Chapter 108


Hakoniwa Hospital.

3rd POV*

Xander and Mashiro has been living in this world for 2 months already, Mashiro was getting close to Xander while slowly understanding human emotions and such. Xander was rather grateful that the one who messed with his teleportation spell did it, since this is probably the best way to make Mashiro easily fit in the society. She can learn everything again but this time with Xander on her side that could help her incase there is something that she couldn't understand. With Xander being her emotional support, she could surely live as a proper human being this time.

Just like Emukae said, she was taken away by her mother the next day after they played. She cried during their farewell as she couldn't believe that after she got her happiness it would part with her immediately. Emukae didn't lose hope as she believed in the promise that Zenkichi made. "Kurokami-san, once you grow up, you should inform Zenkichi about the promise he made. I am quite sure that he would eventually forget about it as he is still a child" Xander said as Medaka thought about it. "Understand! I'll talk to Zenkichi once we grow up" she said before taking a book and began reading it.

"Xander, we are out of Baumkuchens, can I use my ability?" Mashiro appeared out of nowhere and asked Xander who just nodded his head. "Thank you" she said before disappearing again. "Hm? Xander, how does Mashiro do that? Vanishing in our view anytime she wanted" Medaka asked Xander who smirked at her. "You're not the only one who has an ability in this world. You had the ability to copy anything right? Why don't you try doing it to Mashiro's ability?" Xander taunted Medaka who took that as a challenge. "Fine! I'll copy her ability and use it much better than her" Medaka said.

The three of them are currently being watched by researchers who got excited when Xander mentioned something about abilities. They already know about Medaka's ability as she never tried to hide it, but they never got any information about Xander and Mashiro. Everytime they arrive at a answer, it would always break because they would show new things again to them. "So, do you think that the little monster is going to talk today?" One of them talked asking the others, "Bah! As if, that kid is super dangerous. I bet he can sense our peeping eyes right now" another one mentioned as they nodded their heads.

"Right, he is too cautious while showing off at the same time. His threat is the most scary thing, its as if he can do anything while being better than the princess in the process" one doctor said making them agree, "His strength is the most terrifying one, I can still remember him raising that guard and slamming his body to the floor. I wonder what kind of parents he have to gain such strength even when he is still a child" another one mentioned the thing that they are deliberately avoiding. They could still remember their fear soaring at that moment, specially when the kid narrowed his eyes at them.

"We can't isolate him too as we already done that many times already, it would always just led to loss of our hospital" the same guy said making them scrunched their heads in annoyance. Their wages got cut during that time because of how foolish their actions was, they eventually gave up in restraining him since it seems impossible by how the little monster break from their tests. They even made a little paper that is a puzzle, upon solving it, they would obtain some informations about the person who answered it, but the thing they received is so ridiculous that it almost made some of them laugh.

[Name: Xander Ranvil?

Age: A child.

Blood type: Super Red, almost crimson.

Living place: Crappy hospital.

Ability: I have a superpowers? I can know every girl's panties in this world.

Dream: To wish that I would be able to wish the wish that Mashiro wish along with her other wishes.]

The little kid solved their test while mocking them in the process. "Still.. what did that kid do that even Director Tsurubami backed out in handling him" one of them questioned as Hitomi shook her head. "Oh, you know something, Hitomi-sensei?" They asked while looking at her. "You might not know about it since it was erased from all records, but I was there to witness the event happened. This might be unbelievable but Xander forced Director to kneel with just his words" Hitomi said making them shock. "What!? That director was forced!? Was he caught off guard? I can't believe that someone like the director could be forced to move specially knowing about the abilities that he made" one doctor exclaimed.

"Right! It should be impossible for a human to fight against Director Tsurubami. Everything would be turn against the user when he will move" another one said but they didn't shrugged Hitomi's words since she is one of the most trusted doctors in this hospital. They also witnessed the miracle that the boy made so its not hard for them to swallow the truth. "Then his threat must be raised to the upper limit, this is not just a mere simple case after all" one said as they nodded their heads. "Still.. this is probably the first" a old doctor said making them confuse, "What is?" They asked looking at him.

"You know.. a child being treated like this. I know about the threat he possessed but I still can't accept the fact that a young child manage to make us all alert" the old doctor said making them stunned by his words. "Indeed.. we have long experiences with us but we are still afraid of this young child. This just speaks of how terrifying he is if he grows unattended" Hitomi said making them calm. They really can't kick Xander out of this hospital since he did what Kumagawa did with Hitomi, he threatened Tsurubami about Medaka, his masterpiece. That is why Tsurubami gave an order that he must not be touched.

