Sue People Everyday

The recording of "All-Class Challenge" was not airtight.

Before the recording of the program was finished, there were already a few leaked videos.

For example, Jiang Xuyan, who was sweeping the streets.

For example, Xu Xingzhou, who was selling pancakes.

Since the netizens already knew a lot of inside information, Wei Zhengrong quickly released the trailer.

In the trailer, everyone's face appeared a few times.

However, not much information was revealed.

Just like Song Qingyou.

In the trailer, one moment, she was helpless in the face of noisy children, and the next moment, she looked like she was in a police movie.

The former was when she had just entered kindergarten.

The latter was a clip that was allowed to be played by the officials.

All in all, there was no way to confirm that Song Qingyou's occupation was a kindergarten teacher.