The School Tour! The day was coming faster than a lover's heartbeat. It was a day I was eagerly anticipating.

Our school has a unique approach to school tours. Ahm, we're just unique in every way!

SEVEN days! Yes, we are blessed to revel in seven LONG days! A 7-day school tour of delight.

The first 4 days each class will explore different destinations. Any place their hearts desire! And for the next THREE days, all the classes will reside in the opulent Nakamura Resort in Kyoto.

Yes, you guessed it right! On these wondrous 3 days, only the students are allowed in that grandiose resort.


Ahm! I know! I'm trying hard not to think about that!

I spoke to her after that! Well, I didn't talk about what occurred during the Tanabata festival.

What if she confesses that she's in love with him? That would shatter me.

Every time I ask Yozora about it, he says,

"Don't worry, nothing will happen between them".

I would've trusted him but he was also shocked and surprised when he saw them together at the festival.

Well, I don't have any answers. Let's see what transpires.

About the tour! As I mentioned, I was over the moon about it!

However, I'm now preparing to bid farewell to that dream as well! The school announced the tour fee and it was mind-bogglingly more than I expected!

1 Million JPY (10,000 USD)

For real? How will I ever pay for it?

"What? You thought it would be a small amount? We're talking about a luxurious tour!" Yozora asked me

"I didn't know! You could have told me earlier though. And do you have the money?", I asked him back.

"NO I DON'T! I have saved a little bit. Well, most of it is from the money I saved for my Date! Well, now I can use it for something worthwhile! BUT NO, I DON'T HAVE THE MONEY. But I am thinking about doing every work I can find.", Said Yozora

Ah, so basically we might not be able to go on the school tour!

To be honest, I have about a good amount in my account. I save my pocket money and I never use it anyway.

However, the issue is that, it's still not enough! Going on tour means buying more things from the new place you're visiting! Therefore, I need more money than just the fees

And, yes, I'm positive Yozora didn't consider that!

Well, either way, we are stuck!

Or so I thought.

"Here you go," Karada Kin said as he extended his hands holding 20K USD

He gave me and Yozora 10K each. We were speechless.

Umm? What's happening here?

"Thanks Kin! However, I don't think I can accept this money! It'll be a hassle to pay it back! 10K isn't a small sum to repay," Yozora said as he tried to give the money back to Kin!

Well, Yozora is correct! It's not right! I mean Kin doesn't even get that much attention in this story, but now we're taking money from him. No, that's not fair!

"Who said you have to pay it back" Kin said with his deep voice.


"Wait, wait, wait... is it free?" Yozora and I asked in unison, our eyes wide with wonder and surprise.

"Well, it's not exactly free. You'll have to promise me one thing," Kin said with a sly grin, flexing his biceps. "You'll both come see my program at the school cultural festival."

"Ten thousand yen for that? That's not exactly a fair trade," I pointed out, skeptical of the offer.

"Ah, my dear Mr. Wannabe-Edward Elric, if you're being so stubborn about that, then you simply must come see Kai's drama as well! I can't stop thinking about it!" Kin laughed.

I couldn't help but feel like I should accept the offer before Kin changed his mind. After all, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I didn't mention this earlier, but the school tour is only open to second-year students. I won't get another chance like this.

With Kin's help, I was able to pay the exorbitant fees for the school tour, and I was determined to repay him, even if I wasn't sure when that would be possible.

Our class decided to visit Osaka and Nara during the first four days of the tour, while Tsuki's class chose Yokohama. The thought of Tsuki and Daichi traveling together made me anxious, but I tried not to think about it too much.

While the first four days of the tour were a bit lackluster, they were still enjoyable thanks to Yozora's playful spirit. I also had a chance to chat with Hayato Ren on the last day of the tour.

Yozora and I were sitting in the hotel cafeteria, catching up on everything, when Ren approached and sat down at our table. "Well, well, well, look at this! I thought you liked that girl! I didn't know you were into boys," Ren teased, trying to get a rise out of us.

Of course, we ignored him.

"Come on, dude! Why are you ignoring me? Is it because of your 'love'?" Ren laughed, clearly enjoying himself.

"No, it's because you're annoying," Yozora shot back with a playful smirk.

