Chapter 89


Frey returned to her land with Carrion as he wanted to help her in defending her land. Carrion has no land anymore as Milim ravaged it to the ground. While Rimuru also returned with Diablo and Benimaru, they saw Veldora in his dragon form burning angels left and right. "Rimuru-sama, it seems fun! I want to enter it please!" Shion said while looking at Rimuru with hopeful expression on her face. "Fine, just don't get too carried away" Rimuru said while gesturing her to do as she likes. "Kufufu, she really has no points for being a secretary, secretary shouldn't be that crude" Diablo commented.

"Still.. those pigeons really has the nerve to try destroying Rimuru-sama's land. They could only be punished with eternal torture" Diablo said while shaking his head. 'Oi, oi, that's too much you know??!' Rimuru couldn't help but form a tsukkomi on his head when he heard Diablo's words. Benimaru was already flying in the sky cooking tens of thousands of angels using his black flames. Hundreds of Souei were using their thread bisecting the angels into small pieces as Hakurou was flexing his swordsmanship by slashing many.

Shuna was also throwing AOE demonic skills anywhere using her Unique skill. If Xander was to choose a skill from this verse then its gotta be Shuna's one since it could literally create Unique magics! Something that is only available to her, though Xander would choose Yuuki's skill more than Shuna's one. Shuna used Law Manipulation and controlled everything on the land above her, every angel began falling as the gravity betrayed them. (A/N: This is not a bonified one. Don't think highly of it)

Rimuru immediately placed one using Uriel making it indestructible as he joined the battle, with each swing of his sword hundreds thousands of angels would perish. Rimuru also absorbed the angels making his pocket of energy becoming even more overweight. A Cherubim appeared beside him as Diablo just flick the angel into bits, another Seraphim appeared dropping from the sky creating a huge crater when she landed, "Ho? A filthy creature of the dark and a mere slime? Quite an unusual combination" The Seraph said while raising her lance.

Diablo was pissed by her words as he walked towards her calmly that its almost creepy. The woman couldn't move for a second seeing Diablo's glare but the moment she did her left hand was already ripped out of her body. "Gaah!! Shit!" The Seraph screamed before her right leg was also amputated from her body. "Ahh!!! You.." lastly her head was pinched by Diablo slowly as she died after a long year of pain. Rimuru's lips couldn't help but twitch at his action but stopped when he saw Veldora returning to his human form before raising his hand to the sky.

"Everyone on Tempest! Lend me your power, I'll defeat the evil using your will!" Veldora said as a blue sphere appeared above his hand growing slowly but the energy it possessed is so potent that it is already shaking the space on the vicinity. "That old man.. how shameless" Rimuru deadpanned at Veldora who then shouted, "Spirit Bomb!" He threw the blue sphere making a huge explosion that made everyone's ears rang. They could only hear white noise for a while before their sense of hearing was fixed. "Hey, Old man! Do your thing properly!" Rimuru shouted.

"Kuhahaha! As expected, no one could handle the power of the Holy Scriptures! Then let's try another!" Veldora said as Rimuru had a bad feeling about this, Veldora spread his hands before shouting. "Almighty Push!" It was silence for a second before a strong force started pushing everything destroying anything that it runs to. Because of how much energy Veldora placed on that action, even the whole Tempest was destroyed leaving only a huge crater that made Rimuru kneel on the ground lamenting that he even released Veldora from his stomach.

"Eh..?" Veldora muttered before his instinct screamed at him to run. He looked above and saw a huge stone size of the country dropping on the place. "Shit, Veldora! Is this your doing too?! How many references are you going to do?!" Rimuru shouted at Veldora who just widened his eyes. "This is not my doing?! Did Madara come to this world?!" Veldora said as the Chibaku Tensei was in process, the stone was already dropped erasing all the angels who were hit but what weirded them out was the huge stone didn't drop completely in the ground. Instead it started flying all around killing millions of angels that is being dropped from the gate.

The stone began speeding up as it circled all around the world raising the sea level each time it appear on a land, many saw the moon circling the world at a speed that made them question how it could even do something like that. The friction from the air sliding past the stone was too strong that it created a fire in the sky so potent that it burned the angels to ashes. Rimuru and Veldora could stare at it slack jawed while Diablo placed his hand on his chin with an amused look on his face.

Guy who was still battling the angels saw what happened as a excited grin appeared on his face before he created another one and made it circle around the world too. He thought that this stupid idea is probably from Xander so he just followed it making two moons in the sky circling around the world, they experienced many eclipses during that time as the view amazed everyone. Milim also saw what was happening so she threw a Dragon Nova towards the two moon following it, it looked like its trail.

The moons and supernova circled for a few more times before they dropped at one place. The Eastern Empire to be exact, the three supernatural things obliterated everything in the empire leaving only Michael and his trusted subordinates who were shocked at what happened. The millions of soldiers and citizens of the empire was annihilated just like that, Michael seemed amused by this situation as he just smiled leisurely. "Tatsuya, let's use that to that guy" Michael said as Tatsuya just nodded his head, he knew who his Emperor is talking about.

