It's So Annoying

Ever since the video of the scene between Xihe and Tianxuan was released, the two of them had been fighting for the throne.

Song Qingyou and Yu Muhuai's fans were even more active.

That afternoon, a video titled "You can't hide the look in your eyes when you like someone " was released.

The video began with a serious analysis of Song Qingyou and Yu Muhuai's acting skills.

However, towards the end, the video blogger zoomed in on the expressions of Song and Yu when they were acting frame by frame.

"From Song Qingyou's eyes, I can tell she's acting. I've analyzed this before, so there's no problem."

"Let's focus on Yu Muhuai's eyes. Yu Muhuai is a singer, so he should be even less experienced in acting than Song Qingyou. But just by looking at his eyes, the way he looks at someone he likes, you can't tell that he's acting at all. There's a high chance that he's not acting."

The blogger analyzed and argued, and the final result was: