7 years have passed...

"Good work, boys! That's enough for today. Let's pack up," our assistant coach declared.

"Listen up, guys! Tomorrow is the day we've all been waiting for. People have been doubting us, calling us overrated, saying we won't win. But we're going to show them who's boss. We're playing on our home field, and we'll bleed for our country!" Our coach was fired up and ready to rally the team.

And finally, it's 2026 - the year of the Football World Cup. Hosted on American soil, and I am now an official American citizen.

At 22 years old, the rules of dual citizenship in Japan dictate that I must give up one of my nationalities. Unlike, Naomi Osaka, the tennis player with both American and Japanese citizenship who gave up her American citizenship, I decided to give up my Japanese citizenship. I want my memories of Japan to remain untainted.

So, what have I been up to for the past 7 years? Well, I've become a world-famous soccer player with a huge fan base across the globe. And I was selected to represent America in the World Cup 2026.

My name, Satou Kousei, was difficult for my fans to pronounce, so I changed it to Ryan Aslan when I became an American citizen.

It all started with a video my dad's friend took of me playing soccer. The scouts from my dream clubbsaw the video and were impressed with my playing style. They showed the video to their manager, who signed me as a first-team player, not just a youth team player.

I broke records at Inter Miami F.C and became a club legend in just three years. Then, I was signed by Dortmund, one of Germany's biggest teams, for 55 million euros. I struggled during my first season but with the love and support of the fans, I found my confidence and scored a lot of goals in my second season.

After three years at Dortmund, I was signed by Manchester UTD, a move I never thought would happen. My first year with Manchester was okay, but I know I can do better. The fans love me, and I signed with them just last year. My goal is to become a club legend.

Today is the last day of training before our World Cup opener, and I can hardly wait to score some goals. We usually train for longer, but today's practice is cut short because the people involved with the opening ceremony want to use the field for their own practice session.

I was walking to the dressing room with my teammate and American soccer legend, Pulisic, when I was told someone was waiting for me outside the dressing room.

I took my phone and my bag and left the dressing room with my mind raced with possibilities.

Who would it be? It might be a fan, a recruiter, my agent... I mean it could be anyone but...

Something is telling my mind about that person!

That person who always comes at the clutch moments!

It was him! My old buddy!

It was Kiyosumi Yozora

"Hey, Mr. Kousei senpai, could you sign this t-shirt for me?" he asked with a sarcastic tone.

"Who is Mr. Kousei senpai? I don't know any Kousei. My name is Ryan Aslan," I corrected him with a laugh.

"Oh, I'm sorry. How are you, Kousei?" he asked with that old ugly smirk.

I chuckled. He's still the same jerk. But it's good to see him again.

Haha, the memories are flooding back. Seven years and he's still the same guy, I chuckled, feeling a rush of happiness.

I've really missed him. These conversations, even if they're annoying, bring back so many fond memories, I thought to myself.

"How've you been?" I asked him, "And, as always, why are you here?" I added with a playful grin.

"I've been good. And seriously, it's been seven years and you're still asking me the same question?" he replied with a smile.

"Anyway, I came to drop off a friend at the stadium. They're involved in the opening ceremony tomorrow and I was just dropping them off," he explained. "I saw the players walking to the dressing room and I thought you'd be here too. So I asked one of the players about you and here I am."

Yozora invited me to walk with him outside the stadium.

"Oh, I see. But that's not what I meant. What I meant was, why are you here in America, Mr. World-famous Novelist?" I asked him with a sarcastic tone.

"Ha! Of course, I'm here to watch you play, you goofball," Yozora said with a laugh.

"Whoa, you like soccer now? I didn't know that," I said with a grin.

We both burst out laughing, the memories flooding back. I never thought I'd experience a moment like this again.

"So tell me, how's life been treating you?" I asked him, taking a bite of the ice cream he'd bought.

"Life's been going better than I could have ever imagined," Yozora replied. "My novels have received amazing reviews and both have been nominated for the 'Best Book of the Year' award. Plus, I'm making millions now. I'm rich," he added with a smirk.

"That's great news! By the way, how's your grandfather? Is he still pranking kids by playing deaf?" I asked, trying to stifle a chuckle.

"Yes, he was always up to his old tricks. But unfortunately, he passed away in 2021," Yozora said, looking up at the sky that was turning orange as the sun began to set.

["Regrets sculpt life into a beautiful art"]

That man changed everything for me with that one phrase. I'll never forget him, I thought, feeling a pang of sadness.

Before I could continue, he said,

"Let's change the subject. How's America been?"

I didn't want to bring up his grandfather again, so I went with the topic he selected.

