Chapter 95


Higher Dimension*

Xander POV*

Well, I wonder who sent that arrogant bastard.. not that it matters as more enemies equals more entertainment. Sona and the others were also watching the show so I had to show mt cool side. "Let's return? It was just a normal invader trying to kill me" I said as they face palmed before nodding their heads. We teleported to Underworld and didn't return to the party as our mood was already soured by the arrival of that guy. Still, he is pretty strong though, just not used to ability that he panics the moment he see it didn't worked.

"Haaah, Xander its already noon, did Carrera make some lunch already?" Utaha asked while yawning, "Hmph, If only I have bought some of my servants from there, we won't have to worry about anything" Luminous said while snorting. "Well, you're too spoiled after all, you can't take care of yourself" Sona said as she just looked away, she can't refute it as it was true. "She's an royal anyway, what's the problem" I said trying to defend Luminous only to get shut down by Sona's argument "I AM an royal too" Nice point.

"By the way Sona, is the Rating Game still in process? Are you out already?" I asked as I already forgot about it. "Yes, we are in fact fighting tomorrow" she said making me confuse, "You mean you didn't get disqualified for being absent for many fight? The who is your opponent?" I asked. "The Rating Game was posponed, the people are scared that something in the same level of that destruction would happen" Sona explained as I understood what she was talking about. "You mean when that Great Old One entered our world?" She just nodded her head at that.

"My opponent would Seekvaira, that robot loving woman" Sona said as I raised my eyebrow, "This is just a massacre, no fight would happen even if only one of your member would move" I said shaking my head. Sona also sighed at my words, "We need to enter at least to show some consideration. Then I'll just send Momo to blast them all out of the Rating Game" Sona said as I just nodded my head, that would be for the best. Not entering would be just plain rude, and they are not arrogant either so giving a slight respect to them is the minimum.

"Enough of that talk, Xander we are more interested in fighting the next opponent, can you lend it to us?" Utaha said as Luminous also peeked in interest, she knew that the opponent earlier was just a newborn so it was not a challenge, she was hoping to fight some already grown beings that are powerful to enhance her ability more. "If I deemed them not dangerous enough then I'll let you handle it. But if its too dangerous, then I'll just kill it immediately. For now I'll start training Luminous as among you three she is the most weakest" I said.

Luminous's face darken at my words, "I am strong!" She said seemed pissed by my words. "Yes yes, you're strong, let's go now" I said before taking her hand and warped to another empty dimension. "Let's see.. what ability should I give you.." I muttered as I began swimming in my memories, there are some overpowered abilities that I read from my past life but since I wanted her to be the same class as us then maybe I'll just make her something like that man. "Then its decided! I'll make you a destroyer!" I exclaimed as Luminous just tilted her head.

"Destroyer? Do you mean something like Milim?" She asked, "Huh? Milim? No, her powers is too weak to be compared to the other girls" I said as Luminous was stunned, she regained her calm when she recalled the being that Xander just killed a while ago. "I'll reform your body well until you will be able to stand beside the other girls" I said as I grinned that promise hell.

1 Year Later.

Since time doesn't move in this place it was not a problem for us to spend a long time here. I broke Luminous's body to bits and reformed it until she can do some amazing things right now. Luminous was weirded out at first as the one I taught her is not magic based but more on strength based. But she eventually accepted it as it was still amazing, her punch could now broke a reality and tear dimensions apart. Because of how strong she is even her breath could destroy a whole town now. It would be a problem if she walk on DxD like that so I sealed her strength, though she could just release it whenever she wanted.

Now I can confidently say that the 3 are now in the same class, but I know that Sona is still the strongest among them. I don't know if I am just bias since Sona is the one I first met, but I spent more time cultivating Sona than the other girls. Luminous's body could ignore shits like conceptual manipulation, event denial, paradoxes, probability manipulation, time-space bullshit and so. Every one of my girl has a sword except for Luminous.. now what sword should I make her? It should be the same class as those two.

Sona still haven't used her sword yet so everyone probably still don't know its ability so I'll just summarize it. Basically it could manipulate Cause and Effect, this thing is scary since it could probably do anything. For example, cause: snapping finger, effect: total annihilation. What would happen will be simple, if Sona snap her fingers then all beings that are under her level would die, no.. even those above would die. Still she wouldn't do something like a genocide, she isn't me after all.

