Chapter 46: A Wedding

Alex had finally convinced Amelia to marry him and he was happier than he’d expected. It would be a simple ceremony at the courthouse. He'd offered her grander things, but she had turned them down. Maybe it was what he liked most about Amelia. She was low maintenance.

“You look handsome, Daddy,” Isabel said from his bedroom door.

He thanked the stars that Isabel had been happy when they’d told her they were getting married.

“Does this tie look okay with this suit?” Alex asked.

Isabel laughed. “It has been years since you asked me that. Yes. It looks nice. Are you nervous?”

He shrugged. The fiasco with the Agostinos still weighed on his mind. He’d visited Papa Agostino and asked for him to back off. He hadn’t left with any assurances, but he hoped they understood each other. He was never marrying Tory and Amelia was to be left alone. “A little. Is that odd?”

“Were you nervous when you married my mother?”