"Ah, I see! Well, I was asking Kousei, not you, dumbass. I guess his tongue is still tied up or something. Or maybe he just can't speak?" Ren chuckled.

"Oh, hi there, asshole. I didn't see you there," I replied with a cheeky grin, winking at Yozora.

"Ah, I think he can speak perfectly fine," Yozora added, trying to suppress his laughter.

"Come on, Kousei! Don't be angry. I know I was wrong, but can't you just forgive me?" Ren asked, looking slightly frustrated.

"ok" I replied. I turned back to my conversation with Yozora, unable to keep the smile from my lips.

Ren stood there for a moment longer, his frustration growing before he eventually turned and left, his footsteps echoing down the hallway.

The first four days flew by, each one filled with excitement and anticipation for what was to come. And then, the day I had been eagerly awaiting arrived - the first of the final three days.

We, from every department, gathered at Nakamura resort for the upcoming three day luxurious life.

It was also the perfect opportunity to spend some time with Tsuki, and I was determined to make the most of it. I will talk to her... A LOT

With my heart filled with bravery, I set out to find her. Despite living in the same resort, however, it was proving to be a challenge. My room was number 378, while Tsuki's was a distant 1079. It was as if she was on the other side of the world.

Just then, Yozora made me an offer.

"Hey Kousei, Kai has invited me and Tsuki to spend some time together, reminiscing about our junior high days. Would you like to join us?"

"I don't want to intrude on your time together," I responded hesitantly. "Besides, I thought it was just for the three of you?"

"Don't worry about that!" Yozora reassured me, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "I'll talk to Kai and see if it's okay for you to come along. I'm sure he won't mind."

"Are you sure?" I asked, still uncertain. "I don't want to impose."

"I've already taken care of it," Yozora chuckled. "I just texted Kai and he said it's fine as long as it's you. So, get ready for an early start tomorrow!"

"Wait, what about Kin? We can't just ignore him after he paid for our stay here," I pointed out.

"You're right," Yozora admitted, a frown creasing his brow. "We'll make sure to include him in our plans tomorrow. I'm not interested in reliving the past, I just want to have some fun. And I'm sure we can find a way to make everyone happy. Well, let's meet up at the train station at 10 am tomorrow."

"10? Sure. I'm pretty sure I'll be reaching a lot earlier than that. Haha, I'm too excited and I need to buy some stuff but yeah that sounds perfect," I agreed, feeling relieved. "I'll make sure to set my alarm for an early start."

A sly smirk stretched across Yozora's face, resembling a mastermind hatching a mischievous scheme.

"Why the creepy smile?" I inquired, unable to contain my laughter at his mysterious expression.

"Nothing. Huhu.. Goodnight, then," Yozora called out, a smile lighting up his face.

It was evident that Yozora had something up his sleeve; that grin spoke volumes.

"I'm onto you, Mr. Mischief Planner," I teased, sensing his devious intentions. 

"Huhu.. Sweet dreams! DEAR", he told me as he closed the door of my room.

"Goodnight, MOM" I replied, unable to keep the laughter. "I'll see you tomorrow!"




AHHH I CANNOT SLEEP! I am filled with excitement and anticipation!

What should I do? Ah, let's take a leisurely stroll outside under the starlit sky!

It is midnight and I find myself longing to escape the confines of my room. I ascend to the top floor to gaze upon the celestial beauty above.

I wander past the gleaming golden walls, marveling at the luxury that surrounds me. This is a dream come true.

As I move quietly, I suddenly hear a sound. The sound of opening doors and hushed whispers.

Curious, I long to see who could be awake at this hour. Perhaps another insomniac, like myself.

But what I see is a shocking twist!

Standing there was none other than Watanabe Yuki, Yozora's former crush, emerging from Daichi's room wearing only a towel! Well, I cannot even say she was wearing it as she just hold it near her chest and everything was visible.

I do not want to know what transpired, but I cannot deny what my eyes have seen.

I cannot bring myself to explain the scene, but you can imagine what took place.

Daichi stands at his door, watching as Yuki rushes back to her room.

THIS DAMNED JERK! How could he cheat on Tsuki, holding her hand with the same dirty hands he used for his illicit actions?


Oops! I said that aloud!

