Phenomenal Explosion

Faced with the suspicion of the falsified ratings, the most anxious wasn't Song Qingyou.

Instead, it was the Green Screen platform.

As the most authoritative rating platform in China, Green Screen had always been fair and just as its selling point. Now, someone actually said that the rating could be manipulated by an internet troll army?

Green Screen immediately sent a lawyer's letter.

They also assured everyone that the Green Screen platform could not be used to manipulate ratings. Every person who scored had to be verified and the back-end was strictly monitored.

Then, Green Screen also sent out real-time data about The Immortal Demon's score.

Everyone could see from the data that The Immortal Demon was rated by fans at the beginning, and then it was the passersby and people who were recommended by others.

Moreover, the sharing rate of this drama was especially shocking.