Chapter 4: Alex Gets a Surprise

Alex had been staring out his floor-to-ceiling window when his assistant knocked politely on his door. He’d been watching a woman walk across the parking lot. She looked familiar, but he couldn’t place her.

He’d probably never figure it out, so he turned his chair and pulled it closer to his desk. He was restless today, which was odd. His normal laser focus had deserted him today. With reports on his desk of pre-sales and his daughter’s review of the latest game, they were about to launch, he had plenty to do.

Why was he so scattered today? He’d slept well. He’d consumed his usual morning shake of greens and protein. He couldn’t trace his odd mood to anything he’d done or failed to do in his morning routine.

Why did he think that woman was familiar?


“There’s someone here to see you,” his assistant said.

He couldn’t run the company without Madge. She’d been an impulsive hire when the last three women, ones he’d hired for their looks, had failed miserably. Madge was older than he was, and she’d convinced him that running a household with five sons was akin to running an office. He never regretted the offer he’d made her.

“I don’t remember any appointments on my calendar.”

“She doesn’t have an appointment and I wouldn’t bother you, but she managed to get this far into your organization.”

“I might have to review our security measures, then,” Alex said.

“She isn’t dangerous, Alex.”

“Okay. Then what about her makes you want to let her see me?”

Madge shifted her weight to one foot, tapping the other sensible-heeled on his carpeted floor. “There’s something determined, but lost about her.”

“Is she a stray? Is that what she reminds you of?” Alex asked.

Madge took in every stray she found and fostered them. She didn’t keep them but managed to find many good homes. She’d only done it with humans once or twice, but those had turned out to be his best employees.

“In a way, yes.”

Alex grimaced. He wasn’t in the mood for a stray. He wasn’t sure what he was in the mood for. Since he wasn’t getting any work done, he might as well let Madge show her in. “What’s her story?”

“She won’t tell me.”

“And you’re going to let her in here?”

Madge sighed. “Trust me.”

He did trust Madge, and if she thought this woman should see him, then he guessed he could oblige. “Okay.”

Madge smiled and then spun before striding out of his office. She returned with a woman who had to be the same age as his daughter. He kept his expression bland, but he knew this woman. His mind went to that steamy night at the gamer conference.

“Thank you, Madge.”

“This is Amelia Cooper,” Madge said before she left.

Alex folded his hands on his desk, bracing for what was to come. Was she going to ask for a job? Did she want a repeat of their night together?

“Do you remember me?”

Alex’s mouth watered at the memory of her. Looking at her now, he hadn’t realized how young she was when he’d taken to her to his bed. They decided his suite was much nicer than her hotel room. She’d left before he awakened, but he’d been okay with that. It was less complicated that way.

Guilt dinged him a little because if he’d realized how young she was, he might have hesitated to sleep with her. He was used to gold diggers, but she hadn’t even asked him his last name. He’d assumed she would know who he was. Obviously, she did because she was here on his doorstep.

“Yes, I remember you, Have a seat, Amelia. What is it you think I can do for you?”

She flinched, but then schooled her expression. She wasn’t slinky and confident. Instead, she looked like the stray that Madge thought she was.

“I needed to contact you, but I’m not asking for anything.”

He didn’t believe that. For her to have wended her way here, she must be determined about something.

“Did you know who I was when you slept with me?” he asked.

There was that flinch again. Either she was a great actress or she really was offended by what he said. “No.”

He leaned back in his butter leather chair. “Really?”

Her eyes widened. “No, Alex. I didn’t know who you were until I looked you up this morning.”

“This morning? Why this morning?”

Her mouth opened then closed. He couldn’t get a read on her, but he did remember that her skin was creamy and white. Soft and supple. He shook away the memories. He was going to be all business now. This woman wanted something from him, no matter how many times she might say she didn’t. She’d been determined enough to show up without an appointment.

“I have something to tell you.”

“I figured since you showed up on my doorstep. I don’t have any job openings.”

“I wasn’t here for a job.”

“Get to the point, Amelia.”

There was that flinch again. Was he being mean on purpose? He’d liked Amelia. He’d liked how she’d stood up to those male gamers. The bar hadn’t been the first time he’d watched her at the conference.

She took a deep breath and then let it out as if she was calming herself. “I’m pregnant.”

His breath paused and he thought his heart skipped a beat. They’d used protection. She couldn’t be pregnant. Who knew if it was his? Every guy in the place had been checking her out. Maybe she’d scored a home run that last night, but he wasn’t taking the fall for someone else.


She swallowed hard. “It’s your child, Alex.”

He didn’t move. He stared at her, but she stared back at him unflinching this time. “And you want some money from me?”

She shook her head, but he could see her resolve was weakening. He didn’t know what to believe. She wasn’t some femme fatale who had seduced him. At least that wasn’t how she was acting now.

Had he read her wrong?

She rose, squaring her shoulders. “No. I don’t want a damn thing from you.”