an introvert and yet you do something that says otherwise and care to explain why you saved me back there," I asked Yozora

"I was scared and shaking the whole time," he admitted. "It was my first time speaking loudly in front of a class. But I knew you were suffering more, so I had to help you."

Is he fake? I don't know if he's being real or not, but I have to thank him.

"Thanks for standing up for me," I said. Yozora just smiled in response.

"Do you like Tsuki-chan?" Yozora asked with a smirk.

"No, I just think she's beautiful," I replied, maybe lying to myself.

Maybe that was a lie! I do not know what I am feeling about her! Maybe I am the fake one.

"Oh, so that's it? So you don't like her! I see. Ah man, I was planning to introduce you to her." He said with a disappointed face.

Huh!? Huh!? Did I just hear that right? Huh!? Did he just say he would introduce me to her? Huh!!!

I looked at this face to see whether he is lying but this guy had a 10 cm wide smirk on his face.

"Are you two close? You have been calling her "Tsuki-chan". And why would I want you to introduce me? I can do that myself. And what was with that commotion over her name? Who is she? Is she in some Mafia?" I asked to Yozora with a chuckle

"Wait a minute! Bruh seriously? You don't know who Mitsui Tsuki is? You know her right?" asked Yozora

What is he talking about? I have never seen this girl before. So how am I supposed to know about her?

"I don't know her. It's the first time I'm seeing her" I replied in a confused tone.

"WHAT!!! You don't know the daughter from the richest family in Japan? Mitsui family runs a huge company that exports food products to other countries." Yozora explained. "Her parents came to orientation day and even gave a speech. So literally everyone knows who she is. Are you always daydreaming? Huhu."

I don't know whether it is a joke or not but... It kinda makes sense now! My whole classmates knew who she was. But I had no idea.

"Why is she in this school?" I asked. "She's rich and famous, why is she hanging around people like us?"

"I don't know anything about that. All I know is that she doesn't like this attention she's getting. She just wants to have a normal life. She got what I call 'fans'. Huhu"

"You know her really well don't you? Are you one of her fans?"

"Fan? Haha, I am not! I am just a friend. We were in the same Junior High. And that is why I told you that I can introduce you to her"

"But I already introduced myself to her on the first day, Will she remember me?" I said to myself.

"I want to introduce you to another guy in class B too," Yozora said. "He's my friend. I'll introduce you to both of them during the next period."

"Next period?" I asked, confused. "How can you introduce me to students from a different class during the next period?"

"You don't know anything," Yozora said with a laugh. "Why are you even here?"

"I don't know anything," I said, stumbling over my words. "I only know what I... No, that's not how it was supposed to go, right?"

"I got that reference," Yozora said with a chuckle.

"THAT WASN'T A REFERENCE! I just bit my tongue," I replied while winking.

And that's how you make a Monogatari reference without getting a copyright strike.

"Haha. Well anyway, which subject did you choose as your Elective language subject", he asked.

"I selected Korean as my first choice and English as my second," I replied with a soft smile. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, it seems the seats for Korean classes have already been filled, so you'll be joining the English class with all the other students who selected it as their second priority," Yozora informed me, his voice smooth and melodic.

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. English was always my strong suit, but I had a inexplicable urge to choose Korean first.

But there was something intriguing about Yozora. He seemed to know that the Korean seats were taken, leading me to wonder if he had also applied for the class.

My instincts were telling me that he was not just an ordinary student. There was more to him that I needed to uncover.

"He mentioned that he would introduce me to her and his friend during the next period. So it seems they too have selected English as their additional language," I thought to myself, my heart fluttering with anticipation.

Despite all the challenges I had faced in my life, something told me that this moment was a turning point. Was it fate, or just luck?

"Come, Kousei," Yozora called, his voice ringing like a bell. "Lunch break is over. Let's go see the Shining Moon."