The mood was extremely awkward and sombre when we returned back to the city that day. Aqua and I carried Darkness on a large stretcher all the way through the city. Yunyun and Elena looked extremely traumatized. Liz looked like she's trying hard not to cry and Megumin is comforting the child beside her.
We attracted a LOT of attention. Many adventurers went stood frozen in shock once they saw Darkness's condition. Some tried to ask, but Megumin shot them a look and they quickly gave way to us.
"We're home…" I muttered to myself while opening the mansion door.
Aqua went straight to upstairs with Darkness on her back. I sat down on the sofa with Megumin and Liz sitting on my right. We held each other's hand as we let the crackling fire in front of us calm us down.
"Are you alright, Liza chan?"
The dragon's grip on my hand tighten a little.
"Truthfully, I've never been more terrified in my life before…"
"Same…" I muttered.
"Yes, that was…" Megumin took a deep breath. "A bit of an excessive use of violence."
"We did almost make her go bankrupt,"
"Still, I feel like teaching that girl a lesson. This was an accident, we didn't…"
"No!" Liz's terrified voice cut her off. "Please, provoke her no more Okaa sama… The goddess of Wisdom she…" the dragon shuddered. "She will crush you like an insect, just please let this be the last time we invoke her wrath…"
The morning after the Hydra incident, Megumin, Liz, and I visited Dust and Lynn in the inn they're staying. Aqua, Elena, and Yunyun went to the guild for their daily work and to explain the uproar Darkness's injury caused.
I sat between Liz and Megumin with Lynn and Dust facing us. We've all just finished our food and the dining table has turned into a strategy meeting table.
"Ne… sensei… is Darkness senpai alright?" Lynn asked after finishing her meal
"She's fine I think, but no adventuring for now. Right now she's at her parent's home, I have Grace keeping an eye on her, don't worry."
Lynn and Dust sighed a little in relief after hearing that.
"So, what happened? Luna san said Darkness took the old bounty poster for the Kowloon Hydra, is that what happened? Did you tried to take down the Hydra? Was Darkness senpai injured by the Hydra?"
I scoffed a little. "That eight headed Lizard was no match for the us. No, Darkness wasn't injured by the Hydra. She was…" I looked down a little. "She was beaten up by our goddess after we accidentally invoked her wrath…"
Lynn froze after hearing that. "Paradox sama did that to her?"
"Yep, according to Liz, Paradox was holding back a lot," I gestured at the dragon. "Even then, Darkness was dying when Aqua healed her."
"What did you do to invoke her wrath?" Dust asked.
I plopped my head on the table. "The Blood and Life Force of the Hydra is apparently the main ingredient of the Morning Angel Cafe's more famous blend such as the Skillful Blend and the Experience of the Lifetime Latte. Not only that, but almost all of her brews has their flavor enhanced by the Hydra's exp."
"Oh…" Lynn muttered in realization. "But still, to drive her to near death for that? You didn't kill the Hydra in the end didn't you?"
"We didn't, but Paradox claimed that the Hydra's injury cost her Ten Billion Eris,"
"Ouch…" Dust said. "Even I never went that far with my debt. You have my condolence senpai…"
"Thank you… so, anyway, what did you find about Darkness's problem?"
"Alright, so here's the thing," Lynn took a deep breath and sighed a little. "It all started after the Destruction of the Mobile Fortress Destroyer,"
Okay, finally… an explanation.
"Usually the Destroyer's Rampage is treated as a Natural Disaster. A landlord would lose their territory once the Destroyer struck the city. The citizens will lose their homes and the nobles will bear the responsibility, everyone will be uprooted from their lives. Basically hell for anyone who's not an adventurer."
"But we saved the city right? We killed the damn thing before it hits the main city!"
"But it still destroyed the granaries and flood control facilities outside the city. Crop owners and farmers lost their jobs. So obviously, they went to the landlord for the repair, that's Lord Alexei."
"And that bastard refused?"
"That bastard refused. He said to the people seeking his help: 'Just making out with your life is already a blessing, don't ask for more. If you want to complain, complain to the adventurers who failed to protect the granaries. Look, the adventurers received a huge reward and have money to spare. Why not make them compensate with their bounty?'"
I can hear Liz seething in anger beside me. It's a bit unsettling to hear her lost her cool like this, so I gently stroked her head to calm her down.
