Chapter 37: Peace Conference


Its finally the day, the day where the Peace Conference would be held, Xander was looking forward if something is changed in the plot specially when he literally took out the Holy Sword Incident itself.

[Quest! Destroy the otherworldly being and help the treaty be achieved!]

[Reward : One random item]

Sona Sitri was informed that the meeting would be held early in the morning, she knew that Xander wasn't informed yet and was just waiting for her to tell him. Sona was about to use telepathy but she stopped, she realized that she hasn't visited his house yet, not even once.

Its still 4 in the morning, so Sona teleported outside his house where she stared at it for a few seconds before entering. "Xander? Are you awake?" Sona called his name but didn't heard a reply. She walked upstairs to look for his room, she wanted to try waking up her lover as that was one of the thing she dreamed off.

Sona saw a lone door that eludes of the feeling that it is Xander's Room. Sona didn't know about the safety mechanism of the house but she was able to enter because Xander already permitted her name, only her name. She walked to the towards and entered immediately. "..What is this.." Sona was frozen in the spot when she saw the state of his room, its not messy like normal people would thought.

Instead it was of her face and a lot of collection of her. She didn't expect that it would be this much, though she was also happy that Xander was obsessed with her. "Xander!!...Wake up!" She said while pinching his cheeks, and was surprised by its soft texture.

Xander jolted awake when he heard a voice infront of his face. "W-What..? Oh, its Sona" He was surprised at first but immediately calmed down when he saw Sona's beautiful face just inch away from of him. He got closer and stole a kiss from her lips making the girl blush from the sudden attack. "W-What are you doing!" Sona said while narrowing her eyes at him. "O-Ohh... Its not a dream?" Xander was in daze that he started muttering some things.

"Of course its not, anyway What is this?!" Sona said while pointing at her pictures at the wall, she took a Sona plushie and shoved it at Xander face. "Right!..Do you like it?" Xander lifter his chin as if proud of his work. Sona's face turned crimson as she was surprise by the shamelessness of this guy. She just pinched his ear and brought him downstairs.

Sona placed her hand on her hips as she stared at Xander and said "Anyway, I came to inform you that the meeting would start at 6am please get ready before that time" Xander hummed and accepted it, he turned to Sona "Its still 4am... We still has a lot of time right?" Xander said with a smirk on his face as he started to get close to Sona. Xander hugged Sona and started rubbing his cheeks against her.

"X-Xander.. we don't have time for t-this" Sona started making excuse while blushing. She still isn't used to being close with a man like this, so Xander rubbing his cheek against her was already too much for her, though she is still not resisting. Xander didn't listen to Sona as he kept cuddling her for about 10 minutes where he was finally satisfied.

"Haah..haah..haah" Sona panted while still having a blush of her face. She glared at Xander who just smiled at her playfully. "I-I'm gonna go... Remember to go!" Sona said while pointing at him as she left the house. Xander couldn't help but think Sona is really adorable as he smiled at her figure walking away. Xander also started as he took a bath, and cooked for breakfast.

He regretted forgetting to invite Sona to breakfast first before going. He also made a lunch box for Sona to make up for it. Xander finished everything at 4:30 so he took a paper and started drawing for the second volume of the manga. After drawing one volume he took a nap since it was still 5am.

Sona while walking received a call from her sister "Hello? What's the problem, Nee-sama?" Sona asked. "So-tan~! Did you already woke Xander up?" Serafall asked as she know that Xander is the most important person in this meeting. Because of him, the organization was forced to reveal themselves. Him not going would be too troublesome as they would question the person he was close the most, which would be Sona and her family.

"..Yes, I already did it" Sona couldn't help but stop for a moment as she remembered what they did inside the house. "Hm?! Did something happen, So-tan?!" Serafall asked worriedly as if she can feel Sona's feelings. Sona shook her head and hung up the call, while thinking that her sister is really scary.


Rias and peerage entered the room where the conference would be held, upon seeing that, Azazel said. "Everyone is already here right? Let's start the meeting" Azazel was weirded out by the sudden call of meeting by the devils side, peace was always his motivation so hearing the other side suddenly suggesting it to him was weird, though he already has some guides, such as the existence of the Khaos Brigade.

