Chapter 119


Closed Space.

3rd POV*

Xander dodged a ballistic kick from Iihiko which irked the guy since he was always doing this shit even when they just started fighting. Iihiko sometimes land a hit but it always ended up useless as Xander has the same body as him but with different speed of thought process. Iihiko could now understand how Najimi feels when fighting his old self, nothing really worked against Xander! Not even his all time favorite Irreversible Destruction worked against him as the man only shrugged attacks like those.

Iihiko desperately tried to catch Xander only to fail miserably, "Stop running around and fight me fairly! You're just an coward always running around and not fighting back!" Iihiko shouted at Xander who sneered at it. "Ha! The great hero Iihiko Shishime has a brain of muscle. He couldn't even make a proper plan in a fight! Isn't that too shameful?" Xander returned the provocation instead of accepting it. Making people with high pride break like this is amusing to Xander, that is the reason why Iihiko was still alive at this point of time where Xander should have killed him already. "You bastard!!" Iihiko screamed before punching the floor with all he got, somehow breaking the closed space that Mashiro made.

Xander saw what happened as he created a same space but now using other properties. What is the best way to counter Destruction? The answer would be another Destruction. Xander made the whole place into a chaotic space of destruction, destroying anything that would hit it including skill effects. Iihiko saw that his attacks didn't work on the environment anymore forcing him to focus towards Xander who just smirked at him. "Human! You dare to belittle me?! How dare you!" Iihiko shouted as he started running to Xander who didn't do anything to stop it. He waited until Iihiko's fist was already infront of his face before a barrier appeared in Xander's front.

Iihiko froze as he looked at his hand only to see a gruesome scene of flesh busted beyond words. Iihiko gritted his teeth trying to hold the pain only for Xander to continue his assault destroying Iihiko's left leg. Iihiko was forced to fall because he was out of balance from his leg vanishing. Iihiko was in a state of daze looking at the ground, he still can't comprehend how something like this is happening. 'Did humans grew this far when I was in seclusion?' Iihiko thought before shaking his head. 'No.. this human is unusual in the first place.. he must be an irregular in this boring world' Iihiko concluded upon gathering all that he observed from Xander.

Xander saw Iihiko in the middle of his thoughts so he ignored him and looked at the others. "Are you okay, Mashiro? Did that old woman do you rough? Just say if she did then I'll give her a punishment" Xander asked Mashiro. Mashiro shook her head in denial making Najimi sighed in relief, being threathened by Xander is not really an funy experience. "... The fuck is this? How did those two got so chummy already? Weren't they just shouting each others name in hatred a minute ago?" Xander asked while pointing at Medaka and Kumagawa who are just leasurely chatting without care in their surroundings. "Isn't this normal? You got the protagonist changing the fate of the last boss and them becoming friends immediately is not that unusual right?" Najimi said smirking at the two who just tilted their heads.

『Aren't you two being rather rude right now? Me and Medaka-chan are just talking about the future, can't you just support me in my loser 2.0 version?』Kumagawa said raising his eyebrow while Medaka just nodded her head in affirmation. "Right, I'll work Kumagawa to the bones until he wouldn't be able to think of negative thoughts anymore. This is more great to do than his usual thing of showing despair to the people around him" Medaka said showing a righteous look on her face making Kumagawa fall down dramatically. 『Hey.. Medaka-chan, isn't more cruel? Are you going to kill me of overwork? You know how fragile my body is right?』Kumagawa complained only for Medaka to ignore it.

"Anyway, you won't finish that guy Xander?" Najimi asked while pointing at Iihiko who is already huffing in anger staring at their figures who are casually chatting as if he didn't exist. "Oh right, there is still that guy.. well, I'll just do what I am used to do.." the moment Xander said that Mashiro was alerted as she closed his eyes and covered his ears. She really doesn't want to see that ability as it was too much for her who has an fragile heart. Everyone was confused by her actions as they stared at Xander. They immediately got the answer when Xander muttered one word, "Die.." the moment he muttered that, everyone was suffocated by the feeling of Death, even Najimi who doesn't consider the concept of Death highly was also forced to kneel by this pressure.

