Ch 6: Box of gold? Nah...

"so they will be just trying to distract us and then steal the money. and I just need you to cover me from the back while I do something to the box."

he said as he nodded towards the box and the table. the two siblings raised their eyebrows at him but just shrugged it off and followed after him as he walked to the box of coins.

"alright, now just turn around stand guard for me while I complete our little plan and set it in motion." he said and they followed his command again as they closed anybody's line of sight from seeing what he was doing.

but the definitely heard it getting opened and closed and the gingling of the coins. after a few seconds, Ali finally picked up the box as he nodded at them :"alright, let's go."

they followed after him along with the group of thieves who thought they were being sneaky. after a while of walking, they entered an alley when Ali smirked and turned around towards the thieves who were hiding behind the walls.

he rolled his eyes as he snorted and called out to them :"oy, sons of bitches. I know you're there. come out."

the thieves walked out of their hiding spot after a few seconds with smirks on their faces as the boss walked in the front :"we know you're tired, kid. so give up the money and you can piss off."

Ali looked at him with a mocking gaze and smile as he insulted him :"you know, you talk just as much as you mother in bed. that's why I recognized you so fast."

a vain popped up on the thief boss's forehead as he glared at him :"son of a bitch..."

but just before he could continue his sentence, he was cut off by Ali :"hahaha, I'm not a mirror, idiot! you should curse at the right thing when you see your reflection, like a real mirror or water instead of my eyes!"

Federico beside him laughed as he patted Ali's shoulder :"this kid has a sharp tongue! I'm beginning to really like him."

Ali snorted a laughter as he then raised the box a little :"thanks. hey, dumbasses! you want this box of florins?! then go and take it!!"

and to everyone's shock, he threw the box of coins straight with such a force that it passed a building and fell to the street :"better go and pick em up before anybody else does, jackasses!! now bye!!!"

he then took off and ran as he grabbed Ezio's soft hand and pulled her gently and just grabbed Federico by the shoulder.

the thieves were too shocked to act as they struggled to do which one. go after them? or go after the money?

they finally decided to choose the option with more benefits as they all ran back and some just climbed the wall to get to the money while the laughing Ali and the two ran away with a fast speed.

{okay, guys. some changes to Ezio. I have nothing against tall women, I in fact like them and they are sexy. but I'm gonna make it so that Ezio isn't too much mommy material. since her... assets are already... huge. so she is now the same height as Cristina. you know, male Ezio's dead lover. so about 5'9 or something taller.}

the siblings decided to ask their questions after they had gotten away far enough as Ali laughed and after a few seconds, the thieves finally reached the box of gold in the street that was fortunately for them, empty and there wasn't anyone.

it was more of a little bit bigger than normal alley than a street to be honest. when the thieves finally reached the street, they were smiling smugly and laughing at Ali.

the boss thief walked in front of the others :"hahaha that damn fucking brat! guess he was too scared and decided to throw away the money."

'hmm, but that doesn't seem like him... he is really cocky, but scared he isn't. he is wild, that can explain that he acted crazy suddenly and threw away the money. but again, just to be sure.'

"hey, you!" he pointed at one of his men, the stupid looking one specifically and nodded at the box :"go and open the box."

he really was stupid, cause his eyes nearly turned into coins as he nodded enthusiastically :"yes! yes, boss!"

and hurried towards the box. but when he opened it, the eyes of each and every one of them nearly popped out from their sight :"that... that son of a bitch... aahhhhh!!!"

and kicked the box, making it fall to the ground and roll a few times as rocks fell on the ground and went everywhere!

one of the goons suddenly saw something on the ground that fell from the box and picked it up :"boss, there is a paper on the ground..."

the boss thief who was now fuming with anger grabbed it with force and got even angrier when he saw the words which read :"HAHAHAHA!! you actually fell for it, you son of a bitch!!"

he crushed the paper in his hand as he roared :"I will get you back for this, you fucking brat!!!!"


on the other side, after running for a little while and getting out of the range, Ezio looked at him as if looking at an idiot :"what the hell?! you just threw away all of your money!"

Ali laughed when he heard her as he shook his head :"hahaha! who said that I threw away a box of money?"

Ezio looked at him with furrowed eyebrows :"we just saw you throw away that entire box of gold as if it's nothing! are you crazy?!"

