She Had Ulterior Motives

On the other side, the six guests were 'lamenting' about the program team's inhumanity. In the end, they could only close their eyes, cover their noses, and pour the food into their mouths. They almost vomited the acid in their stomachs halfway through.

On the Internet.

Cao Manli used the same account that she had used to post the questioning article to post another long article.

There were only three words in the title of the long article: I am sorry.

The media and the public swarmed over, thinking that Cao Manli was writing another complaint against the Jiangyuan Group and that they could use it as a topic of discussion.

In the end, the reality was completely different from what they had imagined.

Not only did Cao Manli apologize to Jiang Zhihan and the Jiangyuan Corporation, but she also admitted that she had misunderstood them.