The Storm

Shushert was in a good mood. He was frying a sausage he found in the trash.

Suddenly he heard the sound of a helicopter. Paratroopers landed on the roof of the consulate.

"Once you find Shushert kick his ass!" yelled a hefty lieutenant.

"You won't find, you won't find me," Shushert thought hiding in the closet.

"So! He is here!" the lieutenant said loudly and hit Shushert with the right.

"Well hello Shushert!" and hit Shushert with the left.

The helicopter hovered over the roof. The pilot heard someone climb up the rope ladder.

"Have you caught Shushert already?" he asked without turning around.

"Yes, we have," Shushert wheezed (the jaw hurt a lot), and grabbed the pilot and threw him out.

And shouting "Banzai!" heading east towards the rising sun.