Chapter 30: Torn

Several days passed and Enora was both physically and mentally exhausted.

Assimilating into this life was as strenuous as she had thought. Learning the rules, watching people come in injured at all hours of the day, and of her own foolishness, learning a lot about the gruesome history of the Lotus and Quercia.

Star fishing onto the bed, she closed her eyes with a sigh, “I have to tell him, don’t I?”

The black wolf plush beside her seemed to give her a look of sympathy as she grabbed it, holding it above her. When Victor had given it to her after their date, she’d found it cute and funny, but after some thought, it was also eerie to have it look like him. She knew he meant well, but he clearly hadn’t thought it through.

Of course, she’d come to love it anyway. “I know he wants to make me feel better and he’s probably used to showering girls with gifts, but I don’t know. Is it wrong to feel overwhelmed by those too?”