Chapter 44

No magic in this chapter. Xander 'killed' it


The next morning, Xander in the middle of watching the girls practice when his phone suddenly rang. "Hello?" Xander took the phone and accepted the call. "Xander, your last volume has been published, people in our company who already read the last volume was quite satisfied with it. They said that you're work has surpass everything that the world of ACG could present" Machida reported what happened as Xander remembered that this is actually the day where his book would be finished. "Okay, thank you for reporting, next time we meet I'll treat you to luxury foods" Xander said making Machida excited at the proposition.

Xander turned his attention to the girls who are still practicing. He called went to Sona's side, "Everyone, it seems like my book was finished today, the last volume was published just now. Do you want to come with me to buy it?" Xander said making Sona confuse.

"Since when did you write a book, Xander?" Xander scratched the back of his head as he realized that he never really mentioned it to Sona. "Actually, I wrote it weeks ago, it was just finished today" Xander said while Sona started thinking of books that's been published within this month. With her boyfriend's talent she immediately gain the answer. "Are you Yogiri-sensei?" Sona asked while Xander just nodded his head.

Everyone went wide eyes when they heard his words, everyone has a secret that they didn't tell to Sona, it was that they bought a famous romance story in Akiba. Though what they didn't know that their King was also an fan of this book. Everyone was surprised when they saw Sona taking a book out of nowhere and asked Xander.

"Yogiri-sensei, please sign!" Sona said while pushing the book towards Xander. "So you also have this hobby huh?" Xander smirked as he took the book and write his sign in it while Sona just blushed on his words. She was excited to know that Xander was Yogiri-sensei that she forgot to keep her appearance infront of her peerage.

After signing it Xander asked again, "So? Does anyone want to follow me to Akiba?" Everyone thought about it for a moment before refusing, they wanted to spend every minute practicing specially when they still has the adrenaline to do it.

Only Sona agreed to follow him as she was rather interested in the Paradise of Otaku, she saw Rias coming to Akiba many times but she have never been there. "Oh, you're excited Sona?" Xander asked as he saw Sona's fervent expression. "I guess so, this is my first time coming there, so being interested in the Land of Otakus is never bad" Sona said making Xander surprise as Sona didn't deny something embarrassing.

"You're better like that Sona, you should be more honest to yourself" Xander said as he took Sona's hands and they walked towards the mansion to change clothes. Sona also enjoyed every moment of this time as she gripped Xander's hands tighter. Xander just smiled feeling Sona's hands, they entered the mansion and immediately went to their own room.

After a few minutes Xander went out of his room wearing a black long sleeve, white tattered pants and a yeezy shoes. Sona was also wearing some comfortable clothes as they teleported to Akibahara. Sona was surprised by the amount of people marching to stores right now.

"Is it always like this?" Sona asked, wondering whether the Akiba was always this populated. "Nope, this is even bigger when I last came here. They are probably here for the light novel" Xander said while smiling proud of his work being loved by all of this people. Sona raised an eyebrow at that before also smiling, Xander led Sona to the shop Xander went before with Eriri.

They entered the shop and started looking for good stories, "Can you recommend a story, Xander?" Sona asked while looking at Xander who has a complicated look on his face. "Actually... There's nothing special that has caught my attention. I'll tell you if I find something" Xander said while giving a shameful look on his face.

"You really read light novel, Sona?" Xander asked while thinking that Sona has some cute sides with her. "No, I only bought your book because everyone is saying that it is groundbreaking. Though what everyone said is true since I ended up loving the book" Sona shook her head and said.

Xander heard that and stared at the people in the surroundings with pity on his eyes, everybody is probably bored with cliché things so they swarm to this new story like this is a water in the middle of their dessert. "...Why are you looking at them with pitiful gaze?" Sona noticed Xander's look as she asked him. "Nothing... I just thought that this world is really pitiful because it has no good works" Xander said making Sona nod her head. This world really has no beautiful stories like the one Xander made.

"Actually, Sona. I made a manga and I already finished the first volume. Do you want to read it later?" Xander remembered his manga and asked Sona. Xander already swore to his himself that he wouldn't let anyone read his manga before it was published, however Sona was not included in that 'anyone'. "Really? Then I'll look forward to it" Sona said while trying to hide her excitement.

Though Xander noticed it as he merely smiled and patted her head. Xander and Sona took a book each in the shelf before lining in the counter. Of course they could just use magic to skip the line, but they also wanted some time together, because everytime they were together, Sona's peerage were always there watching them.

"Huh?...Xander?" Xander and Sona stopped their conversation when they heard someone calling Xander's name. Xander turned around and saw two people, one blonde in a twin tail while the other is a normal man with glasses, though he has an aura of an hardcore otaku on him. "Eriri..?" Xander asked surprised that he couldn't see any disguise on Eriri's body.