Back to Tempest, Rimuru could only stare at his empty land before an error occured like a broken pc before the place was fixed like nothing happened. Even the people who were killed by Veldora just respawned like it was nothing. Rimuru saw a paper floating in the air which says 'I probably damaged your land, I'll fix it. From Xander' Rimuru's lips couldn't help but twitch at what he read. He finally understood why Dagruel is so scared of the man, this is just so broken! Raphael reported that she couldn't analyze what happened as it says that it follows the natural order of the world.

This means that the event where his country was ravaged was erased in history! The potential threat of Xander just broke the limits on Diablo's dictionary, even he a person who was born in the beginning of time couldn't comprehend what just happened. Veldora shivered when he felt Xander's power, it gives him a trauma after he remembered the beating that Xander did to him. It was too much for the pitiful dragon who was being passed for beating at that time.





When Xander returned to his land, he immediately forced Guy to evolved so that he can balance the power scale in this war, he was just erasing angels for a few minutes before he got bored and got an idea. He took the moon on his storage before shrinking it, he then made it smash those angels while making a fire in the sky. That was quite fun experience for Xander, Sona has no choice but to lower the temperature of the world to stop the fire from burning even further. But what she didn't expected was that another moon would shot out and started following the first one.

Xander also did something to stop that guy from doing something unexpected. He 'killed' Yuuki Kagurazaka since his role in this world is finished, along him is also Mariabell Rosso. The sick child that has a stupid obsession of conquering the world, well she is a pest anyway killing her wouldn't matter.

Sona's lips twitched before lowering the temperature of the atmosphere even more, but everything was destroyed when a literal supernova followed the two, she looked at Xander with hateful eyes before dropping her control making the people look for a shade because of how strong the heat is. "Sona.. I guess its time for you to evolve as well.." Xander suddenly said as Sona raised an eyebrow. Xander stared at the air for a second before the Voice of the World suddenly rang along with his menu.

[Control skill acquired!]

«Individual; Sona Sitri will undergo a transformation. Using the energy a cosmic being, Sona Sitri's body will be changed...

Reconstructing body...


Attempting again


Attempting again


Species Primordial Devil has been upgraded into 'Absolute Embodiment of Ice'»

«Ultimate Skill, 'Divine Ice King Cthulhu' attempting to evolve itself..

Attempting to evolve


Attempting again


Attempting again


Attempting again


Sacrificing the hundred million of souls being held by the Individual; Xander Ranvil.

Attempting again


Ultimate skill 'Divine Ice King Cthulhu' is upgraded to 'Ice Concept Immoths'»

Sona's body was glowing in blue and white as mist gathered all around her body, she closed her eyes before she reduced thermodynamic temperature of the surroundings to absolute zero. Atoms are always in constant motion even in lower temperature, energy continue to transfer during the motion only when atoms completely stopped moving then a person could achieve absolute zero. While lowering the temperature by slowing molecular and atomic motion is the basics of freezing, to completely stop it is to completely bypass the Laws of Thermodynamics.

In other words, Sona already broke one Laws of Physics. And because atoms stopped moving, the frozen object loses all electrical resistances and atomic cohesion, shattering at atomic level under the weight of its own mass. Since this affects matter at an atomic scale, it will destroy any physical target it makes contact with, regardless of their conventional durability. Everything in the surroundings was broken in atomic level making it hard to repair, Xander watched this with interest in his eyes as Sona's ability didn't stop there.

Sona didn't stop at just absolute zero level, she even dropped the temperature further more until the world stood still. The time was stopped as every angels couldn't move even the Seraphims. Only the strongest like Milim, Guy, the True Dragons and Dagruel who has body that ignores Law of Physics could move in this temperature. Sona felt their movement so she raised her control of it until she froze the concept of time itself. Now this time no one could move except for Xander and Sona, even skills couldn't process a thought as it was also halted. (A/N: its only in this verse that the concept of time was halted)

Sona heard a clapping sound and saw Xander looking at her proudly. "Congratulations, Sona. You've achieved this level already" Xander said while smiling gently while Sona just sighed, "It couldn't affect you huh?" Xander just giggled at her words, "You do know that I am outside the concept of time right?" Xander said as Sona just shook her head. "Now what shall we do?" Xander asked while Sona pondered for a moment, "No, it would be too boring to fight them in this state" Sona said before releasing her control making the time moved again.

Every strong being in this world widened their eyes at what just happened. They knew that time was froze to conceptual level that even they couldn't move on it. "Shit.. Sona has surpassed me again huh.." Guy muttered before frantically shaking his head, he wouldn't acknowledge something like that, his pride wouldn't allow it. Milim's eyes shoned at what happened, she wanted to resist against something like that, she swore to train harder again after this war. She felt that her ability to destroy a solar system easily is not enough anymore as she craved for more strength.

