Nobody dares to arrest my friend

I got out of prison and lit a cigarette at the guard's. We started talking. He said that cargo planes began to arrive at the airport with beer for Kuwait.

Wasting no time two Arabs and I moved there. The path went through sewer tunnels. One of them fell off and drowned in sewage, the other was devoured by a crocodile.

Sliding the hatch cover, I found myself at the airfield and, seeing how barrels of beer were being unloaded, I ran there.

"Hey, stop!" a sergeant yelled at me. "Where are you going to?"

"The Party's Control! Checking the quality of beer! These vile Yankees can deceive us!"

"Nice try young slacker! The Workers' and Peasants' Control has already finished the second case!" the sergeant waved to the side where I saw Vova and Leo (it was John Rockefeller).

"How dare you! Maybe you don't like our Party either? Why is this interesting to me?" I furious yelled at him.

At this time, a jeep drove up and a lieutenant and two commandos jumped out of it.

"Arrest that one!" The lieutenant pointed to John Rockefeller. "He was the ambassador to Latvia during the Shert presidency!"

"Oh you are messy bastards!" I exclaimed, jerking the shutter of the machine gun and pulling the trigger. The machine gun magazine was empty.

"Throw this one behind bars, too," the lieutenant said, pointing at me.