Jack finally manages to get to his class. He's late for the third time this week. The teacher frowns at him and rushes him inside, annoyed for being interrupted by the same boy yet again.

He feels like trash and just wants to be able to go home and sleep. Last night was fun but also tiring. At least the guy agreed on giving him a ride to college, or else he wouldn't have gotten here.

The bell finally rings after what seems like ages and all students hurry outside, ignoring the teacher's homework assignments, hoping they can get something decent to eat for lunch.

Jack stretches his arms and yawns, lazily walking out the classroom as well. He sees Theo standing in the hallway talking with some people.

"Morning." he says. "Took care of the sick guy already?" Theo stares at him in disbelief, and the way he glares at him tells Jack he might've said something wrong.

He looks beside him and sees the boy who Theo has been tutoring, (his name is Noah, if he remembers correctly), and some other guy he's never seen before. He mentally slaps himself. This must be the new guy.

"Fuck. I'm sorry." He panics, "I was just joking with Theo. I mean, I know you're not sick - well, I know you're sick, but... Uh... I- I was just angry at him cause he ditched me for you. And-"

Jack rambles and the three boys stare at him as he tries to explain himself.

"Idiot." Noah scoffs. "See you later, Theo. Bye." He leaves, waving at the stranger as well. Theo sighs, still not sure how to handle the situation. "Jack Arthur!" He groans, grabbing the younger by his shirt.

Jack laughs awkwardly.

“C’mon, no need to play de middle name card.”

"No! It's okay! I know he didn't mean it in a bad way." The new boy sounds nervous, his voice muffled by the facemask he's wearing. Jack thinks his voice is nice; his tone is deep but soft at the same time. "I don't mind. I promise."

Jack can tell by how the other’s eyes are slightly squinted that he’s smiling at him under his facemask now.

Theo sighs, letting Jack go. "Forgive my friend. He's an idiot."

"I can't argue with that." Jack laughs nervously. "I'm Jack. Nice to meet you."

He lifts his hand for the other to shake, ignoring his friend's angry stare.

The boy takes a little too long until he finally lifts his own hand to meet Jack's, and shakes it, bowing to the other as well. "Nice to meet you too, Jack Arthur. I'm Vince.”

Vince’s hand is cold and his grip on Jack's hand is so light he almost can't feel it. His skin still feels soft, though, Jack thinks. He notices him smiling again and smiles back. He wonders how his smile must look like.

"Okay. We have to go now." Theo kindly interrupts their introduction, pulling Vince by his shoulder. "Talk to you later, jerk." he rolls his eyes at Jack.

Vince waves at him and leaves with Theo.

Jack watches as they disappear between the other students, the recent events burning inside his head, making him cringe harder by the second.

Vince seems nice. He dresses kind of weird, with the scarf and the mask and all that, but that probably has something to do with his sickness. Jack wonders what it might be. Not that he cares - he's just curious.

Theo guides Vince down the hallway to his next class. "I'm sorry about Jack.” He sighs, sadly. "He never thinks before he speaks."

"It's okay." Vince smiles with his eyes, not bothering to look at him. Theo can't help but be surprised by the other's indifference. It's almost as if he doesn't care what others say about him. That can only mean he's either too confident, or too tired.

"Here's your class." Theo smiles politely. "I have lunch now, it's a shame we don't have lunch together, but I promise I'll be here as soon as your class is over to take you to the next one."

"Thank you." Vince smiles back and waves, entering the classroom right after.


Theo gets to the caffeteria and sits down at the table next to his friends. He smile when he sees Keith is there too.

"Where's the new guy?" Jack asks, focused on opening his soda can.

"Thankfully not near enough for you to offend him again." Theo shoots him a glare. Jack rolls his eyes.

"I already apologized." He says, taking a bite of his sandwich. "Did you find out what's wrong with him?" Theo stares at him incredulously. Sometimes he finds it hard to remember why he's still friends with him. He's about to answer when a girl approaches their table.

"Hi, boys." She smiles. Theo recognizes her from his literature class, but can't remember her name. "So sorry to interrupt."

The girl smiles as she slowly places a hand on Jack's shoulder. They exchange looks and as if something clicks on Jack's head, he gets up.

"Uhm, I'll be right back." He smiles that cheeky smile that both Theo and Keith know exactly what means by now, and goes hand in hand with the girl towards the bathroom area. Theo roll his eyes, Keith just sighs tiredly, going back to reading his book.


Vince can honestly say the day is turning out to be a lot better than he expected. He's still on biology class, and his teacher is the sweetest old lady he's ever met. She reminds him of his grandmother. Some students came to say hi to him, and everyone seems so polite.

A girl – Luna, as she introduced herself - even offered to share her book with him, since Vince’s haven't arrived yet. Everything is going great. Vince almost let's himself hope that things will actually be better here. That he has a chance. Almost.

Then, suddenly, it starts again. He feels his throat closing.

He can't help but start coughing desperately, his hands on his neck furiously trying to pull off a string that couldn't be pulled off, his air starting to fade more and more at every attempt of breathing. He anxiously takes off his scarf, hoping it will make a difference but knowing it won’t. He starts crying as he notices everyone standing up around him.

He closes his eyes and gives in to the lack of oxygen, passing out right after. People stand there looking at his unconscious figure, on the floor, with a growing red bruise taking over his now exposed neck.