Chapter 61


Xander went to school as it already started. He didn't immediately go to his classroom as he wanted to visit Koneko first. Its been a long time since they met so Xander was wondering if she is still doing good. He was about to go to the old building when he encountered the Student Council.

"Sona? What are you doing here?" Xander asked as Sona stopped and stared at him. "Perfect, I was about to call you, let's go Xander" Sona said as she took Xander's arms before they walked towards the Occult Research Club. "Anyway, what is happening, Sona? Is something interesting going on?" Xander asked.

Sona kept walking as she replied to Xander. "Yes, today, Rias and her servants are going to fight Niniora Astaroth. Although I think there is more to it as Onee-sama was acting weirdly when I asked about it" Xander tilted his head before remembering the arc where Issei achieved Juggernaut Drive. "This will be interesting" Xander said as Sona just smiled at him. "I knew you would say that" they chuckled as they continue.

They arrived infront of the classroom where they saw Rias and her servants getting ready. "Yoh, Rias-san and friend" Xander said while waving his hands at them who were surprised by their presence. But before they could reply, a blur appeared in their view as Koneko tackled Xander who just catched her. "Woah there, did you miss me that much, Koneko-chan?" Xander asked.

Koneko nodded her head while smiling at him. "Grr, I can't believe Koneko-chan could smile like that!" Issei said while gripping his shirt and comically crying. Kiba just patted his back, as he shook his head. Xander was talking with Koneko when he noticed something "Hm? Did they transfer here?" Xander asked while pointing at Irina and Xenovia who was in guard by his presence. They knew how strong Xander is, but they still don't know if he is really and ally or not.

"Don't worry, I won't eat you, you know?" Xander said while waving his hand at them. "Yeah, Xander-kun is great, though it was disappointing that he only accept one woman" Akeno said while placing her hand at her face. Sona was irked at that as she elbowed Xander. "Actually, this guy has another girlfriend. She is human though" Sona said.

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Xander who just tilted his head. "What?!", "Xander has another girlfriend?!", "Damn, the ikemen striked again!" Various reaction errupted from that one sentence as Xander just smiled at them. "Do you have a picture of her, Sona?" Rias asked curious to what kind of girl made Xander's heart move. Sona narrowed her eyes at Xander who just took his phone while shaking his head.

Xander give them his phone where his picture with Utaha was displayed. They were riding in a car while Utaha was resting her head at Xander, clearly asleep. "She's.. beautiful. But Akeno can give her a run on her money" Rias said as everyone nodded. "Well, I didn't pursue her because of her looks. I just loved her, and in my opinion she is more beautiful than everyone.. except Sona" Xander inserted the last one as he can feel Sona's gaze.

"Is she aware of the supernatural world, Xander-kun?" Akeno asked while looking at Xander. "Well, I already introduced her to it, I even teach her some things to keep herself safe from hooligans" Everyone just nodded their head. At least she knew about their world and didn't back down. "Ah! I forgot its time for the Rating Game!" Rias said.

Azazel arrived as he explained something to Rias before they were teleported. "Are you sure you want to do this gamble, Azazel?" Xander said while staring at the scene where Rias and her servants were surrounded bt Khaos Brigade cannon fodders. "I need to do this for complete obliteration" Azazel said as Xander raised an eyebrow. "This is not like you, Azazel. You know that they would not be destroyed with just this right?" Xander said as Azazel just chuckled while shaking his head.

"You really know me" Azazel said before teleporting. Sona who was listening to their conversation has caught up on it. She finally knew the bad feeling she felt about this Rating Game. "They're being use as baits?" Sona wanted to confirm as Xander nodded. "Shall we go as well? The fun could only be found there" Xander asked as Sona and her peerage just smiled.

They arrived at the scene where Issei promised Akeno as date if she win the battle between the nuns. Sona shook her head at the two's bickering just for the attention of a man. She hope that she wouldn't experience something like that in the future. Reya raised an eyebrow before nudging Tomoe who just looked at her. Reya pointed at someone as Tomoe widened her eyes, "Kaichou.." Sona didn't say anything and just accepted it.