Daichi looks in my direction, but I manage to hide myself before he sees me.

I am not afraid of him, but I do not want to cause any trouble during this peaceful night. BUT, I PROMISE TO MAKE HIM PAY FOR HIS ACTIONS.

As I walked back to my room, my mind were dancing with questions.

Should I warn Tsuki of what I saw? I cannot talk to Yozora about it, as he has feelings for Yuki. Well, I don't know if he still has them but I must do something.

Thinking of that brought me to a restless sleep.

And, the next day arrived.

Today is the day! 

But where are we going? I wonder with excitement.

The time was 6 am but I found myself eagerly preparing for the day ahead, choosing to head to the train station ahead of time. Yozora and Kai, lost in their late-night planning, deserved their sleep. So, I refrained from waking them up. But I hope they had informed Kin of our journey.

Anticipating our travel, I ventured down the resort, embarking on a scenic walk to the bus station. Along the way, I bought some of my favorite canned green tea and packed it in my bag.

Boarding the bus, I found a seat amid the crowd, the anticipation of our journey palpable. Just as the bus was poised to depart, a familiar voice echoed through the air, a melodious plea for the driver to wait.


In an instant, I recognized that warm voice, a symphony that stirred my heart. Like the first day of school, I found myself rising, stretching like a meerkat to catch a glimpse of the bus door.

The crowd's hands obscured my view, but amidst the sea of raised hands, I focused intently. Through the spaces between, I glimpsed a celestial beauty, something more beautiful than an angel, moving gracefully. She was slightly sweating, evidence of a hurried run. Apologizing with gentleness, she navigated the crowd, her eyes searching for a seat, eventually meeting mine.

As she saw me, a rosy blush adorned her cheeks, a silent symphony of emotions playing across her face. 

In that fleeting moment, I pondered silently, questioning the subtle flush on her cheeks. Was it a blush or merely a residue of the hurried run?

She settled beside me, expressing apologies for her slight perspiration. Little did she know, in that moment, she had transformed the ordinary into something extraordinary.

"Good morning, Kousei-kun," she greets me with a warm smile.

"G-good morning," I stammer, feeling nervous and overwhelmed.

It has been a year since our last conversation in English class, and I am now a changed man.

However, the memory of what I saw during the Tanabata festival still lingers in my mind, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.

I should and must warn her of Daichi's actions, and protect her from his deceit. But now it's not the right time. We are going to have fun. So I don't want to take her happiness away.

"Ay! At long last, you've finally talked to me! Haha, where are the rest of our friends?"

I gazed into her eyes, utterly captivated. God, such beauty I had never witnessed before. Emotions overwhelmed me; I began to sweat, my heart's rhythm echoing everywhere.

"I love her. I love her so much," echoed in my mind.

Seated beside me, our hands touched, a subtle connection that spoke volumes.

With a laugh, she teased, "Here we go again. You always have that same scared expression when you see me."

She turned towards me, a move that deepened my blush. Her soft palms embraced mine as she said, "Hey, I know you want to talk a lot to me. So come on, we're gonna talk. If you don't, I'll just keep talking," she teased, a wink and a playful hint with her tongue peeking from her red, beautiful lips.

I summoned my bravery. "I would like that. Haha, our friends? They're probably sleeping due to late-night planning. Well, 10 am is our meeting time. Basically we are going early." I confidently replied.

Curiosity danced in her eyes as she asked, "10 am? Yozora told me it was 8? Anyway. Do you know what our plan is?"

"I don't actually. But the place doesn't matter. I'm happy as long as I'm with you..." A sudden realization hit me, and I stumbled, "with you and others. Ha. Haaa."

Surprise painted her face, turning it a scarlet red. Undeterred, I inquired about her club activities, engaging in conversation as our bus reached the train station.

She shared her plans to buy some items, and in that moment, amidst casual chatter, the air seemed filled with the sweet essence of romance.

I visited some shops as well to buy some necessary stuffs for the travel.

Should I confess now? I feel like I want to confess right now. I can't hide it anymore, I can't compress my love anymore.

I saw her coming back to where I was standing. I am going to do it. I AM READY.


"We're here! Sorry for being late," Kai called out as he arrived at the station, accompanied by Kin and Yozora.

