Chapter 93


The Mall

Xander's POV*

Driving my car towards Sakurasou was quite an enjoyable feeling as its been a long time since I rude my baby. I also loved the scenery of this world, as I hummed the whole time. I arrived at Sakurasou where Aoyama can be seen hanging some laundries in the backyard. "R-Ranvil-kun?" Aoyama said seemed surprise by my arrival, "Yo, Aoyama-san. Is Mashiro in here?" I asked while smiling at her. "Mashiro? She is probably drawing something right now, you can just enter her room" Aoyama said as I thanked her.

I went to Mashiro's room and saw it was opened slightly. I didn't knock as I wanted to surprise the girl, entering the room I saw a lot of papers on the floor as I smiled. She is working hard, I need to treat her sometimes, maybe a hundred baumkuchens? Shaking my head at the silly thought, my eyes caught a glimpse on what Mashiro is drawing, her artwork has really improved, it was so clean that I can hardly find any mistakes. I slowly went to her back before blowing my breathe on her nape, "!?" Mashiro was surprised as she stood up immediately.

She turned her head to me and widened her eyes at what she was seeing. "Xander..!" She shouted before lunging herself to my embrace, "Hello, Mashiro. I've come to visit you" I said while patting her head, Mashiro just enjoyed the feeling while smiling satisfactory. After a few seconds she let go as I took one of the paper in the ground, "You've gotten better at this, Mashiro. I have another work for you, do you want to see it?" I asked while showing her a manuscript that I took from my storage. "New story?" She asked with her eyes shining as she literally took the manuscript on my hands.

My lips twitched at her action before shaking my head. I watched her turning the page one by one as I know that she already read it. Mashiro has a photographic memory so she only needed to see it once before she could stuck it in her brain. I already readied the bunch of baumkuchen's I brought while watching Mashiro read the manuscript. Only after a few minutes that she stopped as she looked at me with amazed eyes. "I want to draw this" She said as I just nodded my head, its not a problem as I already published many works.

I gave Mashiro the baumkuchens as she just began chewing it while looking like a hamster. "Anyway, Mashiro how's life been to you?" I said while checking Mashiro's work that looked perfect for the people in this world. "Hm, someone is following me" My eyes turned serious at that, "How did you notice? Was he always checking you out?" I asked as Mashiro just nodded her head while eating baumkuchen. I closed my eyes before deciding something on my mind. I need to look for this guy, he might be a threat to Mashiro, and this girl doesn't really know the concept of danger.

"Mashiro, in monday, I'll send you to school, wait for me in this dorm okay?" I said as Mashiro somehow got excited by that. "Understood, I'll wait for you" she said softly while the small smile on her face was enough to satisfy me. We talked for a few more minutes before I promised her something. I walked outside and teleported to Underworld, to the Gremory state to be exact. It's time to visit that little cat and check her growth, I hope she wasn't influenced by her sister and would just laze all dsy.


3rd POV*

Xander arrived at the Gremory Territory and smiled in anticipation, he will be meeting Koneko after a long 3 milleniums. The servants who were cleaning the mansion noticed Xander's presence as they were about to warn him when one servant who recognized Xander exclaimed. "Lord Xander!" He said making everyone's eyes widened, they looked at Xander before bowing theirs to him. Xander gestured them to continue what they were doing as one of the older servants led him inside the mansion.

"I apologize for the rude conduct earlier, Lor Xander. We didn't expected your arrival." The servant said as Xander just shook his hand not caring about the ignorance of the other servants. "Please wait here, I'll talk to Lord Zeoticus" the servant said as he bowed his head and went to find his master. "Wait! Is Rias and her peerage not here?" Xander asked while tilting his head, as the servant was confused by his words. "They have been going to school for a while now, Lord Xander" the servant informed him as he finally remembered that school really did continued a long time ago.

Xander then thought why did he even come here, "Ah, sorry for intruding your place. I'll return now" Xander said before teleporting leaving the confused servant who just tilted his head. Xander went back to his house and wore his Kuoh Gakuen uniform, even though class already started hours ago he still chose to present himself to the school. He drove his car before arriving at the place as he sensed the whole peerage in the Occult Research Club. He went there immediately and without warning opened the door. What appeared infront of him was the girls fighting for Issei aa Xander just looked in disgust.