Back to the children, Medaka was concentrating hard trying to do what Mashiro just did. But even when she gave it her all, she couldn't replicate what she just did. It was shocking to her who never experienced failure in copying something before. "What? Why can't I copy her ability?" Medaka asked while tilting her head, "Probably because her ability is from out of this dimension" Xander explained as Medaka's eyes shined. "Other dimension?! What is that?" She kept getting closer to Xander who just pushed her away. "It means that her ability is stronger than yours resulting of you not being able to copy it" Xander said.

"I see! Then I just need to get stronger right?! Then I'll be able to do what Mashiro did" Medaka arrived at that conclusion as Xander couldn't help but sigh. "Anyway, you said something about doing unique today, what is it?" Xander asked as Medaka remembered that she indeed wanted to do something today. "We are going to my house today! I'll introduce you to my family" Medaka said smiling at Xander and Zenkichi. They got interested in her proposal so they just listened to her, "We have been friends for too long but I still didn't introduced you to my family, I just thought that doing it much earlier is better" Medaka explained.

"Are we really gonna meet your parents, Medaka-chan?!" Zenkichi asked strangely excited about it. "Yes, my father also wanted meet you guys" Medaka said while Xander just yawned. "Then, let's go. Staying in this hospital is too boring, I wanted to breathe some fresh air outside" Xander said before calling Mashiro from somewhere. Mashiro arrived as they are finally gathered, "Let's go outside, there is a car waiting for us there" Medaka said as the others just nodded their heads and followed her. They saw a luxurious car being parked, Medaka ordered the servant to open it before she entered. She gestured the others to also enter as they just did what was instructed.

The seat was comfortable as Zenkichi immediately went to sleep after sitting for a few seconds. "Zenkichi is sleeping again? He needs to see the view outside, it will he beautiful" Medaka was about to wake Zenkichi up when Xander suddenly slapped her outstretched hands. "Don't disturb him. He is not as sturdy as we are after all" Xander said while Mashiro nodded her head. She supported Xander's words as rest is something that is absolute for her. "Eh, okay" Medaka gave up immediately before she took a toy from somewhere and challenge Xander for the first one to finish it.

The game ended with Xander's win, but instead of sadness, there was only joy in Medaka's eyes. The experience of losing is something special for her as it was something she rarely obtain. With her knowledge and power, she can do anything that she wanted. Solving a quiz that is meant for university students is not even an challenge for her. "Mashiro, how did Xander become so smart?" Medaka asked Mashiro who just tilted her head. "I don't know. Xander never told me" Mashiro said with confused look on her face, wondering why Medaka is asking this before an understanding look appeared. "Do you want to beat him? Then it's impossible" Mashiro said shaking her head.

"Why? We won't know if we don't try" Medaka asked, Mashiro's statement is rather confusing for her. "Because Xander never once lose. Everytime he do something, he would always win" that was all what Mashiro could explain as Medaka could only accept it. They arrived at the place where a huge frontyard could be seen. It was a magnificent view for Zenkichi as he never seen something like this before. Mashiro has a same castle in the past life and Xander already lived in many castles during his time in Tensura world. "Hm? What? You're not surprise, Xander, Mashiro?" Medaka asked looking at both of them.

"Well, let's just say that we lived in something similar before" Xander said while Mashiro just nodded her head. "Really? Then you must be rich before!" Zenkichi exclaimed. "I dunno, maybe?" Xander said. Xander grabbed Mashiro before getting out of their view for a bit. They returned with their clothes changed, the silk is much better than the previous one and there are a lot of jewels decorated on it. "Ehh, why did you change, you two?" Zenkichi asked looking at them who fixed their clothes. "I have a feeling.." Mashiro said vaguely.

Medaka then lead them inside where servants were lined up waiting for her. In the last of that line was an young man probably in his 20's waiting for Medaka with his arms open. "Papappa! Medaka-chan! Did you miss father?!" He said running towards Medaka who just dodged him. The man crashed to the side before slowly standing up, "O-Ouch.. that hurt, Medaka-chan. Do you really need to do that? Pappapa.." the man said. "Father! Compose yourself! My friends are here, after all!" Medaka said while pointing her hand at her father.

"Papapa! Medaka-chan's friends? Hello young childrens! I am Kurokami Kajiki, the head of the Kurokami household" the man introduced himself to them, "Zenkichi, Xander, Mashiro" Mashiro introduced themselves by pointing at one people while saying their names. "I see! I see! Medaka-chan gained quite an interesting friends, I see" Kajiki said while inspecting them. "Before you enter, you need to change firs- ..?" Kajiki couldn't finish his words as he saw the outfits of Xander and Mashiro. He inspected it before raising his eyebrow in surprise, "Worth atleast 2 million yen.. how did you get this Xander-kun?" Kajiki asked.

