Three Sinners

-Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the final episode of "Nothing Personal! - welcomed the host wearing his brand new tailored red suit.

It was red-er than usual, with the addition of a red hat, to accompany the whole red everything look. Red himself was beyond happy.

-Me and the team behind this production are beyond excited to show you all the fruits of our labor and show you the best show possible! - continued the masked host.

-With that being said! Today is the most special occasion to say that this episode is extra special! Not only are we closing this chapter, but also we are closing it with a new time record-breaking viewership count of five hundred thousand concurrent viewers! This is amazing and it shows that everyone loved our product, so for the finale, we are going to go out with a bang! - He said and spread his hands.

A few fireworks, small enough for the set banged from behind him, as the neon blue logo stood still. The camera then panned to a very interesting set up of guests. On a circle like rotation, three men were sited and tied up to different apparatuses that were yet to be explained.

-As you can see dear viewers, this here is what we call "Tres Peccatores", or "The Three Sinners"! This being the final episode, we wanted to push above our imaginations and deliver a product that will be remembered for such a long time, and tried to be replicated for even longer! But before we start, I shall like to give you all the backstories to these three fellers and explain how they are here right now! - He said and sat on his chair.

Glancing towards the engagement of the chat, he was thrilled to see how excited they too were. Red smirked and continued.

-You will see that each man has a colored brand on his back, as they are exposed. We shall start with the one marked with orange. Usually, they are all connected, but this feels more right. In short, this man was a felon; he grew with no parents and was a delinquent his whole life. He had a passion for the same sex, so he did engage in that interesting act. Until he was caught and send to prison. Moving on, the man with the purple branding was more or less the same, yet he was in a child's foster home, where he also developed a liking to the same gender, and was caught by some police officers while raping underage children. He was also send to prison. Finally, the man with the blue brand. He was more or less, a friend to them, since he was already in prison, but it is know from the information that I have, that this man was interested in being their sex slave while they all shared the same prison. Can you imagine it? Three addicts to their own gender in one place, convicted for almost the same deed? Now, imagine that the prison they were in, happened to be "Dyavolsko" Penitentiary. Shocking! - Red giggled and proceeded, - Well, imagine which prison mate they met, that we already know? That is right, they met Matt! - He said and smacked the table beside him.

The comments after that statement were very wild. The audience wanted blood as soon as possible, and this time, The Mask of the Red Death was going to deliver.

-Would you call their meeting fate, or was it bound to happen at some point? You cannot known for sure, but the fact is that they, completely and utterly violated Matt, to the point he was afraid to even close his eyes for a few seconds, afraid not to be raped. That is right, these pseudo men raped poor Matt, anally and all kind of ways you could imagine. They beat him when they could, and then fucked him because he wanted to fight back. At one point, with the help of Senior Guard Mr. Matey Zlobaski, they were locked in the dark pit, a place where no one leaves unscathed. That is when they gauged his eye out and then proceeded to penetrate it. Matt died in that prison, because of the actions of these men. Which is why this whole thing comes full circle, if you think about it. First it was Yasen who murderer the girl that Matt was later accused of killing. Then the family that accused him, but it was a shame I did not record that episode, but I will probably release it someway. After them was Victor who did not say anything but proceeded to watch, despite knowing it was wrong. Then Mr. Zlobaski who made the life of that poor boy a living nightmare, and these three, were the demons tormenting him. I am the guardian of that poor kid who died in that place, and swore to deliver rightful punishment to those who killed him. All those who are left, are those three men, Blue, Purple and Orange. Now is their Judgement day! - announced the host, and viciously grinned behind his mask.

The chat was very surprised about that exposition laid upon them. It was a true master plan to take revenge on everyone. Red was playing his game perfectly and he loved it.

-With that aside, ladies and gents, it's time for me to explain how today's torture method will work - he said and stood up from his chair and got closer to the people inside the circle.