"Then, what happened to the farmers?"
"They went to the noble closest to the town, The Dustiness Family," Lynn paused for a moment and took a deep breath. "The Dustiness Family shouldered the cost of all the repairs on the facilities outside the town."
"So that's why she's so concerned about our party's fund…" I muttered to myself.
"Aside from the mansion, most of the wealth of house Dustiness was used to pay for the damages. After losing most of their assets, Darkness asked Alderp a loan in order to help the people who are suffering because of the Destroyer."
I lowered my head and sighed in frustration. "Why the fuck didn't she say anything?"
"The bastard added the following condition, 'if something happens to the head of the house Dustiness which makes it hard to return the loan, then use your body as collateral.'"
And Darkness's father has went ill… Goddammit it's just one thing after another isn't it?
"How much was the debt?"
"Two point two billion Eris,"
"Can you arrange a meeting with Alderp? I'm buying her back,"
Lynn looked down in deep thought. "I think I can have my friend to host a dinner or something to commemorate the wedding of Alderp and Darkness," she said.
"No need to worry about that debt anymore, Onii sama,"
I froze a little after hearing that. I slowly turned towards Liz and saw that her posture and mannerism has turned vastly different. She has that calm smile on her face as she talked to me.
"Rest assured, Alexei dono will be stripped off from his nobility," Princess Iris said in tranquil fury. "A noble who cares not about his people does not deserve his position. I will have him stripped off from all his wealth and status, one way or another,"
Lynn simply stared at Iris warily. "Uhh, Liza chan… I know what you're thinking, but he's still a noble. If you do anything, there will be some political consequences… and you can't really strip a noble of their nobility…"
I cleared my throat. "Ano, Lynn, you see, I made a device that lets the Dragon Emperor switch place with the Princess of Belzerg. You're literally in the presence of her Highness Princess Iris, seriously"
Their eyes widened after hearing that. Lynn was the first to quickly bowed down at her while Dust still sat stiff in surprise.
Slowly, Iris turned towards Dust, a look recognition visible on her face. "There was a story of a Legendary Spearman from a distant country. He is also a dragon knight who ride dragons to the glorious battles."
Dust slowly nodded. "Y-yes… what about it?"
"I remember a dream once… There was this kind Dragon Knight who took me on a ride through the starry night sky," she tilted her head a little. "I must say, you bear some similarity with him."
"W-well, I'm just Dust, the friendly neighborhood delinquent of Axel City,"
The princess slowly shook her head. "I can never forget the face of that person. Nor his majestic steed," she looked at Dust right in the eyes. "Have you forgotten about her Dust? The majestic white dragon that used to accompany you everywhere?"
Dust sighed in defeat and slowly shook his head. "No… "
"I'm glad to hear that, she will be too," Iris then turned towards me and Megumin. Just like that, her tone quickly shifted back to childish. "Ne, Onii chan, Onee chan you should spend more time in the capital! It's been boring without you around."
"I'll keep that in mind, now you should go back, you were in the middle of something weren't you?"
"I was in the middle of my break," Iris replied. "Ne, Onii chan, can I stay here for some more time?"
"That depends, what does Liza think about it?"
Iris averted her gaze. "Well… I'm sure she wouldn't mind…"
"Say change,"
Iris rolled her eyes. "Change…" her body jerked a little and her eyes widened.
"Ah… Her highness Iris really needs to learn some self control…" Liz blinked a little and looked at me. "So, what did I miss?"
"Ano, Liza san," Dust said suddenly. "Is there a dragon in the capital aside from yourself?"
Elizabeth nodded a little. "Yes, I was planning to inform you that, a dragon was found near the capital by an adventuring party," she said. "Her highness asked me to take care of it, but apparently she's a unique one,"
"How unique exactly?"
"For one, she is a white dragon and a powerful one at that. She managed to assume a human form after the adventuring party discovered her, but I managed to track her magical signature,"
Dust gulped a little. "Did she say her name?"
"Yes, her name is Faitfore, and she is looking for her master,"
Dust nodded a little and sighed a little. "I suppose it's a matter of time…" he looked at Liz in slight concern. "By the way, where is she now? Is she alright?"
"She's being tended by the knights and Claire in the barracks. Don't worry I've thoroughly educated her to listen to Claire's words for the time being,"
"What do you mean by thoroughly educating her?"
