Just Another Day

"Here, here Chomsuke…"

"Would you like some fish Chomsuke?"

Chomsuke sat on a carpeted floor in front of a fireplace. In front of her is Megumin, waving around a reed in front of her face. Beside her is me, roasting a dried fish and putting it in front of her lap.

The cat turned evil god has long lost her resistance. Her eyes stared blankly at the reed waving in front of her. Whatever left of her dignity has vanished the moment she stepped into this mansion.

"Why are you so quiet Chomsuke? Did demon king san overwork you again?" Megumin asked in genuine concern. "Would you like to take a bath? Or maybe a cuddle?"

I gently stroked the evil god's head. She didn't even resist, her head moved with my hand's movement. Her eyes still follows the reed's movement as Megumin waved the toy hypnotically in front of her.

Then, Chomsuke slowly raised her hand towards the reed. A barely audible purr came from her throat. She was about to swipe the reed when the mansion door slammed open with a resounding 'BANG'.

"Wolbach!" Yunyun rushed into the mansion and her eyes widened in panic. "No stop!" she leaped over the sofa and embraced the evil god in a tight hug. "Get a hold of yourself Wolbach!"

Megumin and I groaned a little in disappointment. I put away the roasted fish and Megumin put aside her reed. We were so close to make Chomsuke take over her body back there.

"Wolbach, can you hear me? Say something!"

Wolbach stared at Yunyun blankly before her eyes blinked a little. Her face formed into a grimace and she put a hand her head.

"Ugh… My head…" Wolbach groaned a little and pushed Yunyun away from her. "Wh-what's going on?" she turned towards me and noticed the reed and the roasted fish beside us. "Never mind, don't answer that… Thank you, Yunyun san,"

Yunyun sighed in relief. "I'm sorry, I forgot that you're visiting today," she said. "Next time, wait for me in the guild unless there's an emergency, okay? I'm afraid if I was late again you might just…"

"Return into my other half, I get it," Wolbach yawned a little before rummaging through her robes. "Also, I came for my monthly report on the Demon King Army and Kingdom," she took out a file and handed it to me.

I skimmed through it for a moment. There doesn't seem to be anything important happening here. Though, there's this fallen angel named Duke who wish to apply as the Demon King General.

"What do you think Megumin?"

"Hmm… He's nowhere near Aqua's level…" Megumin muttered to herself. "And we already have the Dark Priest right?"

"True, but him being a Fallen Angel might give plenty of opportunities you know?"

"I see…"

"What do you think Wolbach?" I asked the evil god.

Wolbach just shrugged in response. "He will be a good addition to the force, but his power pales in comparison with me and Seresdina san. Should we buff him or something?"

"Let's not be too hasty. At least we need to make sure his true power before giving him the coffee. We might be taking more than we can chew if we don't be careful,"

"I understand, anything else you need me for?"

I rubbed my chin in deep thought. "What do you know about the Goddess of Luck?"

"Not much, I'm afraid. But she's rather close to Aqua, why don't you ask her?"

"You want me to gather information from Aqua? The girl who almost got scammed into buying a chicken egg for one hundred million Eris?"

Wolbach averted her gaze. "My mistake… How about you ask Lady Paradox?"

"Lady Paradox?"

"The goddess of Wisdom used to teach both Aqua and Eris back in the heaven," Wolbach explained. "Though, she gave up halfway when dealing with Aqua, she was successful in her attempt to teach Eris how to be a proper goddess."

Hmm… I didn't know this. Well, I didn't ask. But this will be an opportunity for me to pinpoint where exactly Chris's hatred of Demons and Undeads came from. Does she has a horrible experience or something? An old grudge? Who knows?

"Okay, thanks Wolbach, I'll ask her more about it later."

"You're welcome," the evil god stood up and craned her head a little. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to take a well deserved bath in Alcanretia. Ping back on me through Hoost if you need anything. Later,"

Chomsuke vanished in a flash of light, leaving me with two Crimson Demon on a soft carpet. I handed the files to Yunyun before standing up.

"Say, have you guys seen Liz? It's been a while since I last saw her,"

"She's spending more time with Komekko and Iris now," Megumin replied. "She said she wanted to start scheming on her own. Probably your genes acting up,"

"Hee…" I turned to Yunyun. "What about Elena, do you see her anywhere?"

"She's either working part time in the cafe or guarding the gate with Mammon,"


"Demon King's gate guardian,"

Hmm, looks like I won't have too much human resources to do this mission. This is like the opposite of Alcanretia, back then I had like ten people with me. Now I only have Lynn, Dust, and Megumin.

