If You Lose, Repair the Road

The bumpy journey made Chen Zixuan feel uncomfortable.

However, she had walked for so long just now that her legs were sore and she could not get out of the car.

At this moment, there were bursts of laughter coming from behind the car, as if they were deliberately mocking her!

Chen Zixuan held onto the railing of the tricycle. "Xu Xingzhou, can't you drive more steadily?"

As she swayed, her voice trembled.

"I'm sorry." Xu Xingzhou did not even turn his head. "I'll try my best to slow down."

However, the speed of the car was not fast, so the effect was not obvious at all.

Chen Zixuan gritted her teeth and looked at the bumpy road. She regretted agreeing to record this show.

When the car stopped, she pushed away the cameraman who had been waiting for her for a long time. She held onto a tree by the roadside and retched.