Liz averted her gaze. "We had a little bit of a… disagreement about her staying in the castle. So I taught her some lesson of respecting her superior, that's me, and now she's in the barracks."
Dust squinted his eyes a little. "You didn't hurt her didn't you?"
"N-no, I did no such thing, I was just…" Liz clicked her tongue. "Okay, I might have just used an excessive force on her, but she's apparently mastered healing magic if her regeneration is anything to come by."
"What do you mean excessive force?"
"It was just warning shots…"
"So you threatened her to comply? Is that it?"
"Well I can't let her run loose near adventurer's hunting ground now, can I?"
"That doesn't mean you can just shoot her!"
"Then pray tell, what am I supposed to do? Tell her to 'kindly leave this place' and look for her master somewhere else? Is that it? Do you think a prideful creature such as us will listen to such requests? We are not humans, Dust san, we only listen to the strong and some of us only pities the weak,"
Dust stood up and glared at her.
"Don't talk back to me like you know more about dragons than me!"
Liz stood up and glared back at him.
"Of course I know about dragons, I am literally the Dragon Empress!"
I shot Liz a look and Lynn pulled Dust back on his seat. They both slowly complied and sat back down before looking away from each other.
"That's enough Liz," I said sternly. "I know how you feel, but keep your emotions on check,"
"Yes… Otou sama, forgive me that you've had to see me in such unsightly manner."
"Calm down Dust," Lynn said while patting his back a little. "I'm sure Liza chan mean the dragon no harm," she then turned to Liza. "Liza chan, would you mind taking us to meet this white dragon?"
The next day, Megumin, Aqua, and I went to visit the Dustiness Manor. The reason for this is two fold, one is to see if Aqua can cure Darkness's father from his illness. The second is to listen to Darkness's side of the story.
Aqua sniffed around the moment we stepped into the mansion. "There's no doubt about it, this place stinks of hell," she muttered while walking around the place in suspicion.
"Not too loud now Aqua, we're still investigating," I whispered to her.
The entourage led us to the guest room where Darkness and Alderp is waiting. They both sat on the sofa, sitting close to each other. The former has that nervous look on her face while the latter just gazed at us coldly.
I sat down between Megumin and Aqua on the sofa, facing the two of them.
"Good Afternoon, Alexei dono, it's a pleasure to meet you,"
"The pleasure is mine, Satou dono,"
Then, I turned to Darkness. The girl shyly averted her gaze.
"First of all, I would like to apologize for my friend here. I heard she owed quite a bit of debt to you, didn't she? Alexei dono?"
"Yes, much more than you can imagine,"
I turned to Megumin and the girl smiled as she took out a bag of money. She gently put the bag on top of the coffee table, savoring the priceless look on Alexei's face.
"Inside this bag is two point three billion Eris," I told him calmly. "You can ask someone to count it for you if you want."
"Im-Impossible!" Alexei yelled. "A mere adventurer such as yourself…"
"I am not a 'mere adventurer' Alexei san, Dustiness san," I gave Darkness a pointed look. "I am the the third wealthiest person in the Kingdom who are not part of any nobility. I am the Co-Owner of Wiz's Magic Store, the Manager of the Fantastic Dreamer Band, one of the Board Director of the Morning Angel Cafe, and the Vice Captain of the Royal Knights,"
I pointed at Darkness. "And I am buying her back from you,"
Alexei's face turned red with anger. "E-enough! I have no reason to listen to an adventurer's demands!" he looked at his servants. "Guards!!! Take him away!" he yelled.
A bunch of guard came surrounded us from all sides. They were about to grab our arms when Megumin simply stared at them, not a glare, just a stare. But they all took a step back and some even held up their hands.
"I'll give you a moment to reconsider,"
Two guards pulled a one eighty and walked out of the room. The rest just stood there frozen in fear.
"Megumin, Kazuma," Darkness said suddenly. "You're going to get into trouble for this! Stop!"
"Don't worry Darkness, I have a very good political backing,"
As if on cue, the two guards who left the room quickly returns in panic. It seems like whatever was waiting for them outside was scarier than Megumin.
"Lord Alexei! Her highness Princess Iris has arrived!"
"WHAT!?" both Alderp and Darkness shouted in a perfect sync.
