Blowing up the Kitchen in the Morning

The situation downstairs started at 6:30 in the morning.

The sun would rise at four or five in the summer. Haha would wake Jiang Xuyan up every time the sun rose.

Jiang Xuyan had entrusted it to the staff to take care of it, but he drank a bit last night and completely forgot about it. He even let Haha sleep beside his bed.

Therefore, Jiang Xuyan was woken up by the dog's licking before 5 a.m.

He waved his hand and slapped the dog's head away, trying to get Haha to let him off this time.

However, Haha couldn't understand its master's feelings at all. Its head was slapped away several times. It simply opened its mouth and bit its master's clothes, dragging him off the bed.

Fortunately, there was a blanket beside the bed. Otherwise, Jiang Xuyan felt that he would have been sent to the hospital early in the morning.

As the fall from the bed was too exciting, he woke up immediately.