The camera panned towards the trio and now it was clear to see what was going on. The three men were all completely naked and tied on chairs. Their heads were also covered in black veils except Blue, to prevent them from seeing anything. Underneath their chairs however, were holes exposing their rears, with knives pointing at them. The knives were attached to machines that simulate the movement of a male's movements during the act of love. With the press of a button, those knives could quickly launch towards their rectums and in turn, rape them. The other unique thing about the situation was that all men had different apparatuses attached to them. Purple had a machine capable of sending however much needed electricity on any shape with his veil soaked with water, to help spread the shock. Orange had his veil smudged with gasoline, and a big automatic lighter capable of sending flames big enough to burn people. Finally, Blue had a big helmet on instead of a veil. It had two sections, with the upper housing five liters of water. If the first section, which ended underneath the chin, were to open, he would drown. Everything was perfectly designed to destroy, humiliate and avenge.

-As you can see, all these attached utilities of torture are going to work according to your will, the audience! That is right! Now I know you have been very generous with the engagement and donations you have showered us with, but I shall let you know, that all that money is nothing but your love. So today, we are going to taste your hate. For the methods you all clearly see, to work, it needs a press of a button. Now, let us say you donate ten dollars. The devices start doing their task! Let us say you donate five dollars. They begin to torment. Let us say you donate one dollar. They completely go ape shit. I think it is very simple! - said the host and looked at the chat that also agreed.

They were saying things like, "let us donate!", "let's show these homos how it's done! " Red grinned to that sight for he wanted nothing more than those fools up there to die as soon as possible.

-Very well! Well then, let us proceed to the purple branded man! If you donate ten dollars, his knife stimulator is going to go off. If you donate five, it will go all the way in. If you donate one, it will started rotating in a rapid motion. Which shall it be? - asked the host and sat on his stool.

He started gazing upon the screen where the chat were actively communicating. Floods of different messages started flashing.

Anonymous has donated five dollars!

Anonymous has donated one dollar!

Anonymous has donated one dollar!

Anonymous has donated ten dollars!

Some wanted to go slow, some wanted the show to begin as soon as possible, and it was clear as day that the whole audience wished nothing more than the action to go from zero to a hundred real quick, with the donations of one dollar being above four hundred thousand, completely undermining the "votes" of the rest.

-Ape shit we go! - announced the host, and nodded at Scythe, controlling everything remotely.

The knives stimulator underneath the chair of the purple branded man quickly launched the sharp object in his rectum and completely pierced through tissue and everything in that place. There was a special go pro camera attached besides the knife's stand and it was showcasing everything as a side screen. The blood that started pouring out of the anus of the man who was trying to scream as much as possible was dripping as if it was coming out of a sink. His mouth was taped shut so only muffled sounds came out it. Meanwhile the knife was going wild, completely messing up his insides. More donations started appearing on the chat. More one-dollar donations. Red smirked. He nodded at Scythe and the knife device was stopped. He then turned to the camera.

-I think we managed to mess up poor Mr. Purple pretty badly. Hell, he might not be able to go do a number two for quite some time now, but that is beside the point. The question now is, how do we start the electricity shocker? - asked the host and saw a new wave of comments.

New donations and such came flying spreading out and overall filling up the donations count, which had gotten well above the wanted meter. Nevertheless, that was not it. Their money was not important to Red. It was all going to go to the crew anyway so seeing this sort of response from them was more than enough. Not to mention the thirst for blood they painted. The masked man smiled.

-Let's say we do this, on a count of three, everyone comment what should we do next. One, two, three!

The chat listened to the host and quickly started typing. The broadcast operators saw a huge number of accounts just vigorously typing on their keyboards, hoping something happens.

"Purge him!", "Let the electricity flow!", "Fry him up!" - typed the comments.

Red smirked and nodded at Scythe. The man with the skull mask pushed another button, and the device strapped on Purple's back. It immediately unleashed an uncontrollable amount of electricity that spread over on the back and veil soaked with water. The effect was fast. The tied man started convulsing with pain, as his screams muffled and kept behind the tape were not leaving. That only made it worse for him. The smell of burning flesh as the volts of pure chaos enveloped the head of the man was horrendous, but Red managed to keep up with it, since this was only the beginning. He was staring at the man whose movements resembled that of a person trying to escape a prison...which, was exactly what it was. The host loved it. However, just as he did, Purple's shoulders dropped and his whole upper half collapsed on the chair. He was dead. Scythe stopped the device and lifted his thumb up towards his boss. Red looked at the comments, the people in there were going vivid with the mere sight of seeing someone be fried to death by electricity.