And now here we are, for Luminous's last test she is going to destroy this higher dimension that I enhanced to its upper limit with just a simple punch. "Hey, isn't this too easy for a graduation test Xander?" Luminous asked as my lips twitched, indeed this test is simply too easy for her when she could even destroy a stronger one than this with a simple punch. "Just go with it, I already missed the two anyway" I said shrugging her words as she just looked at me for a few more seconds before shaking her head. Luminous released a weak punch as the dimension began shaking until cracks appeared all around and it eventually crumbled apart.

I sealed her strength again after that and warped back to DxD world where a second didn't even pass. "Oh you're done already, Xander?" Utaha asked as she went towards us, she inspected Luminous and saw no change in her as she tilted her head in confusion. "Still too inexperienced, Utaha. Can't you see the shackles on her body, even now that shackle is shaking because of her strength" Sona said shaking her head in disappointment. "Hey! I noticed it, I just didn't dwell too into it as I thought its not important" Utaha defended herself with a fragile argument.

Their actions are entertaining for me as I just smiled at them. "I'm famished, let's eat" Luminous said while looking at me, "The feeling is mutual. What are we eating today? Homemade cook? Or just delivery?" I asked as they were interested in the last word, "Let's have an delivery, I never experienced it" Luminous said. I took my phone and we waited for an hour before the food finally arrived, we ate until we were full before going to sleep. Tomorrow Sona's peerage will fight against Seekvaira's one, it would be amusing to watch the reactions of the people in that game.

The next day, I got ready for something. Today is monday so I'll keep my promise with Mashiro and drive her to school. I also wanted to see who has the guts to stalk Mashiro while knowing that she is from a high class family. I said my farewell to the girls and teleported back to Human Realm. My beloved car appeared before me as I used it and drove to Sakurasou where I saw Mashiro already waiting in the front gate. "Goodmorning Mashiro, did you wait long?" I asked waving at her, "Xander.. not at all" Mashiro said with an excited smile on her face. Well, based on the glare that Chihiro is giving me, she was probably waiting for a long time already.

"Sorry, I got late. Come in" I said as Mashiro entered the car, "Mashiro, when do you always see that guy stalking you?" I asked as she thought about it for a moment before answering. "In the alleyway where I used to use when going home. I felt a creepy presence there looking at me so I just stopped using that lane" she said as I asked her to point out where it was, I intended to find out who the stalker is and see if he/she would bring misfortune to Mashiro.

Driving in the way, we arrived at the place where Mashiro used to. The moment my car stepped on their I immediately felt a presence in one alley as I raised an eyebrow at it. The fuck? Why is a girl following Mashiro? I was confused by this as I went out of my car, "Mashiro wait here. I'll talk to that girl" I said as she nodded her head. Walking to the alley, I saw the stalker stiffened as she tried to run away only for my hand to grip her shoulder. "Now then, why are you following Mashiro, stalker-san" I asked with a gentle look in my eyes that only terrified the girl.

"Hiee! I-I only wanted t-to watch Shiina-sama!" She shouted while stuttering, "What? Are you from a organization?" I asked as the girl stiffened for a moment as I closed my eyes. "So you really are huh.. I wonder what kind of organization it is to try watching Mashiro.." I muttered as the girl began shaking, her face turned pale at my words before she bowed her head. "P-Please! Don't kill the others! You can just take me! I disobeyed the rules anyway!" She shouted as sweat riddled her forehead. She knew what kind of family Shiina Mashiro has so she was afraid that maybe their group would be disbanded and purged.

"Hoh? Then can you tell me what organization are you from? I'll promise not to harm..", "Shiina Mashiro Fan Club!", "you..?" What? Fan club? I deadpanned at the girl as the misunderstanding cleared itself. "Fan club? Mashiro have one?" I asked. "Yes! We are devoted in capturing every beautiful moments of Shiina-sama! We monitor her 24/7 and had a rule that we will not interfere with her personal life!" She explained as I began massaging my head. Oi, oi, this is creepy, what kind of fan club stalk someone 24/7 and not even ashamed of it. They are more proud than anything.

"Why didn't you say so earlier.. this rather troublesome.." I muttered as the girl tilted her head. "Anyway, tell me about this fan club. I don't want something dangerous to get close to Mashiro" I said sternly as she began explaining everything, she was just an highschool girl and she never expected that she would be caught. The information she gave is not a secret anyway, almost all in Suiko know about the fanclub except for Shiina herself as she was too apathetic to notice it. "That's all.." the girl finished while panting as she exhausted herself in that long explanation.