Xander closed the door as he walked away ignoring the scene he just saw, but before he could leave Koneko appeared and clenched her fist infront of him. "Oh nice! Let's see how far you've grown!" Xander said before raising his hand intending to catch the fist. Koneko released it with a small smile on her face as it released a huge shock wave that would have destroyed the whole school with it if not for Xander placing an barrier to negate. Xander raised an eyebrow at her strength, it was barely passable but Xander just accepted it as his sense of strong and weak was already broken when he entered the world of Tensura where a dragon could kill millions just by flapping its wings.

Koneko looked at Xander with hopeful eyes as he closed his. "Barely passable" He said as Koneko widened his eyes, she trained a lot just to reach this power and he said it was barely passable? How high is his standards? "Did I fail you, senpai?" She asked in a weak voice as Xander looked at her for a few seconds before shaking his head. "Of course not, though you almost did. I bet you wasted a lot of time because of that lazy sister of yours so I'll let this slide this time" Xander said while patting her head. "You should train more as I can sense a lot of trouble coming in your way, you should be prepared by then" Xander adviced as Koneko accepted it without any problem.

"Anyway, good to see you again, everyone" Xander while turning his attention who was watching the show. "You're back, Xander!" Issei said while grinning. "Welcome back, Xander. Is another world amazing?" Rias also said. "Yeah, it was so amazing. There are many people there who could destroy the top 10 strongest in this world easily." Xander said making them stunned at what they heard "Really?! Is that world broken now?" Issei asked as Xander shook his head, "Nope, most of them are protector of that world so any anomaly will die before they could even do something, they will also not fight in that world as they would just escape the universe" Xander explained as their surprise turned into shock.

"What?! You mean they can travel the cosmos? Aren't they so overpowered then?" Rias asked while wondering cool is it to live in that world. "Well, their system is different in this world. Even Sona took milleniums just to reach the level where she could freeze even concepts" They were shot by a surprise attack by Xander again, "Huh?! Sona can freeze concepts?! How far is the gap between us?" Rias asked while raising her voice, she was about to ask more when she saw that Xander was already far away with an mischievous smile on his face. "Xandeeer!!" They shouted wanted to know more.

Xander just returned to Underworld, in Sitri Territory as he was wondering what the girls were doing. He saw them sitting in the garden while talking with each other, quite an unusual scene for Xander as he knew that the girls somehow are still distance to each other except for Sona and Utaha. "Yo! Quite a rare situation here, why are guys all here?" Xander asked while tilting his head as they looked at him. "Xander, you've returned. How did it go?" Utaha asked as Xander smiled, "Well, I can say that it went well? I was satisfied with my visit" Xander said before joining their tea party. "The tea in this world is delicious" Luminous commented.

"Well, people in this world are more advance than in that world. Did you already see the deviced that people in this world use to fight against the lack of magic?" Xander asked as Luminous nodded her head, she was interested in those things as she began studying them. She asked Sona for books about them so that she could study them later, "I am intrigued by them, I'll look to it later" Luminous said as Xander was relieved, Luminous has something she would spend time now instead of just being lazy all the time.

Xander raised an eyebrow when he saw thay Carrera wasn't there, "Where's the maid?" He asked as they just massage their heads. "That maid of yours.. she hasn't return yet. I think she was drawn to the arts of this world, she said that she will visit a thing called Manga Cafe" Luminous explained as Utaha smirked. "Of course no one would be able to resist the temptation of manga, her reaction is already expected" She said as sipping her tea. "Are those things really that special? I think that machines are more interesting" Luminous said.

Xander looked in the air as he used clairvoyance to look for Guinness but was surprised when he saw him swimming in the Dimensional Gap. 'This is just too convenient' Xander shook his head, Guinness became the new owner of Dimensional Gap as Great Red destroyed the clone that he placed in there. 'Why did Guinness live.. Oh right, there is still that table that showers foods there right? That place is indeed the best place for them who doesn't get full' Xander thought as Guinness turned at him before bowing his head.

"Xander, is there someone strong in this world? Except for those two that is.. I bet they are stronger than that black dragon you killed" Utaha asked as she recalled how troublesome that dragon is, even her Law Destroyer sword couldn't permanently kill it. "Well, there are some gods in a nearby dimension, they are going to invade this land in the future, so we can just wait for them" Xander said as an excited look appeared on Utaha's face. "Then let's wait, a few decades is just short for us anyway" she said as the others nodded their heads. Time became something that is vague to them, especially Sona. If she got tired then she might accidentally sleep and wake up many milleniums laters or so.

Xander already gave them a ring on their own so that they wouldn't be jealous of Sona. They loved it as Xander poured his emotions in making those, they can somehow feel it, that's why they appreciated it. They were also amazed by the effects of it, they bet that they could now tank any attack that was thrown to them. Not like it would do any damage anyway, they've become something broken, any physical attacks are already ineffective to them. Magic attacks are also useless unless they are the same class as an Origin Skill.