Xander fixed Rimuru's place as he thought that he is the one who ravaged it to the ground before a idea somehow entered his brain. He went in the middle of world before placing a barrier on it, he expanded the space inside so it would be as large as a whole galaxy inside. Xander smiled in satisfaction before he clapped his hand bringing all the participants of Guy and Rudra's game, this includes Michael who is now inhabiting Rudra's body. Michael was confused as something bypass his Ultimate Defense and teleported him in this place.

Now that every participants are here, Xander projected what's happening inside the barrier to the people outside making it look like a show. Tatsuya tried to put a hole on the barrier using his bullets that is equivalent to hundreds of Hydrogen Bomb when exploding. But it was useless as there was no dent could be seen, he just returned to his position after Michael ordered it. "Good day everyone. The climax of the Great Tenma War would happen in this circle only. The war would start by Guinness's howl" Xander said as he touched Guinness's body making it larger than the SUN.

Everyone who was watching was scared at Guinness's appearance because it was too creepy and his aura was oozing giving them goosebumps just from looking at it. Guinness took a long breathe before releasing it. "HOOOOWWWL!!!!" The fighting immediately started as Guy created a star before throwing it at Rudra's ranks before making it explode destroying various amount of solar system. "Hahahaha" Guy was laughing loudly while slapping some Seraphims everywhere.

Velzard also turned dragon as she flapped her wings freezing hundreds of thousands of angels. They are ants infront of a True Dragon, now that Velzard also enteres the fray Michael is now in a tight spot. Michael finished the spell of the gates before he smirked widely, "Foolish creatures. Take the wrath of our creator!" He said before gates opened above him as the Insectars and Phantoms have arrived! Both were races that conquered many world, they were all war hungry so their intention in this world is destroying it.

"Ha! Bunch of lowlifes have gathered in one place, this is such a disgusting scene" One newly arrived 6 paired wings angel said while sneering at the demons. "This would be worth destroying, I would love to see the despair in their eyes when they realized that they wouldn't be able to win" another same rank angel said with a bloodthirsty smile on his face. The other 6 paired angels just stayed quiet observing the rare scene while secretly looking down at everyone in here.

The Insectars just stayed quiet while their aura was breaking everything in the surroundings, they also had an excited smile on their face ready to confront the challenge they would experience in this world. The war started again as the Insectars began ripping the demon ranks as they deemed them too weak, Xander has no choice but to bring the other Primordials here to level the ranks. Violet and Blanc who were just staying in their world was surprised when they were suddenly sucked into something.

Before they could say something, a voice suddenly rang. "You are now called, Testarossa and Ultima" they widened their eyes as their powers skyrocketed while their aura brought destruction killing hundreds of thousands of insectars. "The hell are you doing?" Guy asked while looking at Xander who is naming Primordials leisurely as if its not a problem. "Hm? Raising our ranks? Look, they are being ripped into pieces without any resistance." Xander said while pointing at a Greater Demon who was torn apart by a Insectar.

The Insectar smiled before getting close to Xander who just flicked his finger erasing millions of them in a single move. "See?" The three primordial's lips couldn't help but twitch, it would have been realistic if he just didn't flick his finger. Testarossa and Ultima has a complicated thoughts about this but just shook their heads, now fighting against those races are more fun. The war continued before halting for a moment when a large screen appeared on their eyes, it was Xander who is kneeling infront of Sona.

Sona widened her eyes at Xander's action as Luminous just stared in jealousy. "Now that every races in this world is here. I shall now do what I have prepared to do for a long time" Xander said as everyone widened their eyes. Does that mean, Xander customized the whole war just so that he can do this. The Insectars, Angels, and Phantoms were enraged by that possibility as they gritted their teeth in anger while throwing all strong abilities to Xander. Xander didn't care about it as he just believed that they were logically impossible.

Every attacked vanish as the place turned quiet, "Sona, we've been living for a long time but I never did something like this. We spend our time in peace not caring about anything, just enjoying each other's presence. There are many happy times, there are also unfortunate times during our life in the forest but there is nothing that makes me more happy but just being by your side. We already experienced things that would have broken a normal relationship to pieces but we stood still stronger than we ever......... Uh. Shit I forgot" Everyone slapped their heads in that, "Fuck you Xander!" Xander swore that he heard Guy's swear somewhere.

"Anyway, please be patient with me, don't get bored with how I act and lastly.. I love you Sona, will you marry me?" Xander asked while looking at Sona's eyes earnestly, this is the most gutsy proposal in history as he did it in the middle of world war. Especially infront of beings that could destroy world easily. Of course Xander didn't forget to record this moment. Sona closed her eyes before taking a long breathe, the moment she opened it a tear was already threatening to fall from her eyes as she smiled gently. "No" The whole place turned quiet.


Tomorrow's chapter would be the last one in this arc. I hope that I entertained you with it.