Tomoe thanked her while she took a large breathe before appearing infront of Siegfried who was shocked at her speed. "Shocked? Let's have a rematch!" Tomoe said as Siegfried just smiled. 6 arms emerged from his back as the two started battling. Though it was clear that Tomoe surpassed Siegfried in everything making Xander bored at their fight. Xander didn't want to watch a new ship sailing.

"Should we enter now, Xander?" Sona asked as Xander just shook his head. "No, there are still interesting things that would happen from now on" Xander said as he pointed towards Issei who is battling Diodora who suddenly appeared all of a sudden. There was nothing interesting in it as it was just a one sided beating from Issei. What Xander wanted is to see the transformation of the Juggernaut Drive itself.

Sona raised her arms and was about to stop Asia's transportation towards Dimensional Gap but Xander just stopped her. "There is someone who would save her" Xander said as she lowered her arm. Sona and her peerage raised an eyebrow as they saw Issei's aura started growing. "What's happening, Xander?" Sona asked as Xander just explained the Juggernaut Drive to them.

Issei transformed into a incomplete Juggernaut Drive as he started howling, he destroyed Shalba Beelzebub without sweating as they just watched. A lot of portals suddenly appeared as Sirzechs, Odin and Azazel arrived. "Oh? You're done with your problem there?" Xander asked as Azazel just smirked. "They were talking too much that we just ended it" Azazel said as Sirzechs shook his head.

Ophis suddenly appeared making them stiff as they stared at her. "Ophis.." Odin muttered as he slowly raised his Gungnir ready to retaliate incase of battle. "Don't worry, she already retired from her position as the leader of Khaos Brigade" Xander said as Ophis stared at Azazel before talking. "Azazel, its been a long time" Azazel's lips twitched as he massaged his head.

"Does that mean Rizevim is now handling the Brigade?" Sirzechs asked as Ophis nodded her head. "I would have preferred if Ophis was the one handling the organization.." Azazel said with a sigh. Sona and her peerage went to Rias side as Xander didn't stop her this time. "Something will happen later, please get ready to it" Xander said as his guts started tingling again. They got alerted by Xander's words before they nodded their heads.

Xander watched as Xenovia was crying about Asia's death, 'So they still become friends even when I took the Holy Sword arc itself huh..' Xander thought as he can see that everyone was getting along, except that it was not time to be happy as they were devastated by Asia's lost. A portal appeared beside them as Vali appeared on it. Bikou, Kuroka, and Arthur who is carrying Asia followed.

Kuroka didn't hold back before lunging at Koneko who just dodged. "Shirone.. you became cold to your sister, nyaa~" Kuroka pouted as Koneko just looked away, embarrassed by her sister's antics. "Now is not the time nee-sam..." Koneko stopped her words as she saw Asia on Arthur's arms. She immediately ignored Kuroka who pouted at her actions before getting close to Asia. "Asia!"

Xenovia started crying while talking to Asia about them being friends. Kuroka who was ignored by Koneko went to Xander's side, "Xander, nyaa!" Kuroka wanted to take Xander's arm but immediately stopped when her feet suddenly froze. "Please avoid doing indecent things infront of this crowd" Sona said while adjusting her eyeglasses. "N-nyaa.." Kuroka could only back down while her lips twitched. She stared at Xander who just puff his chest as if proud of what Sona did.

"Anyway, Xander. Why are you here? And why is Ophis at your lap?" Kuroka asked curiously while being wary to Ophis who is just eating cookies from the plate that Xander gave her before. "Were waiting for the thing that would appear later on" Xander said as he also took some cookies on it and started eating. The leaders sighed at them, because they look like just watching a show while relaxing at their home.

Vali transformed to his Juggernaut Drive form as he started to fight Issei. Even though Issei's form is still incomplete and his mind was unstable, he could still fight against Vali easily because he was stronger than his canon version. He trained a lot when he realized that his strength was just too weak for him to live in this world.

The two started wrestling each other as Xander just watched in interest. The others could not see the battle between the two as they were moving at a speed almost reaching that of light. After a minute of holding back, Vali finally snapped before he used full power and punched Issei making him fall as a large crater was created because of the impact.

Issei's body started twitching before his armor finally broke, he slowly stood up as he widened his eyes at Asia's figure who is being held by Xenovia. He walked towards her and confirmed that she really exist before smiling greatly as he hugged Asia. "Asia! You're alive!" Issei shouted. "She was saved by Vali's team at the Dimensional Gap" Rias said.