"Sigh, please don't overdo your watching of Mashiro as any time soon the police would be the one who will catch you not me. This fanclub is safe right? If I heard something about Mashiro being in danger then I'll look for every member of your club and pin all of you as suspects" I said while sighing, this is so stupid. "U-Understood!" The girl saluted as I walked away, "W-Wait! Can I ask for your name?" She asked as I turned my head, "Name? Oh right, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Xander Ranvil, Mashiro's friend" I said as the girl's eyes widened in shock.

She fell on the floor in disbelief as she just keep chanting something. I shook my head and went out of the alley not knowing that after I left the girl's backup arrived. "Hey! Jena, what happened to you?! Did you get a daily photo of Shiina-sama?" A girl in a ponytail asked, "Jena, your face is red. Did you encounter something special agan?" A girl in shoulder length hair asked. Jena just shook her head at their questions. "No.. I met someone even more special.." she said in daze while recalling Xander's face that was already embedded on her face. "What? Who is it?" They asked weirded by her state, they never seen her like this even when they catch some nice pictures of Shiina.

Jena looked at them as a wide smile appeared on her face. "I saw Xander-sama!" She exclaimed as the alley became quiet for a few seconds. "What!?", "Where?! Are we too late?!", "Oh no! Xander-sama was here?!", "I shouldn't have changed schedule in patrol!" They were shouting different words but the meaning are all the same. What Xander didn't know was that his influence in Suiko is much greater than Mashiro, his fanclub is already big but it was still in the middle of growing. Many of his private informations were already released on the club including the fact that he was the grandson of the only General in Japan.





After escaping the alley, I went to my car and tilted my head, where did Mashiro go? I was confuse as I looked for her presence and saw it was already far away. She was inside a car, sleeping while man in suits were tying her and trying to open her clothes. What..? Did someone tried to do something in my presence..? Impossible.. I stayed in daze for a few seconds before anger replaced my stoic face. "Those bastards!!" I shouted as my aura erupted from my body destroying a big part of Japan. The world shook as if scared while tectonic plates began crashing with each other. A massive earthquake slapped the earth as every supernatural creatures were alarmed by it.

My aura was slowly swallowing the whole Japan except for the car that is holding Mashiro, before I could even take a step my whole body was already being restrained. "Xander! Stop!" I looked back and saw Sona, Utaha and Luminous. Their ability to restrain me was destroyed immediately not even a second have passed but my anger was starting to subside. I widened my eyes at the bare wasteland infront of my eyes as I closed my eyes. I commited another genocide again.. this time I took the whole Japan itself. Some people who I know began appearing, Azazel, Shiva, Odin, Ajuka, Sirzechs, Serafall, Lord Sitri and even my Grandfather.

I took a long breath trying to calm my anger. "Brat, what happened?" Grandfather asked with a serious look on his face. The others were surprised by his presence, they never expected to see this senile old man in this place calling me brat. "That old man is still alive huh? I thought he already kicked the bucket" Azazel said looking at Arnold, "Why is he so close to Xander? Are they connected?" Ajuka tilted his head while asking. "Stop, its not the time to talk about this. The whole Japan vanished, even the gods in it were also erased from existence" Sirzechs stopped them as they shook their heads and began looking at the situation more seriously.

I looked at grandfather before shaking my head. "Nothing.. geezer. Anger just consumed me" I said as he sighed. "... You should probably control that, the most special thing any person could do is not conquering a country or so, it is to conquer yourself. A man can become greater if he can control everything about him, I bet those fools in the back couldn't do it even if they lived for millions of years" he said sneering as they were pissed by his words. "Oi, brat just because you looked like an old man right now, doesn't mean you are smarter than us" Odin said with dark look on his face.

The mood was lightened by their bickering as I looked at Utaha. "Utaha, please" I said as she just waved her hand. In a blink of an eye, the whole world returned to what it was as the Japan magically emerged from nothingness. Everyone was shocked at what they witnessed. "Wha! How the hell did that happen?!" Azazel asked. "So-tan! What is that girl's power?!" Serafall asked. Shiva was also shocked at the showcase of ability, it was an ability that even he couldn't comprehend completely as it was too high above him. They looked at Sona waiting for her answer while Utaha just raised her chin at the attention.

"Sigh, stop showing off Utaha. That ability was simple, she just erased the reality where Xander's tantrum happened, so the universe adjusted and returned everything to what it was. The event was already erased so all the damages that happened also vanished" Sona explained while reprimanding Utaha who just looked away, I twitched my lips as she called my anger a tantrum but just sighed. I looked at the others before lowering my head a bit, "I apologize for the inconvenience. Please let us handle this" I said as a complicated look appeared on everyone's face but still accepted it. Everyone teleported as I sighed in experation
