After the school festival, we were all consumed by exams. Everyone was absorbed in their studies and our gatherings had come to a halt.

It was a struggle for me to even exchange a word with Yozora during that period. As I mentioned, exams were incredibly important for students like me who aren't involved with clubs.


However, it brought with it one of the dullest moments of my life.

Yozora, Kai, Kin, and Tsuki were all occupied with club activities, and I was left to wander the school alone. I tried to keep in touch with everyone through phone calls, but most importantly, Tsuki and I texted each other daily. Our conversations were the highlight of my day, as I learned more about her with each exchange.

Only 12 students remained in our class during the second year, and I won't dwell on the dreariness of that time. At least I would see them occasionally during the second year, although they would be absent for the third.

Texting Tsuki and Yozora were the only things that kept me going.

One day, as we were texting, Tsuki asked about my classes. When I confessed that they were boring, she told me about a secret place that could heal loneliness.

I wasn't one to believe in superstitions, but I was curious about this supposed "secret place".

Tsuki: "So, how are your classes going?"

Kousei: "Boring and lonely without you and Yozora. It's like I'm the guy in that movie who got stranded on Mars."

Tsuki: "Aww, don't worry. We'll be back soon. Although, even when I return, you'll still need a phone to talk to me."

Kousei: "That's true, but also a little rude >.<"

Tsuki: "By the way, if you're feeling lonely, I can tell you about a secret spot in our school. Legend has it that it can cure any worries, but I wouldn't call it a legend since it helped me too."

Tsuki had worries? The girl from the wealthiest family had worries?

Kousei: "A secret spot? I'd love to know more about it!"

Tsuki: "Have you heard of the abandoned library at our school? It's about 200 meters behind the main building. Check it out when you have some free time."

Kousei: "Okay, I'll try that. But does it really cure loneliness?"

Tsuki: "Find out for yourself ;-)"

The next day, I went to this "secret spot" and what I saw took my breath away.

Before me was the most magnificent sight I had ever laid eyes on – a vast lake.

I could see why a library was built here, as it must have been a magical experience to read a book while listening to the symphony of nature.

It was a bittersweet irony that this very lake was the reason the library was no longer in use.

Tsuki told me that during a heavy flood in Tokyo, the lake overflowed and all the books in the library were ruined by water. The school decided to abandon the library as a result.

Well, I didn't care about the library; all I cared about was the magic of this place.

She was right! This presence filled the void of my solitude.

She opened my eyes to the beauty of nature, something that is always around us, but often goes unnoticed. How we humans destroy it, yet it remains here to bring us joy. Now, I feel like a true lover of the environment.

There's a magnificent lake here that nobody knows about, or so I thought.

But the truth was, everyone who lived here was aware of it, they just didn't prioritize it with their busy lives.

I started visiting the lake frequently, and my second year was starting to look brighter.

That is, until the day I encountered Hanekawa Akio again.

The school tour and cultural festival were both approaching, and the students with club activities were coming to school early to prepare.

Akio and her club mates in the modeling club were trying out different outfits for the festival.

We ran into each other during lunchtime on the school balcony. She told me she had something to share. And now, here we are, just the two of us on this expansive balcony.

I had a feeling about what she wanted to say.

"Kou chan! It's been forever! I missed you so much!" she exclaimed with excitement.

"Hey! I missed you too. Life was lonely without you," I replied with a smile.

"Well, you don't have to worry about that anymore, I'm here to save you," she said with a warm smile.

"Also, am I imagining things or are you getting more and more thinner every day? You look so slim now," I commented.

She glanced down, seeming to hide something.

Oh no, I shouldn't have said that. It's not appropriate to comment on a girl's weight, especially one who wants to be a model.

"You silly Kou-chan! I'm trying to be a model, so of course, I'm working out to get thinner. DUMBO," she playfully scolded me, pouting cutely.

"Haha, I'm sorry. So, what was it you wanted to talk about?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Oh, are you busy? I heard you wanted to meet up with Yozora. I saw him a few minutes ago," she said, still pouting.

Wait, Yozora is here today? I have to find him!

"I didn't even know he was here. Now I really want to see him. So, what did you want to tell me?" I asked again.

Even though I had a feeling what was coming, I tried to avoid it.

"Kou-chan, I actually wanted to prepare for this moment, but I couldn't. I am sorry. But but I really have to say it to you. So.... Kou-chan I really really... love you," she whispered, her face blushing red.

Wow. This was it. This was the moment.

Her embarrassment was contagious, and I found myself blushing as well.

I tried to put on a brave face, even though this was my first time experiencing a confession.

"I... I finally said it. I'm proud of myself. This was my first time confessing my love," she said, jumping with joy like a playful bunny.

I was speechless.