Issei thanked Vali who just shook his head. "Get stronger Hyodou. You're my rival right?" Vali said as Issei smirked. "You too! Don't get behind. I might just surpass you!" Issei said before they bumped their fist. Everybody stopped as they stared at the new arrival. "This is what I was waiting for" Vali said looking at Great Red's majestic appearance.

Ophis and Xander's eyebrows started to twitch at Great Red's action. "That shit.. he's totally loving the attention right now" Xander said as Ophis nodded her head. Great Red snorted as his snort made a damage that was greater than what Issei and Vali did. They winced at that strength as they covered theirselves from the violent wind that resulted from his snort.

Xander and Ophis also stood up. "Do you want to fight it, Ophis? It seems like that thing is angry that its son died" Xander asked as Ophis shook her head. She just wanted eternal sleep, she hated troublesome things so she would just leave it at Xander. "You handle it, its too troublesome" Ophis said as she teleported to Great Red's head and punched him making the bragging dragon fall on the ground.

Everyone's eyes widened as they got alarmed by what Ophis did. "Are they going to fight here?!" Azazel exclaimed as everyone turned to Xander, the only one who could understand the two. Vali was excited at the thought of watching the two strongest being in the world fight as he waited for Xander's answer. "No, they are just preparing the battlefield, the real battle would start soon" After Xander said that, the place suddenly warped before the battleground was turned into the same structure as Dimensional Gap.

Everyone raised an barrier to stop the nothingness from consuming them. They just watched as Xander shook his head at their stupid thought of wanting to watch interdimensional beings fight. Azazel saw Xander shaking his head as he raised the threat of this battle to the highest. "Sirzechs, Old geezer. Its time to stop now" Azazel said as the two remembered what is happening.

They were immersed in watching it that they forgot that an incomprehensible battle would occur here. "Xander.." Azazel stared at Xander who just sighed and nodded his head. Azazel smiled excitedly at his gesture as they made everyone leave the place. Even Vali who wanted to watch the fight was forced to return. They were all waiting in a single room, as a a large screen appeared on their view.

"This is Ophis's eyes. Feel free to use it, she won't participate anyway" Xander said as they nodded their heads. "Sona, you trained hard right? Do you think you can handle those kind of beings right now?" Xander asked as Sona thought for a moment before shaking her head. "I might be able to fight an Great Old One but those exiled from the stars are still out of my reach" Sona said as Xander just smiled. "If you nodded your head just right now, then I might have to bonked you in the head" Xander said.


Everyone watched as the space started twisting making them dizzy just from watching it. A nauseating feeling entered their body the moment they saw it. Their foreheads was filled with sweat as they forced themself to stare at the screen. "Momo.." Sona said before a barrier appeared on everyone's body, protecting them from the becoming insane.

The effect of the barrier didn't completely made them immune to the Madness Inducement as Momo couldn't hope to reach that level. This being is not the same as they fought before, this one is a real powerhouse. The Eldritch Horror they fought before was just a dust compared to this monstrosity.

Phenomenon and Concepts don't work on this shit. It was just a plaything for it, nah it don't even consider things like concepts as a dust as even concepts would bow their heads to this being. Space and Time began shaking and started making way for the being, scared that the being would destroy them specially when its mood is not something to be happy about.

"Heh, this bitch is throwing a tantrum huh.. though its indeed my fault that it came here" Xander said smirking. The reason why Ophis and Great Red didn't stopped this being is not because they were lazy to do it. Instead it was because they could not stop it, they could do it if they devoured the whole 'Watcher' but they didn't do it as their experience is still not enough to fight against beings like these.

The world stopped as they viewers started screaming while clutching their heads. They tried understanding this incomprehensible being, so this is the result. It didn't even noticed them as their existence could be destroyed with it just walking. In fact this world only hold because Xander is handling it. The Monstrosity's mere presence could destroy this world.

Many other Outer Gods were watching this show with interest in their eyes when their place was suddenly filled with eyes. They shivered and wanted to escape to other reality, far away from this one but no one survived when they heard a single word. "Die"

The other planes of existence turned quiet as the others who were watching stopped and did their own things. The usual destruction and massacres, Xander didn't bother them as they were harmless for him. Xander returned his attention to the mad being who is currently staring at him. Its stare brought a lot of harmful effects to this world but Xander just waved his hand as every Phenomenon that was about to happen shrunk and turned nothing.