"Hoh, you came here with your boyfriend? You've gotten bold" Xander said with a small smirk on his face while Eriri's face is slowly turning red. "N-No! He's not my b-b-boyfriend!!" Eriri adamantly refused Xander's words while blushing. "Is that so? Okay, let's introduce our partners" Xander said while Eriri started hers.

"This is Aki Tomoya, an otaku, and he's not my b-boyfriend, he is just my childhood friend!" Eriri said while pointing her finger at Tomoya who just nodded his head while wondering who is this friend of Eriri. "Tomoya, that person is Xander Ranvil, he's my friend" Eriri said as she saw Tomoya's curious expression. Xander saw that they are already done so he started with his, he circled his arms towards Sona's waist and pulled her closer to his body.

"This is Souna Shitori, Seito-Kaichou of Kuoh Academy and my... Wife" Xander said the last thing with a playful smile on his face. "W-Wha- wife?!" Eriri and Tomoya's reaction were the best thing for Xander as he just smiled but was brought down by a pinch in the ears by Sona.

"Ouch! Ouch!" Even though Xander's didn't feel any pain, he still has to act to not make Sona out of place that her husband is something broken that couldn't be damage by anything. "Sigh, don't listen to his words, I'm actually his... Fiance" Sona said with a smile making Xander surprise but he just chuckled.

"That's literally the same thing!" Eriri shouted, gaining the attention of the other customers. "Please no shouting inside the store!" One staff told Eriri who could only bow down her head with shame on her face. "Still.. you didn't tell me you have an fiance Xander" Eriri said while narrowing her eyes at him.

"Ah? I didn't? Sorry, sorry. I actually prefer something like not mentioning something instead of flaunting our relationship. Because those who actually flaunt their relationship are the one who need some attention to make them enthusiastic about loving each other, but those who didn't mention it are the one who truly loved each other" Xander said while smiling at Sona.

"Heh, big words for someone who couldn't stop flirting with me infront of people" Sona said with a sneer on her face making Xander step back while holding chest. "Emotional Damage.." Sona just chuckled at his antics while the two watcher twitched their mouths seeing the two. Its finally Xander ane Sona's turn at the counter as they paid for the books and was about to leave the shop

"Eriri, who is that guy really?" Tomoya asked while Eriri got an idea. She knew she was being made fun by Xander and Sona earlier so she wanted some payback. "Actually... That guy is Yogiri-sensei that I mentioned you about" Eriri said with a small smirk on her face. "What!? Yogiri-sensei?!" Tomoya exclaimed gaining the attention of other customers. "What?", "Yogiri-sensei? Where?!", "Is there really Yogiri-sensei?!" Everyone was in panic as they started looking for Yogiri-sensei.

Xander saw that and immediately went outside with Sona. Everyone saw Xander's actions as they immediately judged him as the one. They started chasing him while shouting his name. "Yogiri-sensei!" They were already outside Akiba, so everyone who heard their chant was immediately drawn to it. They also started chasing Xander who is amused at this thing.

"Yogiri-sensei, please sign my book!" Someone said as all of them started talking their books out of their bags while waving it to Xander. "Sigh, so this is how troublesome being famous huh?" Sona giggled at his words while also running with him. Xander 'killed' their thoughts of trying to take picture of them so nobody raised an camera even once.

"That Eriri..." Xander said as they arrived at the Sitri Mansion, everybody saw the haggard look on Xander's face so they asked. "What happend to you, Lord Xander?" Xander turned his head towards them before shaking his head and walking inside.

"He just realized how troublesome being famous is" Sona explained it to them while smiling at Xander. Xander recalled something before calling Sona. "Sona? You sister has an studio right? Can I visit it?" Sona started thinking for a second before answering

"Are you going to ask my sister to turn your book into a anime?" Sona asked making Xander confused. He then remembered that he haven't showed it to Sona yet. "Kind of, please call your sister please" Xander just shook his head and asked Sona who just nodded his head.

Sona started calling Serafall using telepathy, no surprise that it immediately connect. "So-tan~?! You called me? Did you miss big sis already~?" Serafall started bombarding questions while Sona could just creased her forehead. "Nee-sama, please stop for a moment" Sona said making Serafall stop and waited for Sona's words.

"The reason why I am calling is actually because of Xander. He wanted to go to your studio because he wanted to animate his book" Sona's words confused Serafall. "Xander has an book? Why I didn't hear of it before? Is it unpopular? Don't worry, I wont judge~!" Serafall said while Sona shook her head. "Actually.. its the opposite, his book is the most popular right now" Sona said making Serafall stop.

"What's the name of the book?" Serafall said while looking at the book in her hands. "Kimi no Nawa" Sona said while Serafall stared at the book with the title 'Kimi no Nawa'. "What~!? This book is made by Xander?!" Serafall asked while throwing her hands in the air making the people in the street look at her with weird expressions.

A Magical Girl cosplayer talking to herself while doing weird things. "Onee-sama, where are you right now?" Sona asked while Serafall immediately replied. "In the Paradise of Otakus! Akihabara~!" Sona and Xander stared at each other before sighing.