He was even waiting for Kokabiel to mess it all up, just to call this meeting but it seems like it wasn't needed. Michael also nodded his head as he was also worry that the Khaos Brigade might attack before they could sign the treaty.

Serafall and Sirzechs shook their heads making the other leaders confuse. "Sona-chan? Why is he not here yet?" Serafall asked as she saw that Xander wasn't here it the conference yet. Sirzechs also send his inquiry gaze towards Sona who merely blushed while cursing Xander inside of her head.

"I apologize Leviathan-sama, Lucifer-sama, I will call him now" Sona said as she started calling Xander using telepathy. Azazel couldn't hold his curiosity as he asked. "..Who is this guy?" Sirzechs and Serafall turned at each other, "He is our guest" Azazel nodded his head while still curious. They didn't know about Xander as Serafall merely mentioned the organization's existence.

The call connected as Sona heard a loud yawn from her head. "Haah, what time is it" she heard Xander muttering, as she got a headache from his words. "Sona-chan, where is he?" Serafall asked as she saw Sona's state. "..No, its just.. he fell asleep while waiting" Sona explained while her forehead crumpled. "Xander!! Where are you?!" Sona shouted at her mind surprising Xander who was still at his house.

"S-Sona? Eh.. don't tell me the meeting is about to start?" Xander asked carefully as he looked at the clock on the side of the wall. "Yes! So come here already!" Everyone who was waiting was surprised when they saw a magic circle appeared in the room. A young man appeared in the magic circle who immediately got closed to Sona while scratching his head.

Sirzechs nodded his head when he saw Xander. "Now, everyone is finally here, I hereby announced that the peace conference meeting is now starting" Sirzechs said gaining the approval of the other leaders. They were curious about the boy but this conference comes first, they were also sure that the young man would be mentioned in this meeting.

"The purpose of this meeting is to counter against the organization that is threatening the existence of the three factions" Sirzechs mentioned the objective of the meeting. Sona stepped forward as she started explaining what happened a few days ago. After doing that she stepped back again while being thanked by Serafall. They started talking about the problem, "Why did they even attacked your sister, Serafall?" Michael asked wondering what the Brigade want to the girl.

Serafall thought about it for a moment before replying. "They were after the artifact that our family got, its quite unique you see~" They raised their eyebrows at that as what item could make a big hidden organization like that reveal themselves. "Can you tell us what that item is?" Azazel asked, he was extremely curious to what the artifact is, he was a researcher so his thirst for new things is even stronger than that of Ajuka.

"Of course, No~.. I'm afraid that even you wouldn't be able to hold yourself back if you saw that" Serafall said while smiling at Azazel who twitched at her words. He shook his head and finally mentioned something that's been bothering him.

"By the way... can you tell me about that man? I can see that he is a human, and quite.. scary at that" Azazel finally mentioned Xander's existence, making Michael and his two confidants turned their heads towards Xander who is currently closing his eyes while standing. Vali was surprised by Azazel mentioning that Xander is scary, he knew that Azazel's instinct is quite strong since he lived this long. The room was silenced for a few seconds waiting for Xander to open his eyes but that didn't happen.

Sona pinched Xander's side who immediately twitched and started opening his eyes. "..Ah? Oh.. I'm sorry... the talking was boring that I couldn't help but fall asleep" Xander admitted without shame as Sona just sighed at his words. "Hahahaha, you're right man! Let's stop this small talk and sign the treaty already" Azazel said making the other leader serious, they were suspicious to why Azazel is being supportive about this.

They were about to sign it when they heard a loud explosion outside. Xander raised his eyebrows at that, he wondered why the time stop never happened. He thought about it for a moment before he finally got his answer when he saw Koneko destroying the magicians while carrying a box with one hand. He saw Koneko having a hard time destroying the enemies while still holding the box so he teleported her beside him.

Koneko was surprised by the actions as she punched towards Xander by flex. Xander caught the fist while Sona used her water magic to absorb the shockwave of the punch. "Senpai!" Koneko exclaimed while widening her eyes, "Yo" Xander just patted her head.

Everyone was surprised by what the two did, they saw Koneko punching magicians like they were fragile thing and Xander just catched it. They were also amazed by Sona's control as she immediately negated the shockwave within a second before it destroyed the whole room. Azazel was about to ask when Reya suddenly talked. "Lady Sona, there is a woman coming here in a few seconds" Sona nodded her head as she knew that Reya can know a lot of things before others could.