I stood up from my position, grinning smugly as I did so.
"Well, we better not keep her waiting then," I looked at Aqua and Megumin who also has that smug look on their faces. "Come, Alderp dono, Dustiness dono, it seems like the princess herself has something to say about your marriage."
Princess Iris sat at the head of the dining table. Claire and Rain stood at either side of her, staring at Alderp like he's a piece of filth. At the corner of the room, invisible to everyone else, is Grace.
"Alexei dono, Dustiness dono, please forgive me for this abrupt visit," the Princess said as the maids hastily prepared our seats and food. "But there are matters that we need to discuss…"
Lord Alexei gulped a little, his face as white as a sheet of paper. He glanced between me and the Princess and only looked even more panicked.
"Y-your highness! I know not what this adventurer has told you about me, but please pay him no mind. This is a matter between me and the house of Dustiness, you cannot interfere in this matter,"
The Princess shook her head. "Unfortunately, I am not here to talk about your marriage," she said much to Alderp's relief. "I am here to talk about your incompetence as the Lord of Axel."
Alderp stiffened and gazed at the Princess with wide eyes. "Y-your highness?"
"The citizens of Axel City pays their taxes to the governor, that is you, Alderp dono. The money from the citizens will then be used for the well being of the Citizens. That includes the maintenance of public facilities like Flood Gates and even farms."
"Y-yes… I did use my fund for that."
"Then pray tell, why didn't you use the people's money to fix the damage from the Destroyer's Rampage the other day? Instead telling them to go ask for the Adventurers and the Dustiness family?"
"Bu-but I did helped the Dustiness to pay for the repairs."
"Oh? Does that mean you owes them money for helping you maintain your responsibility as the lord of your town?"
"Y-you…" Alderp seethed in anger and stood up. "Don't talk to me like that you brat!"
There was a flicker of white and Alderp froze stiff in horror. A blade was held against his neck and he found himself gazing at a masked thief.
"Please mind your manners in front of the Princess, Alexei sama…" Grace said with an emotionless tone.
Alexei sat back down on his seat. Any sort of resistance vanished from his being. He simply lowered his head and nodded in defeat.
Grace vanished and Iris continued her speech. Most of the things she said after that is her listing off everything Alexei owed to the Dustiness Family. It's kind of fascinating to hear it you know, every million Eris is like a meter of hole this old man has dug for his own grave.
"In total, you owed the Dustiness Family one point seven billion Eris and they owe you nothing," Iris put down the document and took out another. "Now, there is also another matter I wish to discuss. But first," the princess snapped her finger.
A maid came towards us holding a large tray. At the middle of it is a golden bell encased in a metal framing.
Alderp's face paled at the sight of it.
"This is the Truth Seeking Bell. It is also encased in a powerful shielding that protects it from any kind of tampering," Princess Iris explained. "Now I'm going to ask you some questions and you will answer them honestly."
"Wh-what is this!? Why did this suddenly turn into an interrogation!? I demand a proper trial! Even if you're the princess, you have no right to abuse your position like this!"
This time Claire stepped forward and glared at Alderp. "By the order of the king, as long as he's away, Princess Iris will be the one acting in his steed. Her word is law and she has every right to conduct an interrogation."
"Now, Alexei dono, please answer honestly. Have you ever used unauthorized use of magic during a court case to manipulate the judges and prosecutor?"
"Alexei dono, have you ever use black magic to uphold your status as a noble?"
Grace suddenly appeared beside the princess. She whispered something to Iris and she nodded a little.
"Alexei dono, do you have in your possession an item that is capable of summoning a monster or demons? Also, if the bell rings, that means you lie, so please don't even think about lying."
Alexei gritted his teeth and slowly nodded. "I did…"
"Where is it now?"
"In an underground cellar in my mansion."
"Did you summon anything with it?"
"A worthless devil who couldn't even get me what I want,"
Iris turned to Grace and the thief nodded a little.
"Where did you get that item?"
"From… from the matriarch of the Farbridge family…"
"You do know what this means, don't you Alderp dono?"
"Yes, I will be stripped off of my nobility," the man said in defeat. "At least, let me stay in my mansion once again… Before you take me to rot away in a prison cell…"
A bunch of knights marched into the room. Leading them is our neighborhood prosecutor Sena chan. She gladly cuffed the man with enhanced adamantite cuff and dragged him away.