"It's been good, honestly. I haven't experienced much discrimination, probably because of my career as a soccer player. But if you check my social media, you'll see that there's a lot of racist comments there." I responded.

"Yeah, I hope that one day racism will be a thing of the past. That's what inspired me to write my book." Yozora commented.

"So, have you seen any of our old classmates since school?" I asked.

"Yes, I've seen everyone. What about you?" Yozora replied.

"I saw Kai and Akio once before their wedding, I was too busy and I missed their wedding day," I added

"OH YES! You missed a great day, It felt nostalgic and was similar to our school tour. Kai and Akio make such a beautiful couple. Haha, and yeah about Kin. He is just signed a million dollar contract with WWE, even though he's already a billionaire." Yozora told me

Wow, I wanted to go to their wedding so badly, but I was just too busy. And Kin, a wrestler now? That's wild.

Thinking about it now, our school years seem like a movie playing in my head. It had everything. It covered every genre you could possibly think of. It was a perfect story.

"By the way, did you hear about Ryuto and Daichi?" Yozora asked suddenly.

"No, what happened to them?" I replied, curious.

"Daichi got out of prison and is now working as a TV anchor. Daichi then got together with Kumori. They are now a lovely couple," Yozora added.

"Aww, it warms my heart to see that they've come together. Kumori was invisible to him before, but now they're in love. I'm truly happy for them," I said. "Speaking of Kumori, what is she up to these days?"

"Well, you know she left school, and finding a job with only a junior high school education was tough. So, I offered her the position of principal at a kindergarten. She was desperate for a job and accepted right away. At first, it was awkward between us, but now everything is going well. She's such a hard worker," Yozora said with a smile.

"That's wonderful to hear!" I commented.

Although I'm happy for them, there's a part of me that's still bitter. But, they both deserve a second chance in life. They made mistakes and went through a lot of suffering, all because of Ryuto's manipulation. I hope that they will both reflect on their past mistakes and become better people.

As I pondered his name, I couldn't help but feel a growing curiosity about Ryuto. "Do you happen to know where Ryuto is now?" I asked Yozora.

"Ah Ryuto... the police searched the school after we graduated and found a lot of illegal things, including the nightclubs. After further investigations, the police found out Nakamura Tomi had played a huge role and Ryuto's nightclubs were approved by him due to the amount of income it produced. So they both got a severe punishment and will be in prison for life." Yozora explained, with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Wow! Nakamura Tomi, you son of a bitch.

You were acting all precious and clean that day, and now you are just guilty as lying piece of shit.

"That assholes got what they deserved", I said

"Yeah I agree. Well, the police searched the school and found it guilty. And then the government took over the whole area." Yozora added.

"Oh? So it is now a Government school?" I asked.

"No, I actually submitted a plan for the area to the government, and they granted me ownership. The process took some time, but in the end, they agreed to give it to me for free. However, I insisted on paying for the place and purchased it for around 75K USD." Yozora told me with a proud smile.

"What?! You did? Why? You are a certified insane person, you know that right? So what now? Are you going to run the school?" I was surprised.

"Well, that is the place where my two best friends fell in love! I don't want that place to be renovated into something else! I kept the place the same as before!

Well, I made the first two floors of the school as kindergarten for kids! You know that Japan really has a few kindergartens and parents are struggling! And is why I thought I would help!

And the upper floors are rented out to people running businesses. And the abandoned library is now a park-like space called 'The Park Where the Moon Met the Star'." Yozora explained with a warm smile.

"You're crazy, but in a good way. I can't wait to visit that place and relive those memories. Thank you." I said, with a hint of nostalgia in my voice.

"By the way, do you have a girlfriend or are you still single?" I asked Yozora.

"Ha... Of course, I am single. These past years, I've developed crushes on several girls. However, I just can't seem to love them as deeply as I did Yuki. I'm hoping that will change soon. But, you know what, being single is also fun, right?" Yozora said with a hint of despondency.

Although I wanted to ask him more about Yuki, I sensed that he wasn't comfortable discussing it any further.

"Thanks for sharing it! By the way, what do you know about Tsuki? I heard that her personal life has been a bit rough lately," I asked, changing the subject.

"Yeah, it has been tough for her. After she signed with Sony, her dad forced her to marry some famous TikTok singer because he was getting successful at the time. Despite her protests, she had to go through with the marriage.

She said 'no' a thousand times but there was no way for her to run away from her asshole father! So she ended up marrying him. But after a year, he dumped her and they got divorced.