"Ah! Every time! Just as I'm about to speak, someone interrupts me. But I suppose it's for the best in this case," I thought to myself.

Glancing at Yozora, there it was again – the same smirk from last night, as mischievous as ever.

Contemplating the situation, I couldn't help but wonder: did he tell Tsuki to be at the station at 8 am, knowing full well I'd be there early?

No way he orchestrated all of this. Oh, my days! This son of a bitch is a certified genius. Haha!

"SO ARE YOU GUYS READDDDYY!!!" Kai shouted, his energy infecting us all.

"Before that, can you please tell me where we're going?" I asked.

"Hmm… to the most beautiful shrine, the Fushimi-Inari Taisha Shrine," he replied with a smirk.

"YESSSSS!! I AM SO EXCITED!" I exclaimed, my heart overflowing with joy.

We boarded the train and set out on our journey to the shrine. This time, Kai sat with her. Well, I really wanted to sit with her but Yozora sat next to me, and I couldn't resist telling him about what I had seen the day before. About Daichi and Yuki.

"Oh!!! I see! Don't worry, I'll give a little hint about it to Tsuki," he said with a nod.

Although he didn't say anything else, his words filled me with hope.

Finally, we arrived at the Fushimi-Inari Taisha Shrine. It took us a lot of time to climb to the top, mainly because we were all too busy laughing, teasing each other, and making jokes. Thanks to that we didn't notice how tired we were.

After spending the most beautiful moments of our lives at the shrine, we decided to head back down. But on the way down, Tsuki mentioned that her leg was hurting, so we took a break.

I didn't know what was going on, but it seemed like Tsuki and Yozora were having an important conversation. I was curious, but I didn't want to eavesdrop. So I hung back with Kai.

"Ah! I wish Akio-chan was here as well," Kai said

I had almost forgotten that they were friends, yeah they had become best friends since the first year cultural festival preparation day.

"Why didn't you invite her?" I asked to him.

"She didn't come. She said she had other things to do and couldn't join us on the school trip," Kai responded and I sensed a hint of melancholy in his tone.

I wondered if it was because of the tour fees. She's living alone right? I am so grateful to Kin for helping us out.

Kai's words trembled softly as he admitted, "I kinda love her," his gaze skirting away, avoiding eye contact. A revelation hung in the air as he continued, "But I know about how she has feelings for you."

The revelation hung in the air, a silent bombshell echoing through the air. I slowly smiled as I wished their story to work out well.

"You don't have to worry," I assured him, offering support. "You know I rejected her feelings, right? I believe you and her are a perfect match. I give you my full support, bro."

I spotted Kin capturing the perfect selfie moment, so I decided to express my gratitude with a spontaneous hug.

"HEY, DO YOU HAVE ANY WATER? TSUKI GOT SOME BAD LEG CRAMPS" Yozora called out from where he was talking with Tsuki.

We were all thirsty, and I remembered the green tea I had brought along. It was the perfect opportunity to make a grand gesture.

I approached them with my bag, feeling like a superhero. I offered Tsuki a can of green tea.

"It will help you feel b-better. Ahem! If you want more, y-you can tell me," I said, looking up at the sky.

Yozora tried to stifle his laughter as I awkwardly offered the tea. I took a sip from my bottle to show them it's tasty.

Trust me! If I had a cape and an underwear on top of my pants! I would have looked like SUPERMAN at that moment.

"Thanks!! However, Kousei-kun, my leg still hurts. Please carry me!!" Tsuki suddenly said.


I spat out the tea I had just taken in shock. "WHAT!! CARRY YOU???"

"Yes! Please! You look the strongest between Yozora and Kai. Kin is strong too, but I don't really know him," she explained silently.




I gracefully lowered myself and offered my shoulder, hoping to win her trust. She seemed taken aback by my boldness.

With a blush as radiant as a rose, she gingerly climbed upon me.

"Ayy!! You are more light weighted than I thought you were"Just as the words escaped my lips, she playfully tapped my head.

"STOP MAKING FUN OF ME HAHAHA" she giggled, her voice like music to my ears.

"AY AY I AM SORRY" I said while sharing a moment of magic and laughter with her.

This moment will forever be etched in my memory. Thank you, GOD, for bringing this angel into my world.