The night had grown windy; their steps harsh on the stone path. She followed Victor to the car so she could speak to him out of earshot of the others. The beep from the car, cut through the air suddenly and made her jump; she hoped Victor hadn’t noticed. Come on, Enora. Get a grip.
“Victor, you don’t have to stay. I know you want to be there to interrogate that shifter. To figure this out,” she began.
He didn’t look at her as he opened the trunk to retrieve a backpack, “I’m not letting you out of my sight tonight. There’s nothing to discuss.”
“But isn’t it your duty to be there? And we’re still...” she was unsure of how to finish.
“My duty is also to my–” he said, voice rising. “You are my priority because you were in danger. Besides, it’s because of times like these, that I have two others in charge. They’ll relay all of the information I need to know.”
Enora let out a long sigh, “Then I’m wasting my time.”