The most annoying thing was Mitsui then tried to make her marry with someone else! That asshole, trying to control every single aspect of her life. But guess what happened?" Yozora asked me

"What happened?" I was eager to know!

"She said she no longer wants to be in that family! She on her own removed her from the Mitsui family. Her dad took the issue into the court but Tsuki won because of the majority of laws favoring her plead. In the end, she abandoned her family! So, she is no longer Mitsui Tsuki!, She is just Tsuki!!! She does not have any last name now! She is free as a bird" Yozora told me!

That poor girl, it is truly inspiring to see how she has overcome the obstacles that were placed in front of her by others. Despite the difficulties she faced, she has persevered and proven herself to be a strong and capable woman. She has broken free from her shackles and is now soaring like a bird, with her wings fully extended.

I wanted to ask more questions about Tsuki, but Yozora seemed like he had other plans.

"By the way, when was the last time you spoke with Kai?" Yozora asked, changing the subject again.

"That's an odd question. The last time I spoke with him was before his wedding. I don't have his contact anymore since I got a new phone and lost all my numbers, including yours," I explained.

"Are you kidding me?! I've been trying to contact you for so long! I even tried sending you messages on Instagram! YOU ASSHOLE," Yozora exclaimed with a chuckle.

"Dude, calm down. I can't keep up with all those messages! I have 29 million followers and I get messages from about thousand random people per day. Plus, it's not like I actively check every message I receive. It is mostly my PR team that handles my socials" I replied, also raising my voice.

"Well! That is true! I am sorry. And yeah, I completely strayed away from what I was about to ask you! So you didn't know about Kai?" Yozora asks if I knew about Kai, with a hint of sadness in his voice.

He is not being clear. That means, something bad has happened.

My heart sinks, I can sense that something terrible has happened.

"Well! What do you mean by that!? " I said

"Oh! I thought so! So you did not know! Ahm! It is not a piece of good news to hear! In addition, you have an important match tomorrow! So you should not think about this! I will tell you about it later," Yozora told me, his eyes cast downward, unable to meet my gaze.

"No No, Don't worry about the match! Tell me now! What happened?" I asked, the worry in my voice evident.

"You sure?", Yozora double checked.

My frustration was growing as Yozora continued to delay the matter. "I want to know!! WHAT IS IT? Did they get a divorce or something," I asked him

"Eh? No, no! They even have a child! By the way, his name is Sasaki Kaio," Yozora said, his voice shaking.

"It is something else! Do you really want to know?" Yozora asked me again, his voice barely above a whisper.

"YES, I WANT TO KNOW," I said, my voice raised in desperation.

"Well! You know how during our school days, Akio was getting skinnier day by day, right? And you told me she was working out and that was why she was getting thinner, right? Do you remember about that?" Yozora asked, his voice trembling.

"Well, the truth is... She... She had leukemia, a type of blood cancer! She was really struggling!" Yozora told me, his voice breaking.

"Oh, my... That is really sad news. Poor Akio," I said, tears welling up in my eyes.

"She was always acting so strong, hiding her sorrows," I added, my voice choked with emotion.

"I am sorry to hear that! Did Kai know about it when they got married? Or did she hide it from him?" I asked Yozora, my voice trembling.

"Well, Kai knew it from the day he went to confess to her! He was clueless! He said that a part of him wanted to give up his love, but in the end, he couldn't leave her alone," Yozora replied, his voice filled with sorrow.

"How is she now? Is she doing fine?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Last year, in December, she said she wanted to celebrate Christmas with all of us. We all agreed and we tried to contact you! But you didn't see our messages!" Yozora said, his voice filled with regret.

"Well, we went to visit them on December 25! Kin, Tsuki, and me with Kai, Akio, and their son Kaio! That was a special day! We enjoyed ourselves that day!" Yozora continued, his voice filled with memories of happier times.

"She was happy and was smiling so much. We stayed at their house until midnight. But when we were about to leave, she- she said she was feeling tired!" Yozora said, his voice shaking.

"She lay down and slept so deeply. So much deeply that she never woke up again. Her smile, her laughter, gone. She left Kai and his son alone". Yozora said while trying hard not to cry.

That small little girl. I remember her bravery, The way she faced her fears. I saved her from Ryuto. And the day I found her crying, In a room all alone with tears.

She liked and loved a person like me, she wanted to help me be happy. She even confessed her love. But now she's gone, it's hard to accept.

Her loss is like a pain that cuts like a knife.

I can't imagine Kai's sorrow, Or how he's coping today. I hope he is doing fine. SHIT, I couldn't even comfort him. DID FAME GET INTO MY HEAD.

Now I feel guilty for not calling her, by her nickname, "Akio-chan".