"I was just chasing Yogiri-sensei earlier~! I didn't know Xander was Yogiri-sensei... Wait, does that mean you were here before?!" Serafall was suprised by the thing she noticed before started bawling in the street because she couldn't come with her sister.

Sona twitched "Anyway, nee-sama. Back to the topic, Xander wanted to animate his book, is your studio available? If not the we'll go to other studios.." Sona was immediately stopped by Serafall. "No!! Please deliver him to my studio! I would love to handle it!" Serafall said while going to an alley and teleported to her studio in Underworld.

Xander and Sona also teleported, the moment they arrived there, they were tackled by a Magical Girl. "So-tan~! I miss you! Xander too~" Serafall said while snuggling at the two who just pushed her. They stood up and cleaned themselves from the dust, "I heard that you wanted to animate you book, do you want me to do it?!" Serafall asked while looking at Xander with shining eyes. Xander shook his head and said.

"Actually, I already finished animating the whole movie. I just need the background and voice actors, I can make the background music if I can hold a instrument" Xander said while Serafall complained. "Ehh! You already finished it? Let me see it, I'm sure its not as good as our studio's anime" Serafall said.

Xander made a weird face while looking at Serafall. "No offense, but I haven't seen any good animation in this world. They are all average" Xander said making a arrow shot at Serafall's heart while she kneel in the floor. "That's mean!" Serafall pouted at Xander who just shook his head.

"Anyway, can you let me borrow some musical instruments here? I want to start making the background music soon" Xander asked while Serafall could only grumpily accept, she led them to the music room where Xander couldn't help but twitch his mouth. "Are you sure this isn't a theatre?" Xander asked while looking at the huge music room that would destroy a whole court in comparison.

"Yes! This room is dedicated towards Music only!" Serafall replied while raising her abundant chest. Xander just ignored it and went to the instruments, he made Serafall started recording while he played with it, they were stunned by the sounds as it was too peaceful. Xander also sang the music on the movie as his voice was nice to the ear.

Xander just kept playing the background music as the two was watching this happening. They couldn't take their eyes towards Xander who is playing the instruments skillfully. After 2 hours, Xander finished everything he can remember from the movie. He only needed the voice actors, which Serafall immediately took some from the real world when he was still recording.

Xander looked at Serafall who just smiled innocently and turned his attention towards the Seiyuus who has an excited look on their face. Everyone of them are famous on their own, voicing some of the most popular characters in this world. Xander made them line and started making them talk some lines, Xander pointed at the first man.

"Hello, I am Matsuda, I've been a Seiyuu for -" Xander listened to his voice and felt that it was not perfect for the protagonist. Xander kept listening to their voice until he finally picked the two seiyuu who would voice the two protagonist. The others were made into a background character.

"Now, that everything is ready, let's start in a few minutes" Xander said as he played the movie. Of course he already inserted the background music so its not so lifeless anymore. They focused on the screen because it was an type of animation they never seen before, it was so detailed that they could feel that they are inside the movie itself. The sound of the people walking, the sound of the wind, they loved it all.

They were in dazed while watching the movie until it ended, the most beautiful thing they saw was the blue meteor shower which was supported by the enchanting background music. After the movie ended, they were still in daze until Xander clapped his hands making them snap out of it.

"How is it? Isn't it beautiful?" Xander said while having a small grin on his face as everyone could only nod their head in awe. Even Serafall who was proud of her Studio's animation couldn't say anything.

Comparing it would be an insult to Xander's movie, so she didn't say anything. Everyone was pumped up by what they saw as they already wanted to start the recording while they are still excited about this.

They also swore to double their effort in this recording because they didn't want to stain the beautiful movie with some worse voice acting out there. "Let's start" Xander said as everyone already finished reading their scripts.

It took 8 hours of full recording before it was finally finished, of course Xander didn't just made them record one at a time, he made them record together in different rooms while his mind separates their performance.

Xander kept rejecting it until they poured their emotions in voicing the characters, Xander nodded as he can feel their emotions being poured making the characters full of emotions not just some characters that you can see on the screen.

Xander was satisfied with their effort so he gave some big bonus for them, at first they don't want to accept the bonus because them voicing the characters were already an honour to them but Xander kept insisting leaving them with no choice but to accept.

"What's wrong? You've been quiet for some time now, Serafall" Xander asked as he saw the unusually quiet Serafall. "No... I just never thought that anime could be this deep, because I used to see it as a tool to satisfy myself with my Magical Girl interest" Serafall said while Xander just shook his head.

"Now that you saw something really good, would you stop yourself now?" Xander asked while Serafall immediately shook her head. "Of course no~! I swear that I would surpass your skills with my studio!" Serafall was back to her usual self making Sona and Xander smile. "Then I dare you to surpass my work and make yourself the queen of entertainment" Xander said while giving Serafall a challenging look.