Ali laughed again as he put up his hand and wiggled his index finger in denial :"you are wrong, Ezio. I did throw away a box, but it wasn't a box of florins. check this out!"

he pulled up his shirt and pointed at his bag which was hanging by his waist and opened it for them to see the inside. and whoila! all the money was there!

the two stared in shock and surprise at the amount of money as they looked at his smug face as Federico said while pointing at him :"you rascal, you poured all your money inside of your bag when we were guarding you!"

Ali gave a toothy smile, gave a strong nod and a snap of his fingers {and half the population turned to dust} and pointed back at him :"you've got that right, my friend!"

Ezio had a look of realization as she also snapped at him with a smile :"damn, kid! they must be pissed by now! wait, did you put something inside or is it just an empty box?"

Ali had an evil grin as he look away :"nah, that would be too mean if I just sent them off without anything. so I gave them...some ROCKS!!"

they all laughed at his dramatic acts and what he has done before they all sighed and Ezio looked at him :"so? what now? what are you planning to do?"

he scratched his chin as a thoughtful expression took over his face :"hmm... well, the days that I can stay in the inn that I was staying in have ended, so that's why I have everything with me.

and I probably couldn't stay there either since those bastards might try to find me and cause trouble. so I should find another inn to stay in. and I wanna hang out with you two. it seems to be fun how you two do things. can I do that?"

she nodded at him with a smile :"of course, of course. but I have a question. you said just you, do your parents not travel with you or are they..."

Ali had a saddened look as he sighed with a sad smile :"yeah, they are... dead. I lost them a while ago. but well, it has already happened, and can't be changed."

Ezio had an apologetic look as she looked at him sympatheticly as she rubbed his back :"I'm really sorry. I didn't know that. I just wanted to know you better."

her words cheered Ali up a little as he smiled at her and nodded :"thanks, Ezio. I'm alright, really. I just get sad a little when I think about them.

I always wanted to come to these parts of the world and see the world. and I always wanted to see Firenze for some reason. hahaha, so I guess our meeting was fate or something."

she chuckled back as Federico just looked at the two, feeling like he's invisible or something :"wow, I wonder what I should use my power of invisibility on. because it seems to be really effective if you two are flirting while ignoring me."

the two were pulled back from their two person world as they coughed and tried to act normal as Ezio said :"cough cough, we weren't flirting. we were just talking."

but the small blush didn't escape either of the two, causing Federico to tease her even more :"well, we call that kind of talking flirting.

don't worry, sister. I'm in fact happy that my baby sister has final taken a liking to a guy! he is handsome, he is rich and he is a good fighter! what else do you want?"

Ezio clenched her beautiful hand into a fist in front of him as she glared at him :"your head in the ground if you don't shut up, idiot."

Federico took a step back as he held his hands up in a surrendering gesture :"woah there, sister. no need for violence. he might not like you if you are too violent, you know hahaha."

Ezio gave him the middle finger {it was deemed as of 1415 apparently, so it counts} with a glare as she gritted her teeth :"go fuck yourself."

Federico shrugged in mock confusion as he looked at Ali :"what? I'm just telling the truth. isn't that right, Ali?"

Ezio also looked at him from the corner of her eye but pretended that she didn't care as he coughed and rubbed his nose :"actually, I like women who can stand up for themselves. they are just more to my liking."

a smile creeped up on Ezio's face which quickly got concealed as Federico smiled and put his arm around Ali's neck :"oh? so you are into the fiery types? I can respect that. you've got good taste, otherwise my sister would stay alone for even longer."

Ali coughed and tried to hide his blush as Ezio did the same although with a glare afterwards :"Federico, I will seriously beat you up if you don't stop."

he let go of Ali as he chuckled :"alright, alright, I will stop now. no more teasing... for now or today at least hehehe. now, about where you should stay in..."

Ezio glared at him first before she sighed and looked at Ali embarrassingly and with a small blush :"sorry about this asshole of a brother... how about you stay at our home instead?

you don't need to spend money on inns and there won't be any trouble of thieves or anything coming after you... and we can spend time together..."

they both blushed when she said that as Ali celebrated in his mind :'OOOOHHHHH!!! HELL YEAH BITCHEEESS!!! THAT BIG IMPACT REALLY DID AN IMPACT, HUH?!?!'

Ali gulped while blushing and rubbing the back of his neck as he gave a small nod :"w-well, if you would have me, then I'm thankful."

there was a moment of silent as they didn't know what to do or say and Federico who seemed to want to be a good bro stepped in to save the day by breaking the silence :"damn, sister! you already want to introduce him to our parents?! even I can't and haven't done that!"

scratch that. he's an asshole like every other older sibling...