"Sona, when are you going to return to school?" Xander asked as the girl froze. "School..?" Sona muttered in a weak voice, she forgot about that as she was living so freely in the past. Any problems are pushed to Carrera so labor didn't happen in their time there. "Let's return at monday, maybe we should place Luminous and Carrera there too?" Sona said while closing her eyes, she can't believe she forget something important like that. "School? That's too troublesome, I would rather read at your library than play with kids" Luminous said snorting. "Well, you got a point. And I think Carrera would prefer isolating inside a manga cafe than listening to boring lessons" Sona nodded her head.

Opening his phone, Xander was surprised when a breaking news appeared. He clicked the link and saw a manga cafe turned into rubble as he massaged his head. The girls noticed his action as they looked at him questioningly, Xander didn't talk as he just showed them the news. "Pfft! That woman can't really hold her horses, she already made trouble" Utaha chuckled while looking at the news. "Sigh, what did she do this time. That girl has a temper of a woman in her menstruation" Sona sighed while Luminous just smirked, she already expected something like that to happen.

A telepathy call suddenly arrived as Xander took it. "Boss! Can you give me money? A person here was trying to ask" Carrera's voice was heard as Xander's lips began twitching. "By any chance.. did you destroy that establishment?" Xander asked as Carrera's confused voice was heard. "Huh? Should have I not do that? That guy was asking for money, who does he think he is?" There it goes, logic that only exist in Carrera's dictionary. "Next time don't do that, I'll send you some money right now, just don't be fooled and use it all" Xander said, "That's easy, this me could never be fooled" Carrera said as everyone can feel her raising her chin right now.

Carrera cut off the call as Xander sighed before throwing a lot of money to Carrera, he is not short of it and can even make a pool using his money. Though he only gave Carrera one stack of cash, it was enough to buy a lot of things. Xander shook his head before he returned opened his Twitter account where he saw his last post being bombarded with criticism from the fans, they were saying something about Xander being cruel for putting them in such a torturous place. He wrote a tweet that says 'I made 5 new mangas, look forward to it' and posted it.

Not even a minute have passed when his new post was already tackled by many fanatic fans who were waiting for his post everyday. The reactions were quite wild as they wondered how Yogiri-sensei could keep up with this amount of mangas. Xander read most of their comments for 10 minutes before smiling in satisfaction, he was about to turn off his phone when another breaking news was sent to his phone, his lips began twitching as he had a bad feeling about this somehow.

He clicked the link and saw another manga cafe being burned to the ground, this time Xander initiated the call as Carrera accepted. "What the hell are you doing?" Xander asked as Carrera replied immediately, "Boss, there was one man who gave me an offer, he said that in exchange for all the money I was holding, he would let me enter the real world of mangas. I took the offer and waited for a few minutes for him but he didn't return!" Everyone who is in the garden face palmed at her words, "Doesn't that mean you were scammed?" Xander asked as Carrera felt her world crumbling before her.

"What!? Boss, permission to use my abilities! I'll kill that bastard!" Carrera said as Xander just shook his head, he limited everyone's strength as it would break the world if they somehow lose control of it. Xander looked at Utaha who tilted her head, after a few seconds she felt the seal lifted as she smiled. "The Reality where the thief ran away from Carrera, BECAME NOTHING" As soon as Utaha said that, the man suddenly appeared before Carrera while still holding her money in his hands. Carrera didn't care about the people who were watching as she just beat the man to pulp making the people look away from the gore.

"The Reality where people saw the cruel scene, BECAME NOTHING" Utaha said once again as the world somehow glitched as the people vanished an they were doing other things, they seemed to forgot what just happened. "It's really an convenient ability" Luminous said as she looked at Xander seriously. Xander understood it as he promised to make her learn an ability later on. Carrera said her thanks to Xander before looking for another Manga Cafe not knowing that every shop already closed, they thought that they were being cursed by something.

"I haven't visited your parents yet Utaha, want to come later?" Xander asked as Utaha shook her head, "They are not free right now, father was being called by his superior as something big happened. I think they will meet someone special tomorrow" Utaha said as Xander just accepted it. "Its getting late already, ready yourself Xandeeer" Utaha said while smiling mischievously. Everyone also stood up as they drag Xander to their room, it is time for their activity already. Xander could only sigh before an excited smile appeared on his face, "No matter what you do, you guys will still lose" he said challenging them. "We can see later" Sona smiled.
