Tim came home

"Ladies and Gentlemen! At the time when our young democracy, when there are heavy battles near Abrene," The young, balding man, leafing through the papers, fell silent, he was very worried. A Loyalty Medal gleamed on his chest.

There was a big box on the pedestal. Suddenly the lid fell off, Tim was sleeping inside, he was drunk.

"That krievu cūka drank all beer sent to us by the President of the United States!" There was a stunned female exclamation. "What will happen to Latvija?"

There were shouts, squeals, the crowd began to run out of the palace.

Tim left the palace and walked down the street. The crowd was running and overtaking him created a panic somewhere ahead shouting "Tanks! Tanks!".

The evil group ran up to him. "It's him! Because of him barricades defenders fled!" Two LNNK thugs started waving iron bars against him.

"The hell are you waving?" Tim was dodging. But having received a painful hit on his butt, he ran upstairs the street.