Just like that, one of my mission is a complete success!
I smiled at the Princess and gave her a thumb up.
"Perfect Victory!"
"Perfect Victory!"
After Alderp was taken away, we went to visit Lord Ignis who's lying down in his death bed. Darkness was still quiet the whole time, probably not believing what's happening and don't really dare to talk back to the Princess when she's in her 'Queen Iris' mode.
Lord Ignis was in a horrible condition. His body was frail with bags under his eyes. He looked like he has lost half of his body weight. He's straight up dying at this point, if this is just a natural illness, there's no way we could save him now.
Aqua, Claire, Rain, Megumin, and I waited outside, letting Darkness and Iris, converse with him in private.
As if sensing her daughter's presence, Lord Ignis opened his eyes. He gazed upon his daughter with a gentle smile on his face.
"Oh, Lalatina… How beautiful… Just like your mother…"
Darkness took her father's hand with a tearful smile on her face.
"I told you father… don't call me that in front of my friends… it's embarrassing."
Lord Dustiness gave her a weak chuckle and his gaze slowly turned to Iris.
"Your majesty… Forgive me that you'd have to see me in this… state…"
Iris stepped forward and bowed at him.
"You need not to worry Lord Dustiness," Iris said with a proud smile on her face. "You've brought nothing but honor to this kingdom, the fairest of all noble, and the man who has raised such a wonderful daughter."
Lord Dustiness closed his eyes. "Thank you for your kind words, my queen…"
"I'm not the Queen yet…"
"Forgive me, I just wish to refer you as so," he coughed a little weakly. "I'm not sure I'm in the condition to attend your coronation."
"Thank you, Lord Dustiness…"
Then, Lord Dustiness turned towards me who's been standing outside the room.
"Kazuma kun, Megumin chan, would you please come here?"
Megumin and I moved towards the bed without another words. The old man gazed at us with a grateful smile on his face.
"Kazuma kun, I heard you're aiming for a harem?"
"Father!" Lalatina yelled suddenly in embarrassment.
"It was a jest Lalatina… but truthfully, I do not mind…"
Yosh! I officially got her in my harem!
"Excuse me, shouldn't you be asking my opinion on this?" Megumin asked.
"Of… course…" Lord Dustiness looked like he's in his last breath. "You cared deeply for Lalatina too, do you not?"
Megumin lowered her gaze. "Well, I care about all my party members…"
"Then I found nothing wrong with that…" Ignis gazed up to the ceiling. "I still remember what you told me that day… Those words… it haunts me till this day…"
Lord Ignis took a deep breath and we simply stared at him in silence.
"With all due respect… you tried to give your own daughter to someone to take care of… to me that's called abandoning your child with extra steps," Lord Ignis stared at Darkness. "And I did it again… I'm asking Kazuma kun to take care of you…"
"It's…" Darkness wiped a tear of her face and shook her. "I was the one who abandoned you father… It's never your fault,"
The man smiled softly after hearing that.
"Did you regret it? If you had a second chance, will you do it again? Would throw throw everything away for the sake of it?"
"Yes, yes I will…"
"Lalatina. Choose the path you wish to take. Leave everything else to me. Even with my body like this, I can still do something at the very end."
"My beloved father, thank you for raising me…! When your health gets better, please chat with me and tell me about my late mother until I fall asleep…"
"I love you, my cute daughter. Yes, next time, I'll tell you about how I met your mother…"
Darkness's eyes were moist.
Her father muttered 'next time' again with a happy smile and held onto Darkness's hand…
The father closed his eyes with a happy smile on his face.
"Sacred Break Spell!"
And there goes drama…
I turned to Aqua and saw her grinning in satisfaction. "Aha! I knew it! It wasn't a disease it was a curse!" she then smiled proudly to herself. "And I've removed the curse! It's a child's play for an all powerful archpriest such as myself."
Darkness slowly released his hands as her face turned beet red. She whistled and looked out the window while her father pulled his blanket up to cover his awkward expression.
I could catch a glimpse of his face, which was as red as Darkness's.
"But it's fine now! That's great, Darkness! You can chat with your father about your late mother as many times as you want!"
Aqua's cheerful voice bore no malice.
Darkness covered her face and squatted down.
I guess all's well that ends well…