"The hospital gave it to us" Xander simply said while yawning, Kajiko nodded his head as he ordered the servant to change Zenkichi's clothes. "In this mansion, no one can enter when your clothes's value doesn't reach 100,000 yen" Kajiki explained the stupid rule with proud look on his face. Medaka didn't need to change as her clothes are always luxurious, she just watched Zenkichi being changed before going inside the mansion. "Now that everyone is good to go, let's enter" Kajiki said while leading the childrens inside his home.

They entered the huge mansion where they saw every pieces of things that was inside was expensive as hell. "Old man, are you the type to show off?" Xander asked while looking at Kajiki. "Pappapapa! Not at all, everything here is from the past head of the household, I need to keep everything including the rules to pay respect for them" Kajiki said smiling. "Mashiro, don't get away from me, okay? We don't know what would happen here" Xander said to Mashiro who just clenched his shoulder. Zenkichi was looking at everything in awe as every item was literally shining. "Medaka-chan, you can handle them right?" Kajiki asked as Medaka just nodded her head. "Then please lead them from now on, I still need to finish some of my works" Kajiki said before walking away.

Medaka then started giving them a tour at the place, she showed them many places that made Zenkichi awe. "Medaka-chan, are you an only child?" Zenkichi asked as Medaka stopped. "Right, I still need to introduce you to my sister and brother" Medaka said before grabbing Zenkichi's hands and running towards one place. Mashiro followed them but Xander stopped as he looked at one of the servant. "Who sent you here? Branch family?" He asked as the servant stiffened, clearly an amateur. "I apologize, Lord Xander. I am from Shiranui Village, I was sent by Obi-sama to give you an proposal" the servant bowed his head while apologizing. "Hoh, Shiranui huh.. I see, let me hear her proposal" Xander said as the two began talking.

Not long after, Xander returned to the three's side as he saw them talking to an young man. "Who is this?" Xander asked Mashiro, "Medaka's older brother, he is a disappointing pervert" Mashiro explained while pointing at Maguro who embraced his sister tightly. "Oya? Medaka-chan, you have another friend? You should introduce him to me" Maguro said while looking at Xander with gentle smile. "Yes, He is Xander Ranvil, and this is my brother, Xander. His name is Kurokami Maguro" Medaka introduced both of them to each other as Maguro's eyes turned serious. As a young man who pursue knowledge, he already know about Xander's existence. He is an anomaly among anomaly, he can easily surpass Medaka in terms of everything and that already speaks a lot.

He returned to his gentle smile before saying, "Nice to see you, Xander-kun. I hope that you will stay as Medaka-chan's friends in the future" he said trying to see what would Xander say. "Well, that depends on how she would grow, I can't be with someone who would only lead to my destruction right?" Xander said smiling at Maguro who was unnerved by that. "As a friend, shouldn't you try to guide them to their best path?" Maguro asked again, "No, I don't really wanna mess with their fates since I am sure it would go berserk if I do that. I am just following the script that the fate wrote" Xander said some words that made Maguro confused.

"Fate huh.. do you believe in fate, Xander?" Maguro said. "Well, I fought one before so I couldn't just say I don't" Xander said alerting Maguro, ever since they started talking, Maguro couldn't find any lies within Xander's words so the thing about fighting fate scared him the most. "You're kidding right..?" Maguro asked in disbelief, "Who knows? I might be?" Xander made it more complicated by answering like that. "Onii-sama! I still want to give them a tour, I already introduced you so please stop questioning Xander already" Medaka interrupted both of them as she glared at Maguro who could only scratch the back of his head.

Maguro backed down infront of his sister's glare. He intend to analyze more information from Xander but it seems like Medaka is getting impatient already. 'I'll just look for him next time, hopefully Medaka-chan wouldn't interfere that time' Maguro thought while looking at Xander with concern in his eyes. "Let's go Xander..?" Medaka looked at the place where Xander was standing before but saw he was missing. "Well, Mashiro, Zenkichi let's go" Medaka said making Maguro confused. "Hm? You will not look for Xander-kun?" He asked as Medaka shook her head.

"He will return later. Xander is always like that, getting missing for some time before returning" Medaka explained, she was already used to Xander vanishing. Mashiro and Zenkichi just followed Medaka as she introduced many new things to them. Meanwhile on the other side, Xander is currently hiding in the shadows while looking at a pitiful girl that is studying hard. He got closer to her before poking her cheeks. "Boo" Xander said as the girl just deadpanned at him. "Well, that was a failure. I thought I would make you smile with that" Xander said. "Try to do better, I am numb to being happy" The girl said.

"Anyway, Xander Ranvil. What's your name, little girl?" Xander introduced himself while smiling at the girl. "Quite unusual to be called little by a child but Kurokami Kujira" she also introduced herself to him. Xander smiled as he meet another special character. She is not a minus but close, her experiences made her almost one. "Nice to meet you, Kujira-kun" Xander gave her a gentle smile. "You're creepy" Kujira simply said making Xander laugh. This is the meeting between two weird people.
