Chapter 10

Misaki was curious about him too so he asked. "I didn't introduce myself yet right? My name is Kamiigusa Misaki, a student in Suimei University of Arts and a Animation Designer~!" Misaki introduced herself with great vigor. "Oh, I'm Xander Ranvil, a student of Kuoh Academy and a aspiring author" Xander also introduced himself to Misaki. "Ohh!! A author huh~? Do you have any work?" Misaki asked excitedly, unknowingly closing her distance with him.

Xander was weirded out by her bubbly character but still replied "Yes, In fact, I'm currently writing a short story and I've already finished one volume" Xander said while taking the manuscript from his bag, "Can I read it, Xander?" Shiina asked first, interested in the thing he wrote. "Me too! I want to read it too!" Misaki was excited wondering if this new author's work is good.

Xander handed the manuscript to them, and they started reading at a rapid pace. 'Natural geniuses are really scary' thought Xander as he remembered Shiina having perfect score just by reading something once. Misaki is also a monster since she can make a whole anime just by herself, she can be called a Anime Studio on her own right.

The two was immersed in reading the manuscript that they didn't notice that 30 minutes have already passed. While reading it, they encountered a lot of emotions, interest, sorrow, joy and many more. The first volume covered at least 45 minutes of the movie, so many things has already happened in the plot. After reading the two was in daze "Nee, Ranvil-kun did you really write this? No offense but this is not a work of a rookie" Misaki asked while Shiina watching since she's only focused on painting as she's ignorant about this kind of thing.

"Hm? Ah, I put a lot of thought in that" Xander said as if its a simple thing. 'A lot of thought won't just do you know!?' Misaki thought while thinking that maybe Xander is one of them aliens in this lower world. Making a light novel for the first time and having little to none mistakes are already abnormal.

Shiina finally joined the conversation by saying "Xander...I want to draw this" Shiina's words made them remember that Shiina is a world class painter, they've been ignoring her since she's not saying anything, but they realized that Shiina is much more great than both of them in terms of fame.

Xander thought about it for a while and replied "Its fine.. but wait until my work is already published, Kamiigusa-san can you recommend some company where I can publish my work without being ripped off?" Xander's words made Shiina happy, while Misaki started thinking some of her friends.

"I have a friend editor who I can introduce you too, I'll let you know when she would be free~!" Xander exchanged number with Misaki.

After talking for a long time, its already night so Xander was about to go home when Chihiro finally arrived. "Oh kid, you're here again, are you going home already? Just stay for dinner" Chihiro stopped Xander from leaving while telling him to stay for dinner. Xander could only sigh because of how pushy the old woman was. "Oi, you're thinking of something rude right?" Chihiro suddenly said, gaining a look from Xander 'Sigh, womans are really scary'

Xander sat on the living room while waiting for dinner when Chihiro suddenly appeared infront of him saying "I'm sorry kid, but it seems like were out of ingredients" Xander couldn't help but sigh at this woman. "I'll cook, I have some ingredients when I shopped earlier" Xander acted trying to take the ingredients inside his bag when in reality he took it from his storage. Xander always loved cooking, he never really understood it though before he gain the 'Cooking' skill.

"Ah okay, make it delicious kid" Chihiro said without shame, while returning to her room. Xander walked towards the kitchen while preparing everything for tonights meal. Misaki and Shiina was interested when Xander said he's gonna cook so they followed him in the kitchen. What they saw stunned them since Xander diced the ingredients in a mere second, they can't even see his hands. They just keep watching in daze, while the status of Xander unknowingly growed in their minds.

After a hour a insane aroma emerged from the kitchen making everyone in the dorm stopped what they are doing. Chihiro immediately went downstairs to see what's happening, she was surprised when she saw Xander bringing food towards the living room. "...Did you cook this?" She asked while savoring the good aroma that's roaming in the air. "Yeah" Xander simply replied as wonder where Jin is, 'He's probably having a great time with his womans right now' Xander just dismissed his thought.

"Okay, everyone let's eat" Xander said as his words snapped everyone in their imagination. They couldn't help but gulp at the foods that you can only find in 3 star restaurants. "Wow~ you can really cook Xan-kun!" Misaki said while wiping the drool on her mouth. Shiina just nodded, acknowledging Misaki's words and looked at Xander. "Kid, how about becoming my personal chef, your reward will be a beautiful and caring woman" Chihiro said while putting her hands under her chest, emphasizing them. "I politely refuse, I'm quite a busy guy"

They were about to eat when Misaki's phone suddenly rang, "Leave some for me" Misaki saw a one sentence text and immediately understood who it came from, and replied "Ok~!!", Everyone clapped their hands and said ""Ittadakimasu"", everyone took a meat and placed it in their mouth. "Hmm~!!" Xander watched as they orgasmed in pleasure and took some picture without them knowing. 'This reaction never gets old' Xander thought while smiling widely.

After that one piece, their hands suddenly blurred as they compete for the foods, they can't let this heavenly food be taken by others. It didn't last long before every food was already eaten, except for the food that Misaki kept for the trap one. This is the first time they tasted something this delicious, they were hoping that Xander would come here everyday to cook for them, they stared at him with begging eyes. Xander can somehow hear their thoughts as he said "I don't know about coming everyday but I'll hang out if I have time" Xander said while waving his hands telling them to not hope too much.

After eating, Xander immediately went home, not bothering to answer Chihiro's proposal He just went to sleep after taking a bath to clean his dirty body. The next morning, Xander did his daily routine, take a shower, brushing his teeth, eating breakfast and making lunch box for Sona and Koneko. The moment he arrived at school he encountered the whole Student Council members standing at the entrance gate of the school.

He didn't expected that they were waiting for him the whole morning. "Goodmorning everyone!" Xander greeted them with a refreshing smile on his face unaware of their intention for waiting on him All Xander received was the begging eyes on their eyes, "Sigh, they're addicted to your cooking they were waiting here the whole morning hoping to receive your lunch box" Sona explained the reason why the whole peerage is here. Xander was surprised he didn't expected that it would bring this much reaction from them, "Ah I'm sorry but I didn't make your portions today, I thought that everyone would be satisfied by what I made yesterday Xander's words made everyone grunt in frustration.

Xander couldn't help but smile seeing this, 'Do they love my cooking that much? I guess it can't be helped' Xander thought while sighing "I have an idea, I don't know if it would work but please wait for me in the Student Council room later at lunch" Xander said while waving at them as he entered the school. He walked in the hallways and arrived at his classroom, he entered it and was surprised to see his art teacher standing while staring at him with deep eyes "What's up teach?" Xander asked while thinking what he did wrong. "Xander Ranvil, you've been chosen to represent the Kuoh Academy in the exchange student program for the next few days The teacher suddenly said surprising him even more "Wait teach, I'm not interested in something like th-, Okay I accept this responsibility" Xander was about to refuse when the System's Interface suddenly appeared.

[Quest: Participate in the exchange student program and raise the reputation of Kuoh Academy]

[Reward:1 random item]

[Accept or Refuse]

Xander unmediately accepted, he has nothing to lose and it could be interesting destroying students in their proud strength. The teacher was weirded by Xander's sudden change of mind but set it aside thinking that genius has different quirks. Understood, I'll just inform you if its time, just ready yourself there might more monster than you in that school" The teacher gave advice to Xander as he accepted it gratefully 'Let's see what kind of school is it for the teachers to say that the students are monsters' Xander thought as he started to get interested in this boring Exchange Student Program.