
POV. Chloe

Chloe opened her eyes and could see her aunt sitting to her side reading a book. She sat up against the bed and said, "Is it over?"

Chleopatra dropped the book and nodded at Chloe with a smile, "Indeed it is. Believe it or not, two days have passed."

"Really? It felt like I just blinked."

"Mhm, that's because the process went exceptionally smoothly this time. So, how are you feeling?"

Chloe stood up from the bed and looked down at her body. She had grown in many areas, and the ground looked farther than usual. The biggest difference was the strength she felt coursing through her. Her limbs felt light and agile, and there was a new awareness of every muscle, every movement. Her sense were much better, she could hear more and see more.

She closed her fists and felt an intense power gripping them. She grinned up at her aunt. "I feel... incredible. Like I could run a marathon, then lift a car or something!"

Chleopatra chuckled, " Trust me, you'll be able to do much more than just that."

Chleopatra walked towards a table and grabbed a tight-fitting suit, "Get changed into these first, then we can go test your abilities," she said, handing Chloe the suit."

Chloe took the suit, which looked like it was made of some high-tech fabric she had never seen before. It was black with sleek silver patterns on it, and she noticed it felt both light and durable.

Chloe nodded her head and walked towards a separate room connected to the room she was currently in, She entered the room and quickly took off the clothes she was currently in and changed into the new set of clothes. Looking at her reflection, Chloe could now really see the difference. Her former shoulder-length brown her had now extended to her waist.

She was taller now. Her height had reached about 6 feet completely dwarfing her previous self. Her muscles were slender but toned and strong. ' I wonder what Verlin would think once he sees my new look.' Chloe thought with a smirk.

Chloe returned to the main room, where Chleopatra was waiting with a grin. "Ready to see what you're capable of?" Chleopatra asked.

"You bet," Chloe replied eagerly.

They proceeded to leave the room and walked down a corridor, and after a couple minutes of turning left and right, they finally arrived at a large, open training area with various equipment. It seemed to be some sort of training facility designed specifically for enhanced humans. It was an underground space with a high ceiling and lights that mimicked daylight.

"Alright," Chleopatra began, " We will begin by testing your strength, speed, and reaction speed. Then we'll end off with seeing the improvement to your ability, " Chleopatra explained, pointing towards different stations in the training area.

Chloe took a deep breath before nodding her head.

They both made their way to one of the stations, It was a lifting platform with several weights stacked on it. Chleopatra explained, "This will measure the maximum weight you can lift. Don't worry about overexerting yourself; the platform has safety protocols in place."

Chloe stepped onto the platform, facing the weights. She crouched down and grabbed the bar. As she lifted, the weights felt surprisingly light. Her muscles didn't even strain as she lifted the weights higher and higher. " How much does this weigh? It's so light."

"It's about 500 kilograms." Chleopatra replied.

Chloe's eyes widened. "Five hundred kilograms? it feels like nothing!" she exclaimed. The power flowing through her body was incredible, and she could hardly believe what she was capable of. This used to be difficult to lift before the transformation. She felt like she could throw this amount of mass across the room.

Chleopatra nodded her head and said, " Alright, Im going to keep increasing the weight of the bar. Let me know when you feel it's too heavy."

Chleopatra kept increasing the weight on the bar, and Chloe continued lifting with concentration. As the weights surpassed a ton, Chloe could feel her muscles working harder, but she still managed to lift them.

Finally, when the weights hit 25 tons, Chloe started visible struggling. "This is my limit, I guess," she said, smiling at Chleopatra as she carefully set the bar back down.

"Amazing, 25 tons is above average for an enhanced humans that entered adulthood.

"That's... beyond what I ever imagined," Chloe smiled, her excitement barely contained.

Chleopatra beamed at her, then motioned her towards the next station. "Now let's test your speed."

At the speed-testing area, Chloe saw a long track . Chleopatra explained, "This track is 1 km in distance. You have to get to the end as fast as you can."

Chloe nodded and got ready. The adrenaline pumped through her veins as she took her place at the starting line.

Chleopatra held a stopwatch and signaled Chloe to start. The moment Chloe heard the signal, she bolted forward. Her senses were hyper-aware; the wind brushed past her face as she dashed through the track with lightning speed. Her feet barely touched the ground, and it felt like she was flying.

As she crossed the finish line, Chloe looked back and saw Chleopatra's smiling face.

"Nicely done, Chloe."

Chloe's eyes widened as she caught her breath. "How did I do?" she asked excitedly.

Chleopatra looked at the stopwatch with a proud expression and said, "You ran 1km in 9 seconds. That's about 400km per hour."

Chloe's eyes widened in disbelief. "400 kilometers per hour? That's insane! That's like... supercar speeds!" She couldn't contain her excitement, her body buzzing with energy.

Chleopatra laughed. "Yes, you're as fast as some of the fastest cars on the planet. But remember, this is not just for fun; it's a responsibility."

"Yeah, I know, by the way. Where is Verlin? I thought he would be here to see this."

Chleopatra's smiling face slowly faded into a more solemn expression. She took a deep breath and looked at Chloe.

"Verlin isn't here at the base right now."

Chloe frowned slightly and said, "Oh, did he go back to City A?"

"No, he left the planet 2 days ago."

Chloe's eyes widened in surprise. "Left the planet? As in... outer space? What's going on, Aunt Chleopatra?"

