A Bunch of Dummies

Zhao Yingnan was surprised.

"You guys... Did you fight with the villagers at the foot of the mountain?"

Shu Ling's thoughts were led astray.

"They even beat up cats and dogs?"

Their words made people not know where to start complaining.

"Let's talk about it later."

Tang Zinian was the first to rush to the sink in the courtyard and wash his face.

Song Qingyou and the other two followed him.

Only Xu Xingzhou still had the time to 'answer questions'.

"They seem to have fallen into the field. Haha must have knocked them over."

"Are you hurt?" Zhao Yingnan was surprised.

"I'm not injured." Tang Zinian paused. "Teacher Jiang might be a little."

"Was Teacher Jiang hit by Haha first?"

"More than that?" Tang Zinian covered his mouth to stifle his laughter. "Before Teacher Jiang was hit by a dog, he was hit by a pig."

"So unlucky?" Shu Ling blurted out.