Outer God POV* (Original character)

Yl'Lhpos, a being who is floating in the Dark Tapestry, opened its eyes after its long slumber. Its omniscience made it effect the moment it opened its eyes. It learned what happened in the past uncountable years, all of it were just some minor things, like worlds being destroyed and created, some of its kind dying, some hint of someone being awaked. It shrugged all of it except one.

Its body stopped. Yl'Lhpos stay stilled as if not understanding something, it tried to see the everything again as the same result appeared. Its spawn had died. It couldn't comprehend how such thing happened.

It's spawn was not only an all-knowing, all-seeing, and also (supposedly) an all-powerful being. How could it fall in such a primitive world, it could not understand. Does that world has something special that separates it from other fragile reality? With its intelligence, it immediately understood that its son was really no more.

It tried to destroying events where its son died but still nothing happened. It denied that its son died, it erased the reality where its son died, it manipulated causality to bring its son back, and even ordered the Time and Space to do something to return its son back, but just like the first.. nothing happened.

Something impossible was reversed and made possible. The thought of their kind dying was not in its head, no. It does not exist in any of the Outer God's head, they treat death like how human treat breathing is. Though the human in this one don't need to breathe to live.

Yl'Lhpos stopped its futile attempt and turned its attention to the last place where its son died. It can feel three powerful beings in there but didn't care as it was used to the thought that their kinds were 'Absolute'. Nothing could do anything to them, the only thing they feared is the awakening of the Blind Dreamer. Awakening of it means, everything would ceast to exist, even them who are not even considered as existence.

It was angry at the impudence of the lower being who tried to stared back at it. It took a small step as the being arrived at the DxD world where it saw a bacteria not affected by its natural aura. Its anger was raised above something considered normal, as it saw the bacteria not paying attention to it, and instead was talking to another bacteria.

The being's anger was overflowing that it could be seen from its grotesque body. A head of a sheep with various tentacles and mouths attached to its body, it was something a person wouldn't be able to imagine even if they tried to use all of their imaginations. Yl'Lhpos screeched as the concept of sound in this world vanished.

Only white noise was responding to the spectator's brain as the concept of sound was erased itself. Yl'Lhpos saw the lizard doing something, as it saw another thing it could not comprehend today. The concept of sound which should have been obliterated completely with no point of returning has miraculously back.

"This bitch is messing with this worlds law, how should I deal with her, any suggestion you two?" The man talked.

Yl'Lhpos naturally understood its words as a all knowing being, trivial things such as language is natural for it. It was silent as curse was something never directed at it. Yl'Lhpos started shaking as the laws of physics started breaking. The up turned down, the left turned right. The air's direction got jumbled, everything was a mess.

"I guess its time to end this, its getting rather fiesty" The man talked again.

Yl'Lhpos was done with this insect as its thought slowly started form a word. That is 'This insect is dead'. Normally any being would be erased just with a Outer God's thought, but the insect was surprisingly still standing. Yl'Lhpos was about to do something again when it suddenly lost its omniscience. It can suddenly feel, making it tremble at this otherworldly sense.

The being slowly understood what's happening to its body. It is turning into a mortal. Since the beginning of its existence, Yl'Lhpos felt scared. It was frightened at this new experience that its currently facing, becoming mortal never came into its mind. So the scariness of what's happening is multiplied many times making Yl'Lhpos shake.

Yl'Lhpos suddenly gained the sense of smell as it started panting, not used to this thing. It was trembling all over as the thought of killing the insect stopped appearing on its thoughts, instead it was focused on how to stop this disease from spreading on its body. Slowly, it gained every senses of humans until it just flopped on the ground.

"Ah, that was boring, the reaction is the same whoever it is" the man talked.

Yl'Lhpos realized that the man was the one who turned it into this helpless thing that could not even stand up. It poured all of its last power and used it. The man vanished at its place as the being sighed in relief. It was about to kill everything on this place to release its frustration when it suddenly froze on its spot.

Yl'Lhpos mind was slowly slipping away as it died still scared of the being that killed it. That was how Yl'Lhpos, a Outer God died in the hands of our shitty protagonist.
