Chapter 31: Amelia and Isabel Have a Moment

Amelia was immediately sorry she said anything to Alex. The angry look on his face made her mouth go dry.

“She said that? Those were her exact words.”

“Yes,” Amelia said, now sorry that she told Alex about the encounter with Tory.

Amelia should have just brushed it off. She wasn’t in a romantic relationship with Alex. She was sleeping with him and having his baby. Some part of her must want more, even knowing that Tory was right. She wasn’t his type.

Alex ran his hands through his hair. “I’m sorry. I’ll take care of this.”

“There’s nothing to take care of.”

“She needs to stay away from you. I won’t have you upset.”

It was Amelia’s turn to squeeze Alex’s hands. “I shouldn’t have let it affect me.”

“It’s not your fault, Amelia. Don’t downplay it. Tory needs to know that she can’t get away with this.”

Alex rose.

“What are you going to do Alex?” Amelia asked.

She didn’t want him to get in any trouble.

“I’m going to see her. Don’t wait for dinner for me.”