I didn't want to hurt her, to take away her happiness.

But she deserved to know the truth, I couldn't let her waste her time on me.

"Umm, Akio?" I called out to her, my voice filled with nervousness and hesitation.

"Yes, yes, yes Kou-chan? You don't have to reply right away. Take your time to think about it if you'd like." Akio's eyes sparkled with excitement as she smiled warmly at me.

But I couldn't think, I was in pain. My eyes started to well up with tears, but I tried my best to keep them at bay.

"I... I don't know what to say. But maybe it's for the best if you reconsider. I think you could find someone who is more reliable and someone who truly loves you. I'm sorry," I said, my voice shaking.

Akio's joyful energy was gone in an instant, she looked shocked by my words.

"Kou-chan, what do you mean by reliable and loving? You saved me from Ryuto, you saved my dreams, my future. You did that because you love me, right?" Her voice was filled with hope and fear.

I couldn't take it, the sight of her eyes filling with tears made it even harder for me to hold back my own emotions.

"I... I think there's been a misunderstanding. I was just there to submit my assignment, I wasn't there to save you. I already told you that! I had no idea what Ryuto was doing," I explained.

"Coincidence? Oh. Haha, yes, it was just a coincidence. I was foolish to think otherwise. I'm sorry," Akio said, but the disappointment was evident in her voice and expression.

I could see she was in a state of confusion, she didn't know who she was anymore. The only person who could save her from that was me.

I was in a dilemma, I didn't want to hurt her, but I also couldn't lead her on.

I was about to wound her heart, but I am her only salvation. My hands slowly enfold her, pulling her close, as I wrap her in a warm hug. She shivers, like a bird nestling her chicks under her wings. I offer her the comfort of my hug.

"Thank you, it brings me joy to know that someone like you loves me. But I am sorry, I love someone else," I whisper as her tears begin to fall. My shirt becomes damp with her tears, but I hold her tighter until her sobs subside.

"I apologize for disturbing you," says Akio, looking remorseful.

"Disturb? If anything, I am so proud of you. Saying things like this to someone isn't easy at all. I know that personally. You are so brave." I reply, offering a reassuring smile.

"Well, my first love was a failure. Haha, you rejected me," Akio says, trying to make light of the situation. "But it was thanks to Kai and Tsuki that I had the confidence to confess. I sought their advice, but now I don't know what to tell them. Haha."

She seems embarrassed by the whole situation.

"I had no idea that Kai was involved as well," I say, surprised.

Is this the right time to ask?

"I'm glad to hear that Kai helped you, even though I don't know how," I say, trying to mask my curiosity.

"Kai talked to me a lot about love on the preparation day," Akio explains. "He asked some strange questions and told me that love is an impure emotion. I confided in him about my feelings, and he said that Tsuki knew you well. But when I asked Tsuki, she claimed not to know you."

"Kai! Why would you do that?" I think to myself, feeling anger towards him.

"Love is impure," I say, echoing his words with a hint of sarcasm. "That guy is always trying to impose his beliefs on others."

"I have to go help my club mates now. See you later. Bye," Akio says, cutting our conversation short.

"Goodbye," I reply, watching her as she leaves.

I can hardly believe what just happened. I could have had a beautiful girlfriend, but instead, I remain steadfast in my love for Tsuki. No, I do not regret my actions.

"Yo, it's been a while Kousei," says a familiar voice, bringing me back to reality.

"Yozora, why are you here?" I ask, not surprised to see him.

"Really? I thought you would be crying and hugging me, saying 'I missed you'," he teases with a smirk.

"IN YOUR DREAMS," I retort, rolling my eyes.

"So you're into that little side character girl now?" he asks, referring to Akio. "I saw you hugging her."

"Oh, Akio? No, she just confessed her love to me and I rejected her," I explain.

"Whoa, what have you been up to lately? Are you more famous than me now?" he asks, jokingly. "Make me your student, Kousei sensei."

I ignore his jests and move on.

"You didn't even tell me you were coming today," I say, changing the subject.

"Oh, I apologize. I seem to have forgotten to mention my visit. I wanted it to be a surprise," Yozora says with a smirk.

"So, how about July 7th? Are you free that evening?" he asks, a hint of excitement in his voice.

Why July 7? Well forget about that, I finally gets to spend time with my best friend. So, I nodded yes to him.

"Perfect! Let's visit the nearest shrine on the evening of July 7th. So come to my house by 6 PM at my house," Yozora says, a twinkle in his eye.

"A shrine? Why" I asked him

"For Tanabata! Dumbass.", He said,


Confusion started to grow on me and he saw my confused face.

"Really? Bruh!! You seriously don't know about Tanabata festival? " Yozora says with a annoyed face.

Tanabata festival??? What in the world is that?