Chapter 7: The Aftermath

Alex stared out the window again. Amelia’s visit had done nothing to cure his restlessness. Now he had an added burden. He was going to be a father again. As much as Amelia kept things close to the vest, which made her hard to read, Alex doubted that she was lying. The child was his.

This was unexpected but never unwelcome. He’d enjoyed raising Isabel. He’d never thought he’d be a father again as he had never been willing to give his heart to anyone else. His dead wife would always be his one and only.

But he would be as instrumental as possible in raising this child, and that started with convincing Amelia to live at his house. He could make sure she went to doctor’s appointments and that everything went well, including the delivery.

That’s where things had gone south. He shuddered at the memory and pushed it back into its box. Amelia was younger and probably healthier than his wife had been. No, he wouldn’t go down that path, but he could make sure everything was okay.