Chapter 28: Amelia Takes Charge

Alex’s words flooded Amelia with hope.

Hope that things would work out even if she didn’t know what that meant at this moment. Alex was on her side. Not that she would have asked him to choose a side against his daughter.

But his daughter was an adult who had just done something illegal to get back at Amelia. The gloves were off. Well as much as Amelia ever took off her gloves. She wanted harmony, but if she couldn’t get it she could make Isabel’s life miserable. She had that power even if she didn’t plan on using it.

Alex rested his forehead against hers. “I’m sorry I doubted you.”

“No. Given the information, I can understand.”

“But you should have been given the space to tell me in your own time.”

Amelia hadn’t ever thought about telling anyone about her youthful mistake, but she guessed that was part of being in a relationship. If that was what she and Alex were doing. She was too ragged to have that conversation right now.