Stepping on Two at a Time

After attracting Song Qingyou's fans, Yang Xin's video became more and more popular.

However, it wasn't just Song Qingyou's fans who had their eyes on the video, but also Shen Xiyan.

As the number of views for the video increased, on the second day after Murder of the Rose was released, the video not only became a hot topic, but it also became a trending topic. Even though it was only at the end, the traffic it brought was not to be underestimated.

As the creator of the video, Yang Xin was naturally very happy at first.

After all, not all film commentators had the chance to be trending.

But slowly, there were more and more "abnormal" comments under the video, and he couldn't be happy at all. 

[ Song Qingyou's acting is excellent, the female lead is nothing compared to her.]

[ A newcomer to the movie, crushing the Best Actress the moment she debuted!]