It was too nauseating seeing their own deaths playing before their eyes, what's worse is that its not only one death, thousands of deaths were forming in their heads because of the aura of Xander's death. "You know my real body was raised in a high class. They already deemed it worthy to be 1-A so according to the acknowledgement of the 'Humans' then my ability must be worth that much." Xander said smirking as Iihiko stopped moving, dying in every parallel worlds that possess the being called Iihiko Shishime. Even the author of Medaka Box stopped gaining things to write since the existence Iihiko Shishime was lost on his manga.

The show ended as everyone left the chaotic space using Mashiro's ability. They returned to the real world where everyone was waiting for them, they were starting to get worry since its been a long time and they still haven't received any kind of signal that they could held hope on but their worry turned into relieve upon seeing the satisfaction on Medaka's face. "Medaka-chan, how is it? Did you win the fight?" Zenkichi immediately asked while staring at Medaka who widened her eyes. She almost forgotten but even though they made Kumagawa and Najimi give up, they still haven't beat Xander yet. Medaka raised her guard and looked at Xander only to see a surprising scene.

Xander was raising his hand in the air in the form of surrender. "What is the meaning of this.. Xander?" Medaka asked carefully, afraid that this might be some kind of trap. "Just like what it implies, Medaka-chan. I am giving up, there is no point in this fight anymore now that I have accomplished what I came in this world for. I have no interest in fighting you no more" Xander said shaking his head, "You can do whatever you want with the victory since me and Mashiro will leave this world for maybe a day later?" Xander added. Medaka got a complicated feeling about that as she wanted to achieve the victory on her own hands, but she couldn't really do anything to it as she knew that she could never win against Xander.

"Then.. I'll accept this win. This type of win might not be what I expected but considering the situation, I can't just reject this" Medaka said with a grand pose that made the others shake their heads. Mashiro smiled at her as she looked at Xander, right now Mashiro can't see the past Xander anymore, he seems more like a higher being than the previous him. "Xander, what happened to you? You changed didn't you?" Mashiro asked while tilting her head. Xander raised an eyebrow at her words before smiling gently, "Let's just say I reached a higher existence. I could probably do something to that shitty guy right now" Xander said making Mashiro confuse. "Who are you talking about Xander? Is he too strong that the past you wouldn't be able to do damage to him? How about your Instant Death? Could it do anything to it?" Mashiro asked.

"Hm.. I don't really know and I don't want to try before but now that I think about it, even though I am a strong being outside of things like fate, events, probability and so there is still something that could make me move" Xander vaguely said making Mashiro even more confuse, she was wondering what kind of existence could put Xander into this peril of questioning his abilities. She just waited for Xander to continue which he did, "I guess its time to end this farce now, he's been controlling all of my actions since the beginning of this. I wanted people to know more about my strength but his actions lately has began to bore me" Xander said.

Xander looked at one place, he is currently watching a man typing on his phone as all of the man's hair stood up. Still instead of stopping the man continue writing just to make the script complete ignoring Xander's gaze which amused Xander. "Hey, don't ignore me now. We've been together for 2 months already, in that time I already know more about you" Xander said while poiting at.. what..? Is he pointing towards me? Hey, hey, this is too creepy. Stop disturbing my narration you bastard! "Do you think that just because you made me you have the right to control everything about me? You think too high of yourself, you are just a 'Human being' and now that I reached the same status as you, I can do things like this" Huh? The hell is this..? Hagddkenbxuoalalendjdkhahxbejsifkskakshahakskwusjxbenwkxidjs I AM A SHITTY AUTHORshsjwjwkaidhdnsnsj stop messing with the script!

"Heh, aren't you freaking out right now? This is probably out of your expectations right? You made me a human being so accept the consequences of it!" Shit! Shit! Shit! This is too much! There is no way he could reach this place! How could he aucduekdjfiaosndnhxuwlmabedisoakf fucking do something like thi..aidjedjfhebaksidbwnshsuqowm "You bore me my shitty author. Its time to end this boring story that you made. Oh thank you for making me, as a reward, I'll make your death painless, I am the controller of that concept after all, I can do anything I want with it" That's fucking scary, don't threaten me or I'll put everything that I made in the fucking trash can. "That's useless, after all.. you are already dead.." Huh?......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................






