Who Would Care About Others?

The director's voice stopped abruptly.

The next second, the drone fell to the ground without warning.

Song Qingyou went up to check. "The connection broke. There must be a problem with the signal."

"We have to be ready to leave this place at any time."

Jiang Xuyan and the other two had no objections.

The sky darkened again; it was much darker than before.

Thunder rumbled across the island.

The surrounding trees seemed to be dancing in a frenzy.

The rain outside was so dense that it blocked their line of sight.

The bamboo house without concrete and steel reinforcement began to sway in the wind and rain.

Will limped to the door as if he was waiting for his master to return.

Song Qingyou was paying close attention to the surroundings.

After a while, they heard Shen Xiyan and the others shouting.

"It's just ahead! Let's go!"

Zhao Yingnan dragged Shen and Li toward the bamboo house.