Leo & a wild monkey

Leo fell into the thorny bush with a swing.

"It can kill myself," Leo looked around. "I probably got into the jungle."

Suddenly, the figure of a hairy monkey appeared in the distance. Leo started running.

"Stop, give a beer! Stop, I say! Stop or it will be worse for you!" screaming monkey catching up with Leo.

Running away, Leo jumped over a two-meter fence. The monkey, running up to the fence, tried to climb over it, but the beer belly prevented this.

"Wow, they drove poor animal to such a state," Leo thought as he made faces at the monkey.

Leo turned out and wearily walked out onto 5th Avenue. And after him were shouting: "Leo, hold on please! You must give me a beer!" And a flock of frightened crowing crows were rising into the sky over New York.