Looking for Little Aunt

That night, Song Qingyou received a notice from the production team that the original three-day filming period had been extended to five days.

The reason was obvious without even thinking. It was because the content that had been filmed over the past few days was not enough to produce an entire episode.

The third day, which was the morning of June 15th.

The new issue of Impact was on sale, and the Celebrity Rankings had been updated.

The first place was still Gu Xingchen without a doubt.

Second place went to Yinghua Entertainment's A-list star, Zhong Jiayin.

Lin Siya fell to third place.

Shen Xiyan's ranking had not changed for the time being because of the fake data exposed by Chang'an Elegance.

The one who improved the fastest was still Song Qingyou.

#Song Qingyou ranked 50#, and in less than an hour, the hashtag appeared in the hot topic.