Just For Post-Production

In the following month, the crew of The Immortal Demon was busy filming and had no time to pay attention to public opinion.

Song Qingyou was even more so.

She had to film during the day and do post-production at night.

At the same time, she wrote a thesis on the technical theory and sent it to a journal.

It could be said that she was so busy that her feet did not touch the ground.

However, this busy schedule had also brought about great results.

Song Qingyou's three papers on the themes of "virtual reality", "visualization technology" and "computer vision technology" were quickly sent to be reviewed by authoritative international journals.

The technological theory she wrote in her thesis was ahead of this era.

Even if it was just a theory, it was mature and perfect, and it was very valuable for research.

The experts and professors responsible for the review were astonished.