"Momo prepare a barrier for all of us" Sona ordered Momo as she told everyone to be ready. The leaders of the faction was stunned by this, how could someone know something before they do? That was what in their thoughts, but it was immediately cut off as a magic circle suddenly appeared on the ground.

A woman suddenly emerged from the magic circle as Sirzechs and Serafall was baffled by who it was. "Katerea.." Serafall muttered with a complicated look on her face. "Good day everyone" Katerea said while having a mocking smile on her face. Katerea did the thing she did in the canon but this time, instead of the three factions leaders making a barrier, a barrier was already constructed and stopped the attack without any damage.

They know that the power in that attack was strong, that's why they were surprised that a barrier stopped it without any problem. Katerea was also surprised by that but didn't stop attacking as she fired once again. This time the attacked made a U Turn and exploded in Katerea's face, Tsubasa just used her Martial Arts and deflected the attack towards the creator of it.

"So-tan~! You didn't mention that you're peerage is also strong!" Serafall pouted at Sona who just sighed at her sister's antics. In this attack, the enemy prepared quite well, as their numbers were more than in the canon. It's as if the Brigade really wanted to destroy the three factions. The others were also surprised by the strength of Sona's peerage, among them were Xenovia and Irina.

They still retain their arrogance as they didn't experience the Kokabiel event, the moment they saw Sona and her peerage trying to do something they sneered at their mind thinking that they were doing it just to seek attention. They never expected that they were strong.. much stronger than them that they could only doubt their strength.

The explosion subsided as they saw Katerea standing with some minor damage on her body, she never saw it coming so she still got damaged by her own attack. "Hoh, is this what you came for, Katerea?" Azazel didn't forget to mock Katerea making her enraged, she raised her hand and was about to do something, when it suddenly started to separate from her whole shoulder.

Everyone's eyes shrunked when they saw the clean cut on Katerea's shoulder, they turned their head towards Tomoe who just sheathe the katana again. Michael was surprised by her skill as they didn't even see when she took her sword from the sheathe.

Katera stared at her hand and screamed "Ah..Arrrghhhh!!" She never thought that she would suffer such humiliation by coming here, she thought that she would be able to handle everyone if she use Ophis's snake but she wasn't even given a chance to use it.

Water suddenly gripped Katerea's body as she felt her powers being drained by something, she saw Sona controlling the water while narrowing her eyes at her. "What ..are you doing!" She shouted as she took Ophis's snake and used it. Bunch of snakes suddenly wrapped around her body as she feel a rush of strength coming towards her body.

The leaders narrowed their eyes as they saw Katerea growing strong midfight. "What was that..." Michael muttered as he saw the power that was absorbed from her returned and even become much stronger, Sona raised an eyebrow as she saw that. "The Infinite's snakes" Xander said while staring at Katerea with some interest in his eyes.

Infinity, even though that power was interesting, it was nothing compared to Xander's abilities. The Infinity concept in the DxD world was stupidly weak that Xander even wonder how the author made it, how can the 'Dream' concept win against the 'Infinite' concept. Although Xander didn't dwell in that thoughts anymore as he just considered it a DxD thing.

Azazel looked at Xander while wondering how he know that thing. "Infinite.. is it Ophis?" Azazel asked while staring at Xander who just nodded his head. "Now this rather turned into something troublesome" Azazel sighed, hearing that Ophis was also helping them, Azazel immediately knew who the head of the Brigade is.

Michael face also turned grim just like Azazel. "HAHAHA" Katerea started laughing as she gained some powers. Sona shook her head and turned to Tsubaki who just scratched the air, as the surroundings beside Katerea suddenly cracked.

Katerea's arms suddenly turned limp as she screamed in pain. "Ghaaah!!!" The people didn't understand what happened. "She used Quake to destroy every muscles inside her arms" Sona explained making them understand but still amazed by how she used her demonic powers.

While Sona and her peerage were playing with Katerea, Xander suddenly saw Vali moving towards him, while raising his arms trying to throw some jab. Xander used Water Stream Rock Smashing fist and deflected his strike. He gripped Vali's overstreched arm and threw him out of the window making him fly over a hundred meters before he revealed his white wings.

Sirzechs, Michael and Serafall stared at Azazel, who just sighed. "Would you believe me If I say I don't know anything about this?" Azazel asked as the three of them shook their heads. "Figures.." Azazel sighed as he explained why Vali was in that side. "I already suspected it when Serafall describe the Brigade. But seeing this made my thoughts complete, you see.." Azazel started explaining Vali's lineage making them shock as a another Lucifer is still alive and roaming in this world.

"That explains a lot" Sirzechs nodded his head. "Then~... Its my time to shine~!" Serafall said as she turned her head towards the other leaders who just nodded their heads. Sirzechs is also interested in Serafall's new strength.

Serafall's body was bathed in light as her clothes slowly transformed, in replace with her business clothes was a pink magic girl clothes. "Yosh~! With this I am ready!" Serafall excitedly said while she flew to the air where the tens thousands of Magician were shooting laser beams on their heads on the barrier.

Serafall started posing as the others could only sigh at her antics, even though they were used to her doing it, they still can't believe that she did it in the center of the enemy. They saw Serafall finished her weird magical girls moves as she inhale a lot of air, the moment she released that air in her lungs, all the enemies froze in their spot as they started falling to the ground.

Everyone was confused except for the experienced ones. They nodded their heads in respect with her power, they knew that her power became strong again, in the devil society she would only be second to Sirzechs, in raw power that is, there is still many people that can beat her if they fought.

"Onii-sama... what just happened?" Rias asked as she didn't understand what just happened. Everyone also perked their ears as they were also interested how everyone suddenly fell down with just Serafall breathing.

Sirzechs stared at the flying figure of the Magical Girl. "Basically, all people in there are already dead, Serafall's breathe killed them all, everything in their insides turned into ice stopping everything from working" Sirzechs explained while reminiscing about his younger days with Serafall who is just a naive girl back then.

Everyone's eyes shone at Sirzechs words, they now realized how powerful Serafall were, especially Issei since he just thought that Serafall was just a interest sister of Sona. "Tadah~! Did you like it?! I'm sure you did~!" Serafall said as she went to their side again.

Everyone turned their attention towards Vali who is currently being played by Xander. Vali smiled as he thought that he finally found someone worthy of being his opponent, he used Balance Breaker immediately and threw some White Sphere towards Xander who just slapped it. Seeing it not working, Vali dashed so fast that it looked like he teleported to Xander's side, he tried to strike Xander's body but just got thrown in the ground, making a huge dent in it. He immediately got up he tried to hit Xander again only to be stopped by a barrier. He used Divine Dividing on the barrier and immediately destroyed it, he touched Xander's side and used Divine Dividing stealing Xander's strength and punched him.

Xander's face turned to the side because of the hit. He touched his face, and felt a bruise in it, though it immediately healed. 'Is that...pain?' Vali was weirded out by Xander's silence but immediately shivered as he saw a smirk emerging from Xander's face. He tried to throw a straight in him again, however he suddenly felt pain in his cheeks as he flew away.

He realized that the punch was too strong that it literally broke his helmet. He spat blood and stood up, he was about to prepare to get close to Xander with a maniac smile on his face. Vali is having so much fun right now, it is a rare time that someone can fight against him toe to toe.

Vali tilted his head when he saw Xander doing a strange pose of his two hands hanging in the air while forming a claw in his hands. His whole body shivered while all of his body hairs stood up when he saw Xander dragging his hands down. He used his Divine Dividing to half the power of the thing that Xander is doing for 5 times. Suddenly everything turned around, the buildings, the ground, the sky. Literally everything, even the the three faction leaders who experienced many things in their long life was shocked by this, they saw the whole land being misplace, as some sink and others rise.

"What the this.." Azazel was dumbfounded by this, although he expected that Xander was quite strong he didn't expect that it would be this much. Sirzechs was also shocked but he regained his calm faster than Michael and Azazel did. "Why does he know.. you're queen's technique?" Michael asked Sona who was watching everything happened with a proud smile on her face. "I forgot to mention this but, all of our techniques was made by him" Sona said while smiling at the baffled two.

"Yup~! Xander is really strong, he even played with me even though I used everything I got in our fight~" Serafall also nodded her head. "How did someone like him escaped our sights" Azazel sighed while Michael nodded his head, Xander was really an anomaly for them.