Tears well in my eyes while my Memories fills with her smile. Yozora tries to comfort me, But the pain lingers within me for while.

We try to talk of happier times, And push away the sad. But the loss of Akio-chan, is something I can never accept.

After a short while of talking about our happier times, We managed to push away the sadness for a while.

Yozora apologized to me for to bringing this topic just before the day of World Cup. But he tried hard not to say it and it was me who forced him to say it.

We successfully changed the subject.

"Will you be joining the crowd for tomorrow's opening ceremony, or will you be staying within the the dressing room?" Yozora asked me with a hint of mystery in his voice.

"My focus must be unwavering for the start of the match. I'll be in the dressing room," I replied with determination.

But Yozora wasn't satisfied with my answer. He handed me a piece of paper, and as I looked at it, my heart skipped a beat.

"America vs Italy World Cup 2026 Timings" was written in bold letters.

First, a silent nature drama by the Kansas University Nature Club, followed by a spectacular display of fireworks.

And then, the event I had been waiting for, the live performance of the World Cup's official theme song, "Shining Star," sung by Tsuki.

Then, the second batch of firewor---


I couldn't believe my eyes. A thrill ran down my spine.

"Tsuki?" I whispered to myself in disbelief.

I looked up at Yozora, who was now wearing a 10 cm wide smirk. "She's somewhere in the stadium. Find her," he said before disappearing from my sight.

As he spoke those words, I felt a rush of fear and desperation sweep over me. I had to find her. I had to see her once again. So I ran back into the stadium, my heart pounding in my chest, my mind consumed with thoughts of her.

But where was she? The stadium was so big, and there were so many places she could be hiding. I ran from room to room, searching for any sign of her. I checked the cafeteria, the resting room, the dressing room, the meeting rooms, my heart pounding in my chest.

I even dared to venture into the female's bathroom, But I didn't as that's a crime.

And yet, she was nowhere to be found. I was getting more and more desperate with each passing moment. My heart felt like it was breaking into a million pieces, my mind consumed with thoughts of her.

And then, I heard it. A sweet, beautiful song that seemed to be calling out to me. I followed the sound, my heart leading the way, until I finally arrived at the source.

It was her. It had to be her. Her voice was like a soothing balm to my weary soul, her melody lifting my spirits and calming my racing heart.

I pushed my way through the crowd, desperate to reach her, to see her, to hold her in my arms once again. And as I finally emerged from the throngs of people, I caught sight of her, standing in the center of the circle, her voice soaring to the heavens.

My heart swelled with emotion as I watched her, her beauty and grace taking my breath away. And as she finished her song and turned to face me, our eyes met, and I knew. I knew that she was waiting for me.

Tsuki. My Tsuki. The love of my life.

Tears filled her eyes as she saw me, and I could feel my own emotions overwhelming me. I pushed my way to her.

Her expression froze, as if she had saw a ghost. The microphone slipped from her trembling fingers, descending to the ground with a muted thud, while teardrops cascaded down her cheeks like delicate raindrops on a desolate night. The crowd, enveloped in a veil of confusion, stood frozen, unable to fathom the scene unfolding before them.

As I approached her, my heart racing with anticipation, my mind was consumed by thoughts.

The whims of fate, like rolling the dice, cannot be predicted or controlled.

Its unpredictability can leave us waiting with bated breath, hoping for the best but never certain of the outcome.

And yet, despite all this, fate had once gifted me with a beautiful dream, a ray of hope in the darkness.

But as I neared the end of my school days, that same fate cruelly snatched it all away, leaving me feeling foolish and lost.

Why, now, does fate offer me another chance?

Is this a cruel joke, or is this a Second Chance?


What is your plan for me? Show me the way, guide me to my destiny.

With my arms outstretched, and I pulled her into a tight hug.

And in that moment, I knew that our future had been written in the stars. Our love would conquer all, and nothing could stand in our way. We would face every challenge together, our hearts entwined as one, and our love would endure for all eternity.

As we stood beneath the fiery orange-tinted sky, wrapped in each other's embrace, our tears flowed like a river, cascading down our faces in an outpouring of raw emotion. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving only us and the intense love that bound us together.

With each beat of our hearts, our bodies melded into one, and we held on to each other like we'd never let go. We were two souls entwined, lost in the beauty of this moment and the depth of our love.

Under the orange tinted sky, I kissed her deeply. Our tongues were entwined, our hearts beating as one.

And as the sky changed from orange to a deep shade of blue, we remained there, still hugging, still crying, still lost in the bliss of our union.

And, That is how my story started.

The Story of my Love.