"I don't know. He didn't let anyone know. If our satelitte hadn't caught him exiting the atmosphere, we wouldn't have known he left."

"How did he leave?"

Chleopatra sighed and looked at Chloe. " He just flew in space, I dont know how he does it, but he is an alien after all."

"What…" What do you mean he just flew into space? Like, without a spaceship?"

"Exactly, He seems to have the ability to travel through space, without oxygen or food. And he's very resistant to cosmic radiation. It's quite impressive when you think about it."

Chloe stood in shock, trying to process what her aunt just told her. The training facility around her seemed to fade as her thoughts focused solely on Verlin.

"Do you think he left because of what I said?" Chloe's voice was almost a whisper.

Chleopatra gently placed her hand on Chloe's shoulder. "I don't think so, Chloe, maybe something urgent happened, and he had to leave."

Chleopatra continued, " Verlin isn't the type of person to leave without saying goodbye, im sure he'll be back soon."

Chloe sighed, her chest feeling heavy. She was torn between concern for Verlin and excitement about her new abilities.

"Alright, let's focus on you for now. You still have some tests to complete," Chleopatra encouraged, trying to shift Chloe's attention back to her training.

"Yeah, you're right," Chloe responded.

Chloe took a deep breath and shook her head to clear her thoughts. She needed to focus. With a determined expression, she turned back to Chleopatra. "What's next?"

"Next is your reaction speed and agility. Follow me," Chleopatra led her to an area with various sensors targetting a stationary position.

Chleopatra explained that the sensors would fire bullets at random intervals and directions. Chloe had to dodge them without getting hit.

"The speed of the bullets will keep increasing. We'll keep going like this until you get hit."

Chloe was a bit perplexed and said, "Wouldn't I get hurt if i get by one of those."

"Don't worry about it. Enhanced humans won't get hurt from ordinary bullets after adulthood. You won't even feel a thing."

Chloe was skeptical, but she still chose to believe her aunt. She took a stand at the stationary position.

Chleopatra started the test, and the sensors began firing bullets. Chloe's movements were quick and agile. She could see the bullets coming and could calculate their trajectory. She felt like time was slowing down as she easily dodged the first few rounds.

Gradually, the bullets came faster and from all angles, and Chloe's movements became a blur. The air around her was thick with the smell of gunpowder and the sounds of bullets whizzing past her.

Suddenly, Chloe felt something graze her arm. She turned and deftly caught the bullet between her fingers. She stood tall, the test coming to an end, and she threw the bullet she caught to the ground with a triumphant smile on her face.

Chleopatra clapped and approached Chloe. "Impressive! Your reaction speed is 8 milliseconds. That's 0.008 seconds.

Chleopatra wore a proud smile on her face. "Well done, Chloe. Now, let's see how your ability has evolved."

Both Chloe and Chleopatra walked to an empty area in the facility.

"Alright, Chloe, try using your ability, and tell me if you can notice any differences."

Chloe activated her ability and immediately went invisible.

"I don't really notice any difference."

Chloe stared at Chleopatra, waiting for a reply, but after a couple seconds, Chleopatra still stayed silent.

When Chloe was about to speak , Chleopatra said," Chloe?"

Chloe blinked in surprise. "Aunt Chleopatra, I'm right here in front of you," she said with a hint of confusion in her voice.

"I... I can't hear you. " Chleopatra spoke out loud as if she was trying to figure out what was going on.

"What are you talking about?" Chloe walked up to Chleopatra and touched her shoulder. But her hand went directly through Chleopatra.

Chloe gasped and quickly retracted her hand. She had phased right through Chleopatra as if she were a ghost. It hit her then - not only had she become invisible, but she had become intangible. She focused and willed herself to become visible and tangible again. Suddenly, she reappeared right in front of Chleopatra.

Chleopatra jumped back in surprise, her eyes widening. "Chloe! You were just... How did you...?" she stammered.

"I don't know," Chloe replied, her voice shaking. "I was invisible like usual, but this time I was also... intangible? I couldn't touch anything and you couldn't hear me. It was like I wasn't even here!"

Chleopatra's face lit up with realization. "Your ability must have evolved after the transformation! This is incredible, Chloe! Not only can you become invisible, but you can also phase through objects and become inaudible."

Chloe concentrated on her arm, and suddenly, her hand turned tangible.

"Seems like it works on separate parts of my body as well."

Chleopatra looked at Chloe with a smile, "Now for the last test."

Chloe turned her hand back to normal and said," Another one?"

"It's just a check on your weight, so it doesn't really count as a test."

Chloe let out a small laugh, and her face twitched slightly. Even before the transformation, she weighed 130kg, which was large considering her body volume. "Alright then, let's get this over with," she said and followed Chleopatra to a room with a scale in the center.

Chleopatra pointed at the scale. "Step onto it," she instructed.

Chloe looked down at the scale and could see her weight had increased to 400 kg.

Chleopatra saw Chloe's face and laughed a little, " Don't get too upset, enhanced humans have body density tens of times that of a human, so you aren't alone on this."

Chloe blinked, then broke into a smile. "Well, I suppose I can live with that," she said with a chuckle.

Chleopatra patted Chloe's shoulder. "You did well today. Now, all you gotta do it learn how to control your abilities a bit more, and maybe you can help with a mission."


Chleopatra added Chloe's data to the Enhanced human database, and they both left the room.