"What about Darkness, have any of you seen her?"

Yunyun and Megumin shook their head.

"I haven't seen her at all today,"

"Yeah I…" Yunyun's eyes widened a little. "Oh right, I saw her this morning. She told me to ask you how much is your current net worth outside the Party Funds,"

"My current Net Worth?" I looked up in deep thought. "Let's see… There's my artistic license as Aqua's Manager… My intellectual properties… The deal I made with Hyoizaburo… Umm…"

"Around five billion I think?"

Yunyun simply nodded. "That is a very, very large number but somehow I am not surprised at all," she said. "I'll go tell Darkness when I next see her,"

"You have any idea why she suddenly asked for that?"

"Probably because she's the Party's Treasury…"

Yeah, that makes sense.


Later that night, Darkness hasn't returned. She did told Yunyun that she won't be returning today, something about checking up on her sick father. Though, I do wonder if she forgets that Aqua exist.

Dinner that night was a simple Gryphon steak, some mashed potatoes, and vegetable steaks. I also invited Lynn and Dust over for dinner, the latter is still more than just a little bit traumatized by the events that transpired earlier today.

I mean, if I were in his shoes, I would also be traumatized.

"Aqua, can you revive someone who died of sickness?"

Aqua looked up from her food and shook her head. "No, resurrection doesn't work on those who died of natural cause," she explained.

"Can you cure sickness?"

"If it's a curse I can cure it easily, but if it's a natural illness then I'm afraid no,"

Hmm… This is much more complicated than I expected. Truly, cold and fever is still a problem in this world.

"Wait," I turned towards Megumin who's already helping herself with a plateful of meat and vegetables. "Megumin, you can make healing potion can't you? To cure natural illness or something like that?"

Megumin turned towards me with an asparagus on her mouth. She took a bite out of it before nodding. "Only the basic illness potion that's taught to everyone at school, it's really not that hard,"

A knocking sound came from the door. We all turned to the entrance and saw Emperor Liz stepping into the mansion.

"Forgive my tardiness, Otou sama, Okaa sama," she said before walking towards an empty seat beside Lynn in front of me. "I was attending lesson with the Princess and Komekko in the capital,"

"A lesson?" Megumin asked.

"Yes, Princess Iris decided that I should probably learn about foreign affairs and the art of war alongside her. As for young Komekko, she's Claire's apprentice now," Elizabeth explained.

I narrowed my eyes a little. "So you have no problem studying in the capital but has problem studying in the Red Prison?"

"Naturally I will refuse spending my time in a place known as 'Red Prison' to pursue my study,"

"Well played, so anyway, have you had dinner yet?"

"I did, but don't mind if I do," Liz grabbed a plate and helped herself with some of the Gryphon steak. "This is Gryphon meat is it not? Quite an exquisite meat if I say so myself…" she said before taking a bite out of it with a fork.

"What's your favorite food Liza chan?" Megumin asked.

"I love cookies more than anything, but honestly I've taken a liking to Red Dragon steak and Leviathan stew. Though, both are imported goods so I'll try not to get too addicted to them," Liz replied simply.

The entire room turned silent in an instant and everyone stared at Liz.

"Pardon, Red Dragon steak?" I asked.

"And Leviathan stew, have you had one of those? Okaa sama? Otou sama?"

"Yes, I mean, hold on, what? You don't mind eating dragon?"

Liz tilted her head in confusion. "Of course not, what's wrong with eating hunted creature?"

Megumin and I looked at each other for a moment before turning to Dust. The dragon expert is still quiet, probably thinking about what happened today. We decided that he's unavailable for now and turned back to Liz.

"Ano, Liza chan, you really don't mind eating your own kind?" Megumin asked.

"Not really, why?"

"Well… where I came from, cannibalism is kinda frowned upon," I pointed out.

Liz blinked a little. "But I saw you drinking Neroid Swish the other day,"

I wanted to ask her what Neroids are but at this point, I'm too afraid to ask.

"You know what, let's just forget this conversation ever happen, agree?"

"Sure…" Liz said before looking back at her food. "You're acting a bit odd Otou sama, is there any problem? Also, where's Darkness nee sama? Can she not join us for tonight?"

"Unfortunately no," I turned to Lynn sitting next to her. "By the way, Lynn, after this I need you to brief Liz on our plan,"

"Got it sensei,"