-One little piggy is down! Let us go for the next one! - He said and pointed at Mr. Blue.

The chat had not even processed the passing of Purple and now it was down to the other one. They did not complain for the comments immediately started donating.

Anonymous has donated one dollar!

Anonymous has donated one dollar!

Anonymous has donated one dollar!

All the increased number of six hundred thousand people, not even one "voted" something different from one dollar. Red did not even need to do anything. Scythe pushed the button and the motor controlled knife pierced the rear end of Blue and started rotating rapidly. It seemed like he did not like that at all, not one bit. Besides the screaming that only he himself could hear, chunks of excrement fell down as the knife all bloodied and covered in parts of intestines emerged down and subsided. Maybe because he was more loosened back there, who knows? Red surely did not care about that.

-Wasn't that just lovely?! Ah, glorious. However, we still have something more to Mr. Blue. He has a water tank with two bottoms attached to his head. If the first bottom were to collapse, five liters of water would end up entering his mouth and nostrils, drowning him. So what should it be dear friends? - He asked and looked at the chat.

"Let him drown!", "Unleash the water!"; "Punish that trash!" - were among the best responses.

-Let's see if he could find Nemo! - announced the host and looked at Scythe.

He was fast to act. The camera zoomed in on the tank, just as it was about to flood the life of Blue. The first bottom opened and the water flew down. They could not see the face of the man, but judging by his frantic unwavering attempts to get himself free were courageous but pointless. He drowned in less than a minute. Lifeless his body also stopped moving.

-And another piggy is down! One more to go! - He said and looked at Orange.

He was waiting to end this episode with him, so he left that part for last. But something in his mind went to a different place, as he quickly turned to the camera again.

-You know what, ladies and gents?! Im feeling very generous today. I will not ask you for any sort of donations or votes. I shall only ask you for patience and the will to stay for the next act…which shall be the end of our show, and overall series! – said the host and looked at the chat.

Despite that though, the donations did not cease, nor did the excitement subside. The viewership had risen to seven hundred thousand, and all eyes were looking at the host with eager speculative tension.

-LIGHT HIM UP AND DRILL IT IN! – yelled Red and looked directly at Scythe.

The skull-masked operator was not expecting that, but did not hesitate one bit. With the press of a button, he started both the knife machine, and the lighter attached to his back. The knife, which was strangely extended for that man entered him, piercing his anus and obliterating everything, for the rotating of the sharp blade inside him, destroyed everything. Mr. Orange though, did not even get the chance to react to that, for the lighter behind him, ignited and spewed flames tongues that enveloped and fired up the gasoline-coated veil. It immediately caught on fire and started burning. No dictionary was able to describe the way the man screamed with all his lungs could. A scream so guttural and filled to the brim with agony and gut wrenching pain, that the faintest of hearts would probably die just watching. The red flames, with orange like outlines perfectly illuminated the set. The man in red stood there, with eyes fixated on those flames, stuck at them and dazed by the screams of the person that killed so many different people. Now he was the one that was murdered. By the time, the flames subsided and died out, Mr. Orange was dead…leaving no one left to punish, no one left to put on trial. That feeling of not having anyone else to punish left something leaving in the mind of the host, but it was not time for that now. He turned to face the camera that panned to him directly.

-Well, this was the end. I would like to thank you all…thank you for the time you all spent watching the show, engaging, replying, and donating to our work. It was a joy having to host this show. It was a pleasure to have to explain to you all the wrongs of those people that are no longer here. So please, stay the way you are…always point out the wrongs of others and if possible, confront them! But according to that, do also remember to keep it out of your mind. Remember to stay safe…and know, this "Nothing Personal!" only for entertainment – said the host for one last time and bowed, as the broadcast ended.

As the camera stopped streaming the show, everyone in the other room in the house stood up and applauded the man, sitting directly in the center beside the three bodies. Martin smiled and finally took off the mask he so eagerly wanted to remove each time they had a show. He was free. He just had one last thing he needed to do, but that had to wait. The man dressed in red left the set and went inside the room where everyone greeted him like a god. For all the lowlifes and people that lived in the dark side of the web…the Mask of the Red Death…was just that, Death.